Chapter 317
The next day, above the court.

Li Daozong waited for Li Shimin to finish handling the important affairs of the country, walked out of the queue and said:

"The minister has the original play."

"The case of Zhang Shenji has been investigated."

After saying that, he handed over the memorial in his hand.

Li Shimin asked someone to take the case and look at it carefully. Although he was a little surprised, he remembered Zhang Liang's miserable look and nodded and said:

"In this case, let's hand it over to Dali Temple for discretion."

Compared with many major national events, this is an extremely small matter, so no one has any objections.

But Wu Fu was always paying attention to the progress of this matter. Although she was trapped at home and could not go out, she still asked someone to quickly find out the results of Zhang Shenji's handling.

After listening to it, he was so angry that he walked back and forth in his yard, and said indignantly:
"Zhang Shen has done so many things that both people and gods hate, but he was only sentenced to exile. What use does the law of the Tang Dynasty want him to have?"

"Huh, if that's the case, then I'll handle it myself."

The Li family also quickly got the news about Zhang Shenji, and they were overjoyed after hearing it. This time Zhang Shenji finally escaped death.

He secretly made an appointment with Li Daozong again, and he was very flattering, which made Li Daozong feel good again.

After she was done, she asked Li Daozong to help arrange a cell with a slightly better environment for Zhang Shenji.

Many of Li Daozong's subordinates worked in Dali Temple. For him, this matter was just a matter of words, so he naturally agreed.

Two days later, Li took Li Ying to visit Zhang Shenji.

After arriving at the cell, Zhang Shenji lived in a single cell, and there was a separate bed and a small window for ventilation.

At this moment, he was huddled in a corner of the cell, with his head lowered and silent. He didn't even raise his head when someone entered the cell, looking listless.

Seeing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but feel sad. She stood in front of the cell and shouted in a trembling voice:
"Shenji, my husband."

These words couldn't help but make the two prison guards who were following him surprised: Why do you call me Lang Jun?Isn't Zhang Shenji her son?

Zhang Shenji, who was sitting in the corner, was shocked after hearing these words. He suddenly raised his head and saw Mr. Li at the door of the cell. He immediately rolled to the door of the cell like crazy.

He grabbed the fence tightly with both hands, squeezed his face in the middle of the fence, and said to Mr. Li:
"Auntie, you're here, you're finally here."

"Get me out quickly, I can't stay here any longer."

After saying this, he burst out in sorrow.

Mrs. Li looked at Zhang Shenji in front of her with distress. She had not seen him for a few days, but he still had the appearance of a handsome young man. His whole figure was broken and downcast.

She touched Zhang Shenji's cheek and comforted softly:

"I'm sorry for my husband."

"Don't worry, I will find a way to get you out soon."

Li Ying, who was standing next to him, was startled when he saw this. He quickly took out a handful of copper coins from his arms, handed them to the prison guard, and said:
"It's convenient for you two gentlemen to let my wife have a conversation with Mr. Shenji."

Seeing that he was generous, and because Li Daozong had greeted him, the prison guard went to wait outside the cell.

Mrs. Li also touched Zhang Shenji's face and told him what happened while shedding tears.

After Zhang Shenji finished listening, he calmed down a bit, but still asked uneasily:

"Aniang, where will I be exiled? How far will I be exiled?"

"Will I still see you in this life?"

When Mrs. Li heard that he was thinking about her, bursts of warmth filled her heart, and she comforted him with a smile:
"I don't know where I will be exiled yet."

"But don't worry, Mr. Lang. I will take care of everything for you in advance. No matter where you go, I won't let you suffer."

"After you get to the place, stay for three to five months, and then I will find a way to find someone to exile for you, and then you can come back secretly." After hearing this, Zhang Shenji couldn't help being overjoyed, and knelt down He kowtowed repeatedly on the ground and said:
"Thank you, grandma. Thank you, grandma. After I go out, I will serve you like a cow or a horse."

Li, who had things arranged, couldn't help but feel good.

This means inside and outside the prison, otherwise, the two of them would have accomplished something good on the spot.

Li stayed with Zhang Shen for another half an hour. Seeing that his energy had recovered a lot, she reluctantly said goodbye and left.

Because of Li's careful management, Zhang Shenji's sentence was handed down in just a few days: exile for three thousand miles to the extremely cold north.

Li went to the cell again and comforted Zhang Shenji, saying that she would find someone to protect him along the way.

After arriving at the place, Zhang Liang would also greet the local officials and ensure that he would not suffer any grievances at all. Only then did Zhang Shenji feel at ease.

On this day, Zhang Shenji left Chang'an City with two officers in heavy shackles.

Mrs. Li also waited outside the city gate early to say goodbye.

Zhang Shenji and the others set out on the road. Not far behind him, there were two warriors that Li had found to protect him.

Because Li spent a lot of money, the two guards along the way also took great care of Zhang Shenji.

After walking for five or six days, we have arrived near the official road of Tiangai Mountain.

The three of them were so hungry and thirsty that they suddenly saw an old farmer setting up a stall on the roadside not far ahead.

The three of them couldn't help being surprised and delighted. When they got closer, they only saw that the old farmer was selling dried fish and scented tea.

Unfortunately, there was only one fish left.

Seeing that Zhang Shen was weak, the two officers gave him the dried fish.

Zhang Shenji was not polite. He drank tea and ate fish. After finishing eating and drinking, he set off on the road again.

When the next two warriors arrived, they found that the old farmer selling tea had disappeared.

The two of them knew something was wrong, so one went to search for the old farmer, and the other went to the front to see if Zhang Shenji was okay.

When they arrived at the place, they saw Zhang Shenji lying on the ground in pain, and the two guards beside him were sweating profusely and helpless.

The warrior was about to try to save him when he saw Zhang Shenji let out a shrill scream, blood was flowing out from his seven orifices, and he kicked his legs, making no sound.

A brave officer stepped forward to check his breathing, but he was too frightened to understand. He looked up at the two of them and said:

"Zhang Dalang is dead."

The warrior stamped his feet and roared:
"It must have been poisoned by the old pig and dog selling tea."

"You too, why didn't you stop Dalang when he was drinking tea?"

Another officer was unhappy when he heard this and cursed:
"Don't talk nonsense. That Zhang Dalang wants to eat, can we stop him?"

"Besides, we all had tea, why are we fine and he is the only one who died?"

Another officer also echoed, no matter what, let's shirk his own responsibilities first.

Then he said:

"He killed so many children in Chang'an City. Let me tell you, he is an unjust soul seeking his life."

The warrior naturally knew what they meant, and asked helplessly:

"What did you all eat?"

After the guard finished speaking, he sighed again:

"Obviously that fish is poisonous."

(End of this chapter)

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