Chapter 314 Where did I go wrong?

Zhang Shenji shouted desperately:

"Let me go, let me go. I am the son of Zhang Liang, Minister of War. Let me see who dares to take me?"

This sentence reminded Li Daozong, and he quietly winked at the soldiers beside him.

The soldier understood and immediately rushed over and tied them up himself, but the bindings were obviously much looser.

Zhang Shenji refused to admit about the dungeon, but quickly interrogated the location of the dungeon from his subordinates.

Wu Yan cared about the life and death of those children, so he led the troops directly to a separate courtyard in the backyard.

This is a small courtyard as soon as you enter, and the tunnel is in the side room of the house.

After Wu Fu entered, he could tell at a glance that this was exactly the place Yuan Shouwei had described to him several times.

It covers an area of ​​about [-] meters, with a dim oil lamp hanging on the wall on both sides, and more than ten cells on each side.

In this prison cell, there are more than ten children lying there moaning weakly.

When he saw Wu Fu and the others coming in, he just glanced at them and then showed no reaction. He was obviously numb.

Wu Fu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the children were still alive. He saved these children anyway.

She quickly ordered people to open the cell to rescue them, but when the soldiers opened the cell and tried to take the children out, one of the children suddenly struggled desperately and let out a heart-rending scream:
"Big Daddy, please, don't kill me, I will obey you."

"I can do whatever you want me to do."

Following his wails, more than a dozen children also started crying loudly and begged not to kill them. There were also some well-behaved children who kowtowed to them while crying.

A group of soldiers couldn't bear to see it, and they gently persuaded the children, saying that they were here to save them. It took a lot of effort to persuade the children to come out.

Wu Fu looked at these poor children with tears in his eyes, and said through gritted silver teeth:
"Zhang Shenji, I will kill you."

Outside Zhang Shenji's mansion, a group of nearby people were watching the excitement, and they were talking about it:
"What mistake did Da Lang make? Why are there so many officers and soldiers arresting him?"

"Aside from being a bit lecherous, he actually takes good care of our neighbors. I don't think it will be a big deal."


And among this group of people, there was a short, unattractive young man dressed in servant clothes. He was observing the situation in the Zhang Mansion while listening to the discussions of the people.

His name is Li Ying, and he is the domestic slave of Mrs. Zhang Liang's Li family.

Today, Mrs. Li wanted Zhang Shenji to accompany him on the trip and asked Li Ying to come and invite Zhang Shenji.

But as soon as Li Ying arrived, he saw that the officers and soldiers had already surrounded the Zhang Mansion.

He is a smart man, knowing that something big happened, he didn't go back to report it in a hurry, but was trying to figure out the reason.

After waiting for more than an hour, he finally saw a fellow villager among the soldiers, so he pretended to pass by and asked what was going on.

The fellow was not a fool and naturally knew what he meant. He just picked up the key points and told Li Ying for the sake of his fellow villagers.

After listening to Li Ying, he realized that Zhang Shenji had instructed him to arrest the Taoist in Chang'an City in the past few days.

He thought about the key, and calmly asked:
"Is this the Taoist priest who corrected Zhang Dalang?"

The soldier shook his head and said:

"The Taoist priest died yesterday. I heard he was killed by the Qianniu Guards in the palace."

"These circumstances were all confessed by a man named He Ergou."

Li Ying understood the key, and after thanking his fellow villagers, he quickly returned to Chang'an City to report the news to Li.

Wu Yan watched Li Daozong and his party press Zhang Shenji into the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and suddenly felt like drinking iced juice in the dog days, and his heart felt a burst of joy from the inside out.

Knowing that this person must die, he finally avenged those children, so he returned home happily.But unexpectedly, as soon as she returned home, a servant came to her, saying that the lady was waiting for her in the main hall, and asked her to hurry over.

Wu Fu didn't know what was going on, so he arrived at the main hall happily, ready to show off to his mother how he had eliminated evil and promoted good.

But as soon as I entered the main hall, I felt that the atmosphere was not right. My mother was standing there with a stern face, and there were several tall and thick maids beside her.

Seeing Wu Fu coming over, Yang didn't say anything. She picked up the ruler beside her and said to Wu Fu:

"Kneel down for me, today I will discipline and discipline you for you."

Wu Fu didn't dare to disobey her, so he knelt down obediently and stretched out his palm. This was also the method Yang used to punish his sisters for being naughty when they were children.

Yang looked at her and stretched out her palm, and hit her hard on the palm of her hand. While hitting her, she cried and said:

"You are getting older and your wings have hardened. My mother-in-law can't control you anymore."

Wu Yan suddenly felt a burning pain in the palm of his hand, subconsciously withdrew his hand, and said somewhat dissatisfied:
"Auntie, where did I go wrong?"

It's okay that she didn't say this. After saying this, Yang's tears fell down like broken beads, and she slapped Wu Fu's arm hard again and said:
"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"How could you be wrong? How dare you lead people from the Criminal Department to arrest Zhang Liang's son."

"That's the Minister of War. Are you really not afraid of causing trouble for our orphans and widowed mothers?"

After saying that, he slapped Wu Fu on the arm from behind.

Only then did Wu Yan understand what was going on, and she didn't make a sound anymore, even though Yang was exhausted, anyway, she had a sword box and armor on her body, so she wasn't afraid of pain.

After her mother finished smoking, she told her mother the cause and effect of the incident.

Then he said conclusively:

"Auntie, actually, I don't really care that the Taoist priest harmed me. He was after my water spirit bead."

"On the contrary, those children, you don't know how pitiful they are. And there are many children who have been killed by Zhang Shenji."

"If I don't avenge them and send Zhang Shenji to prison with my own hands, I won't feel at ease."

After Yang heard this, he was silent for a long time, and then he said in a hoarse voice:
"Er Niang, I know you are right. If you were alive, I would not care about you doing this, and I would even applaud you.

Now that your grandfather is gone, we are orphans and widowed mothers. If others do not bully us, it is already a matter of burning incense.

But on the contrary, you caused trouble everywhere, and the one you offended was the Minister of War.Sooner or later he will take revenge on us.We can't afford it.

You have the title of princess, but this is entirely based on His Majesty's preference. If he is unhappy, he can deprive you of your status at any time.

Forget about you, a fake princess. Look at those real princesses. Do they rarely get into trouble?

Your Majesty is nostalgic.With your identity, how can you compare with someone like Zhang Liang who has lived and died with His Majesty? "

After hearing this, Wu Fu fell silent. She didn't expect that her mother, who usually never left the house, could see this matter so thoroughly.

I also felt that I was a little too reckless. I hung my head and couldn't say a word to refute.

Seeing that she had admitted her mistake, Yang lost a lot of her anger and said to her:
"This afternoon, you kneel here and think about it."

"From tomorrow onwards, you will not be able to leave this gate."

Then he turned to look at the maid beside him and said in a stern voice:

"I will tell everyone later that if anyone plots to go out with the Second Lady again, I will break his legs and drive him out of the Wu Mansion."

Then he walked out of the main hall, found the two leaders of the Qianniu Guards, and gave them a heavy gift. After thanking them again and again, he sent them back politely.

(End of this chapter)

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