Chapter 315
The next day, Yuan Shouwei brought two carts of gifts, asked Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang to embolden him, and politely came to Wu Mansion for a formal visit.

Yang recognized Yuan Shouwei's appearance, character, and abilities very much, so he opened the middle door wide and welcomed him into the main hall in person.

Everyone was seated as guests and hosts, and because Li and Yuan were there to adjust the atmosphere, everyone was chatting happily.

Yuan Shouwei also solemnly stated that Wu Fu is too young now, and when she turns 16, he will immediately come to hire her and get engaged.

When Yang heard this, he naturally smiled from ear to ear.

But Yuan Shouwei was a little confused. According to Wu Fu's temperament and at home, he should have been jumping up and down in the main hall by now.

What's going on today? Why don't you even show your face? Is it because you're sick?

Yang saw his expression of looking around, and sighed softly, and told them what Wu Fu did yesterday.

Then he looked at Yuan Shouwei and said solemnly:

"Mr. Lang, it was me who neglected to discipline Wu Fu, which is why she caused trouble everywhere."

"During this period, I have decided to ground her and let her reflect at home."

"Wu Fu will listen to what you say. I will call Wu Fu here later, and you should also give her instructions in person."

Yuan Shouwei didn't think there was anything wrong with Wu Fu's approach.

If he were to stand by, not only would he not stop her, but he would cheer for her.

But the world is big, and the future mother-in-law is the biggest.

Not only did Yuan Shouwei not refute, but he sent out another wave of rainbow farts, which made Yang smile with joy, and Yuan Shouwei became more and more pleasing to the eye.

She was about to ask someone to call Wu Fu out, but she heard Yuan Shouwei ask slowly:

"Madam, Zhao'er's temperament is innocent and outgoing."

"It's okay if you let her stay at home for a while. If it takes too long, I'm afraid she will get sick from sleep."

When Yang heard this, he realized that what Yuan Shouwei said did make sense. In addition, he felt sorry for Wu Fu. After thinking for a while, he said:
"Her father's memorial day is more than a month away. After I pay her respects, I will let her go out."

Yuan Shou calculated the time and nodded in agreement.

After a short while, Wu Fu, led by the maid, walked in with a low eyebrow.

When he saw Yuan Shouwei, his face immediately burst into smiles and he yelled at him: "Help me."

Yuan Shouwei nodded towards her and gave her a "reassured" and "I'll take care of everything" expression.

After Wu Fu greeted everyone, Yang spoke out his thoughts. After Wu Fu heard this, his whole little face suddenly collapsed.

He looked pitifully at Yuan Shouwei.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei also coughed lightly, and slowly persuaded Zhen Wu, and at the end he added: It was only more than a month, and it passed quickly.

Wu Fu glared at Yuan Shouwei with dissatisfaction, stomped his feet and walked out of the main hall with a groan. A sentence floated from a distance:

"I'm annoying, why don't I just listen to you?"

Upon hearing this, several people knew that Wu Fu had already agreed, and they all looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, Zhang Liang also learned yesterday afternoon that Zhang Shenji was arrested and sent to the Criminal Department.

Suddenly, it was like a thunderbolt, and I was stunned on the spot. My whole body felt very bad.

He hurriedly returned to the cabin in the backyard and discussed with the man how to deal with it.

After thinking about it carefully, the man said:
"Isn't that Jiang Xiuhong already confirmed to be dead? Doesn't no one except Zhang Shenji know that he is related to us?"

Zhang Liang nodded and said:

"I can't die anymore. I was killed by Xue Rengui."

"Li Jinxing sent his fragments of the Hundred Immortals Banner to the Ministry of War. I have personally inspected them." Finally he said angrily:

"It's just a pity that Xue Rengui, we have been plotting for so long, but Li Ji took advantage of him."

The man smiled lightly and said:

"He's just a general. He just happened to fall into a position. If you can, you can take him. If you can't, forget it."

"The top priority now is to deal with the matter between you and Shen Ji."

After listening to this, Zhang Liang said with a depressed look:

"I plan to go to the palace later and tell His Majesty that this matter has nothing to do with me. It is entirely Zhang Shenji's own decision."

After hearing this, the man shook his head repeatedly and said sarcastically:

"Thankfully, you have followed Li Shimin through life and death for so long, but you don't understand his temper at all."

"If you go there just to defend yourself, Li Shimin will definitely doubt you."

"But if you want to go over and cry bitterly, saying that you are not strict in raising your children, Li Shimin will not doubt you."

After listening to this, Zhang Liang felt his eyes light up and nodded repeatedly:
"That makes sense, I'll go there in a minute."

"And what should we do with Zhang Shenji?"

There was a hint of cruelty in the man's words:

"Originally, I thought this person was very affectionate and could still be used, but I didn't expect him to be so stupid."

"Let Mrs. Li try to rescue him first, and let him put all the blame on Ding Xiude."

"As long as we can avoid the death penalty, if we reveal his whereabouts to the ears of the parents of the dead children, someone will kill him."

After Zhang Liang listened, he praised and nodded in agreement. He was about to turn around and leave when he heard the man continue:

"Let's get rid of those 500 fake ones. Except for a few that can be of great use, give them a sum of money to let them go as far as possible."

Zhang Liang's face was filled with pain. After thinking for a long time, he sighed:

"Okay, that's all there is to it."

He turned around and left the mansion, heading towards the palace first.

Li Shimin is currently handling official business in Yanying Hall.

Li Daozong had already reported Zhang Shenji's matter to him once, saying that he had been arrested and was being interrogated.

After he heard that this was Zhang Liang's illegitimate son, he thought of Zhang Liang's 500 fake son, and couldn't help but muttered in his heart, asking Li Daozong to investigate carefully.

When I heard that Zhang Liang asked for an audience, I knew it must be because of Zhang Shenji. I snorted in my heart and asked someone to call him in to see what he had to say.

But he never expected that before Zhang Liang entered the palace, a wailing sound could already be heard, which startled Li Shimin and raised his head.

I saw Zhang Liang crawling into the hall without getting up. He just knelt down and cried bitterly and said:
"My minister, Zhang Liang, knew he was guilty and did not discipline him strictly, which resulted in this treacherous son committing a catastrophic disaster."

"Please, Your Majesty, strip me of my official position and title, and give that treacherous son the death penalty."

After saying that, he burst into tears again, almost to the point of losing his breath.

Li Shimin was originally dissatisfied with Zhang Liang, but looking at his pitiful look and hearing that he didn't make any excuses at all, and showed an expression of letting him do whatever he wanted, his suspicion was greatly reduced.

He said in a gentle voice:
"Get up, Zhang Liang. Don't be so anxious to apologize."

"Li Daozong is investigating this matter, and the right and wrong will soon come to light."

"You don't have to go to court during this period, just wait at home."

(End of this chapter)

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