Chapter 313 Arrest
With a gust of wind blowing by, he only felt his back was icy cold, it turned out that it had already been soaked in sweat.

My mother-in-law is so powerful that I beat Ding Xiude without even breaking a sweat. Yuan Shouwei thought to himself and said:

"Thank you, Madam, for the seat. You just let me change into this dress first."

Yang nodded, and Yuan Shouwei hurried down with Wu Fu and found a sheltered place.

He took out a set of men's clothes from the sword box and changed into them. After tidying up, he returned to the 'walking obstacle'.

When Yang saw the dashing Yuan Shouwei after changing into men's clothes, his eyes lit up and he thought to himself:

"What a handsome young man, he is a perfect match for my son."

Then he smiled and asked Yuan Shouwei to sit down.

During the period, Yuan Shouwei also flattered and made jokes in all kinds of ways, vividly showing a face that was stalking, and finally succeeded in winning the approval of Wu Yan's family.

There is no shame in flattering your mother-in-law in front of her.

In the evening, the group returned to Chang'an, and Yuan Shouwei escorted them all the way outside Chang'an City.

He also told Mr. Yang that he had taken a look and found out that the day after tomorrow was an auspicious day and that he would go to visit her. Then he said goodbye and left.

Day two.

Wu Fu was competing with Qian Niuwei at home when he suddenly saw an old servant at home hurried over and said that Zhang Shenji's matter had been investigated clearly.

It turns out that there are many old servants in Wufu, like Wu Feng, they are all confidantes who used to follow the samurai guards in the south and north.

Although now they are mainly looking after homes and nursing homes and no longer go on the battlefield, they are still a force that cannot be ignored.

This time Wu Fu asked them to investigate Zhang Shenji.

The veteran said:

Zhang Shenji used to often buy young girls in the West Market, but not too many.

In the past month or so, shopping for young children has become more and more frequent, and this is true for both men and women.

All the children in the market were bought up by Zhang Shenji.

They felt something was wrong, and when they inquired more carefully, they found that Zhang Shenji not only bought children in the West Market, but also had people buy children in surrounding counties.

They also captured a businessman named He Ergou. According to this guy who drank too much and bragged about it, he kept working for Zhang Shenji.

When Wu Fu heard this, he became energetic. He followed the veteran and saw He Ergou who was tied up with a strip of cloth in his mouth and his eyes covered with black cloth in the stable in the front yard.

Seeing this, Wu Fu ordered people to remove the cloth from his eyes.

He Ergou was almost scared to death. He kept wondering if he had offended someone by helping Zhang Shenji buy a child.

I would take off my blindfold, and once I got used to it, I would see Wu Xi, who was as beautiful as a peach blossom, with a face as cold as frost, and I couldn't help but shiver in my heart.

It turns out to be this great aunt!

The scene in Anyefang years ago appeared before his eyes again, and he even felt that his cheeks were beginning to hurt again.

I couldn't help but nodded quickly, as if kowtowing, and begged in my mouth:

"Princess, please spare your life, Princess, spare your life. What harmed Liu Yinhuan and you was done by Zhang Shenji and Na Ding Xiude, and it had nothing to do with me."

Wu Fu originally wanted to ask him about his child, but he didn't expect that this was what he said when he opened his mouth. He couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, looked at him coldly and said:
"He Ergou, why do you think you were captured?"

"Tell me everything you know and I will spare your life. If you don't tell me, your life will definitely be at risk."

He Ergou was scurrying back and forth on the ground like a big maggot, with snot and tears streaming down his face, and he kept saying:

"I said, I said, I said everything."

After that, he introduced him to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang failed in his attempt to kill Xue Rengui and was killed by Xue Rengui.

He met Ding Xiude, who used Zhang Shenji to make him the Thousand Immortal Banners. When it came to killing Xue Rengui, all the beans poured out of the bamboo tube were shaken clean.After Wu Fu heard this, he couldn't help but suddenly realized that the person behind it was Zhang Shenji. Let me see where you are running this time?

She thought of the children Yuan Shouwei had mentioned again, and asked:
"Where are the children Zhang Shenji bought now?"

He Ergou shook his head like crazy and said:
"I really don't know, princess. However, it should be in Zhang Shenji's yard. You can search it."

Wu Fu nodded, and did what he said without further ado.

She directly divided the people into two groups, and Qian Niuwei went to Zhang Shenji's house outside the city to keep an eye on him to prevent him from running away.

He found a carriage on his side and sent He Ergou directly to the Ministry of Punishments, saying that the culprit who murdered him had been found.

Li Daozong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, just came back from court, and was shocked when he heard about this, so he hurried out in person.

Seeing the handsome and handsome Wu Fu dressed in men's clothes, he also nodded secretly. The daughters protected by this warrior are really beautiful.

Looking at He Ergou lying on the ground, he asked Wu Fu to take someone in to talk.

Wu Fu naturally knew the rules. He knew that he was a female and had no official status. If he entered the Criminal Department rashly, he would inevitably lose his etiquette.

Then he bowed to Li Daozong and told all the things he had found out.

He also said that he was waiting outside the Ministry of Punishment. After Li Shangshu finished his trial, he, as the victim, would go with him to arrest Zhang Shenji.

Although Li Daozong didn't like her as a woman, he wanted to arrest the person together with the people from the Criminal Department.

But knowing that Wu Yan is now in the prime of his life, he nodded in agreement.

After a while, Li Daozong came out after the interrogation, without further ado, he led a team of people and galloped towards Zhang Shenji's mansion outside the city with Wu Yan.

Zhang Shenji got the news of Ding Xiude's death early yesterday. He was shocked at first, fearing that he would be caught and confessed to him.

Later, I heard that Xue Rengui had killed him on the spot, and I couldn't help but feel heart palpitations. This Xue Rengui was too fierce and could not be killed no matter what.

At the same time, he felt that since Ding Xiude was dead, he could forget his revenge and not avenge it, otherwise he would be involved.After the limelight of these days has passed, the child must be transferred as soon as possible to avoid being caught by someone with ulterior motives.

Just as he was sitting in the main hall thinking, suddenly a servant stumbled in and shouted:

"Master, people from the Criminal Department are here. They say they are here to arrest you. They can't stop them no matter what."

Zhang Shen couldn't help being shocked. He wanted to stand up, but found that his legs were so weak that he couldn't control them at all.

I heard countless hurried footsteps outside the main hall, and then I saw Li Daozong, the Minister of Punishment, leading someone in.

He nervously raised his hands and said with luck:

"Zhang Shenji has met Li Shangshu. What does this mean, arrest me? Is there a mistake?"

Li Daozong snorted coldly and said:

"Made a mistake? Zhang Shenji, since I came here in person, do you think there will be a mistake?"

"You sent people to assassinate the princess, plotted to murder Xue Rengui, and colluded with evil to buy and sell children. Your accomplice He Ergou has all confessed."

Zhang Shenji was immediately struck by thunder after hearing this. His face became extremely pale, and he didn't know where he got the strength. He stood up and defended loudly:

"Li Shangshu Mingjian, this matter has nothing to do with me. It was all done by He Ergou alone to frame me."

Li Daozong stared at him with cold eyes and said:
“Whether it’s true or false, wrong or right, you can find out with just one search.”

"Come here, get Zhang Shenji and everyone in this house for me."

"Interrogate them together to see where the dungeon with the young children is."

Immediately behind him, several burly soldiers rushed out, knocked Zhang Shenji to the ground, and tied him up.

(End of this chapter)

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