Chapter 316
Zhang Liang was overjoyed when he heard this. Knowing that the strategy was working, he quickly added another chip and said loudly:
"No matter how your Majesty handles your subordinates, I have no complaints. My loyalty to your Majesty can be seen from the sun and the moon."

"Because of Zhang Shenji's rebellious son, I also realized that I was obsessed with success."

"When I go back later, I will disband the 500 fake ones."

His words once again touched Li Shimin's heart.

Many people reported to Li Shimin that Zhang Liang had raised 500 fake sons and wanted to rebel.

But Li Shimin knew that Zhang Liang's temper was unfit for a big job, and how effective could 500 fake coins be?
So he laughed it off after hearing it, but he couldn't stand the constant snitching and couldn't bear to be disturbed.

Now Zhang Liang offered to disband the fake, which is of course the best, at least no one will bother him.

There was also a smile on his face:

"Okay, okay, I know everything. You go down and take care of it."

Zhang Liang was overjoyed when he heard that, and performed for a while. After knowing that Li Shimin was impatient, he resigned and left.

When he returned to the main hall of the mansion, he saw his successor, Mrs. Li, sitting there waiting for him.

Ms. Li has a slim and graceful figure, her Danfeng eyes are filled with affection, and her peach blossom face is graceful and graceful, just like a ripe peach. Anyone who looks at it will have the urge to take a bite.

At this moment, she was sitting sideways in the main hall, her eyebrows furrowed, her face full of sadness, and she had a bit more beauty that I felt pity for.

After she saw Zhang Liang come in, she immediately stood up, walked in front of Zhang Liang in a few steps, grabbed Zhang Liang's arm, and said anxiously:

"Alang, do you know what happened to Shen Ji? You must quickly find a way to save Shen Ji."

Zhang Liang had already thought of a countermeasure in his mind at this time. After hearing this, he frowned and sighed deeply and said:

"I already know it. That's my son. You don't need to tell me that I want to save him."

"I have just entered the palace to see His Majesty. I begged him hard to give Shen Ji a way to survive."

"His Majesty Coco said."

When he said this, his eyes were already in tears, he covered his cheeks with his hands, and his voice was filled with sobs.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Mrs. Li thought that he had really been working on Zhang Shenji's affairs for a long time, so she urged him anxiously:

"What does Your Majesty say? Do you want Shen Ji to die directly?"

Zhang Liang moved his hands away from his face, looked at Li with a melancholy face and said:

"That's not the case yet. Your Majesty wants to wait until the results of Li Daozong's interrogation come out."

"He also warned me repeatedly not to move around, otherwise he would deal with me as well."

"They said they would get to the bottom of the matter in the next two days."

After saying that, I shed tears again.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li's eyes lit up and she said:

"Alang, you can't go, but I can."

"You prepare a cart of gifts for me, and I will go find Li Daozong now."

Zhang Liang pondered for a moment and said hesitantly:
"Madam, is it appropriate for you, a woman, to show off in public?"

Mrs. Li wanted to save Zhang Shenji, so she said nonchalantly:

"Speaking of women's ethics, rescuing people is the most important thing now."

"Alang, I will ask someone to prepare a cart of gifts now and go to see Li Daozong."

Zhang Liang looked at the sky, nodded and said:

"It seems that's all we can do. Madam, please wait until it gets later before going there. You should avoid suspicion when it's time to do so."

"After you meet Li Daozong, ask about the progress of the case first, and see how you can save it." Rescue him."

After listening to Zhang Liang's instructions, Mrs. Li nodded solemnly and turned to pack the gifts.

By the time the gifts were packed up, the sky was already getting dark. Li took Li Ying and hurried to Li Daozong's house in the carriage.

On the way, Li Ying said worriedly:
"Madam, if I go to see Li Daozong at this time, I'm afraid that he will avoid suspicion and won't let us meet."

Li said hurriedly:

"Now Shenji's life is in his hands. I also know that this is not the right time to go, but I always have to give it a try."

"If this road doesn't work, we will think of other ways."

While he was talking, he had already arrived at Li Daozong's house.

Li Ying stepped forward and said to the servant:
"Please inform me that Mrs. Li, Mrs. Zhang Liang, the Duke of Changping County, is asking to see Li Shangshu."

When the servants saw this, they did not dare to neglect and hurried in to report.

Li Daozong, who was having dinner, couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart after hearing the report. Did Zhang Liang have any brains to ask his wife to intercede for him at this time?

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered his servants:

"Go and tell her that I've been feeling cold for the past two days and can't see guests. We'll talk about it in a few days."

After listening, the servant returned to the door and politely told Li Ying what Li Daozong had said, asking them to come back another day.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li returned home with the gift with a depressed look on her face. She looked for Zhang Liang again and learned that she had returned to the Ministry of War to handle urgent business, and said she would stay at the Ministry of War tonight.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li was about to get up and go to the Ministry of War, but was stopped by Li Ying and said:

"Madam, if you go to Alang at this time, you can only make him more passive."

"I think we have to start with Li Daozong. As long as we can meet with him, Madam, you should be able to solve it with your methods."

"I have a way to meet him here."

After hearing this, Ms. Li also urged:

"Li Ying, don't be so secretive. If you have any ideas, just tell me."

Li Ying opened his mouth and said:

"I heard that Li Daozong had a habit. Whenever he had to handle a case involving court officials, he would go to Fuying Temple to offer incense and pray before the case was completed."

"I'm going to find someone to find out his whereabouts now. If he wants to go tomorrow, we'll stop him."

When Mrs. Li heard this, she immediately felt that this was a good idea and nodded repeatedly:
"That's a good idea."

"Li Ying, go and inquire now. I'll be waiting for you here."

Li Ying hummed, turned around and hurried to inquire about the news.

This question really made him ask. Li Daozong asked his servants to prepare more gifts and incense money. After attending court tomorrow, he would go to Fuying Temple to pray.

Li Ying came back to report to Li, and she was overjoyed and started preparing to meet Li Daozong tomorrow.

The next day, at Sishi, there was a side hall of Fuying Temple.

Li Daozong was kneeling devoutly in front of the Bodhisattva, silently praying for blessings for his successful trial and for not being framed for this matter later.
Suddenly, he heard a commotion from the guards at the door. He couldn't help but frowned, turned to look outside the hall and scolded:

"What are you making a fuss about? Don't you know that I can't be disturbed when I'm praying?"

Before the guard could reply, he heard a delicate voice:
"Ms. Li, the daughter of the common people, wants to burn incense with Li Shangshu. Please make it convenient."

What a beautiful female voice.

With such a nice voice, I wonder what this lady looks like?
(End of this chapter)

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