Chapter 318 It would be best to die tomorrow

While he was talking, another warrior had returned, obviously he didn't find anyone.

The four of them saw that Zhang Shen was lying on the ground and could not be saved. After some discussion, they had no choice but to take his body and turn around and return to Chang'an.

When Mrs. Li got the news, she couldn't believe her ears.

It wasn't until he saw Zhang Shenji's body that he collapsed to the ground like a bolt from the blue.

After he calmed down, he fiercely arranged for Li Ying:
"Check it out for me. We must find out who did it."

"After finding out, I will definitely kill his whole family to avenge Shenji."

Li Ying agreed with a grimace, and then went to check with four people carefully to confirm that it was the old farmer selling tea who had poisoned him.

He then took the old farmer's portrait and went to the villages near Tiangai Mountain in person to ask if anyone knew him, but still found nothing. He could only confirm that the old man was not a local.

After careful consideration, he suddenly thought that the weather was now warm and cold, so he could never stay outdoors at night. He must stay in a guest house.

Since this old farmer is not a local, he will definitely go to the guest house to stay.

So I went to the inn near Tiangai Mountain to inquire about it, and this question was really answered.

A doctor in the guest house looked at the portrait and recalled that this old farmer had really stayed here. When he registered, he used the surname Wang, but he overheard him claiming his surname was Wu, so he paid attention.

As for other situations, he couldn't say anything.

Li Ying inquired about several guest houses in the surrounding area, but did not get any clues, so he had no choice but to return to Chang'an to report to Li.

Then we are going to arrange for people to stay in Wu Mansion to see if anyone who looks like the old farmer appears.

But it never occurred to her that when Mrs. Li heard that the old farmer's surname might be Wu, she immediately cursed:

"There's no need to investigate, that bitch Wu Yan must have done it."

"If I don't tell her about killing Shenji and send Shenji to jail for her, I won't be able to spare her."

"It's fine now. The two enemies are together. I'm going to find Zhang Liang now and ask her to kill Wu Fu to avenge my family Shenji."

Li Ying was shocked and tried to persuade her, but Li didn't listen at all. Angrily, she went to the front yard and met Zhang Liang who was enjoying singing and dancing in the main hall.

When she saw Zhang Liang's leisurely look, she immediately became furious and sternly told the singers to get down. Then she shouted at Zhang Liang with a cold face:

"Zhang Liang, even Shenji is dead, yet you still have the mood to listen to singing and dancing here."

"Is your heart made of stone?"

After Zhang Liang heard the news of Zhang Shenji's death, he was already happy.

He's just an illegitimate child. He's dead when he dies. He doesn't have any feelings anyway.

And he knew that his secrets were also brought into the coffin, and he no longer had any worries.

When he saw Mrs. Li getting angry, he immediately made a sad face and said:

"Madam, I am ugly, so I listen to singing and dancing to relieve my depression."

"I feel very sad about Shen Ji's death, and I'm arranging for people to investigate now."

"Don't worry, Madam, after I find out, I will definitely kill the murderer to avenge Shen Ji."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li felt a little better and said viciously:

"I've found out. It's that little bitch Wu Fu. Find someone to find a way to kill her and avenge Shen Ji."

Zhang Liang couldn't help being startled and asked with some confusion:
"Madam, have you found definite evidence?"

Li said angrily:

"If you need any definite evidence, it's obvious."

After finishing speaking, he told Zhang Liang the results of Li Ying's investigation.

After Zhang Liang heard this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and coaxed Mrs. Li and said, "Madam, that's a princess. You can't mess with her casually."

"Besides, I am still ordered by His Majesty to contemplate my mistakes behind closed doors at home. At this time, I must not make any trouble."

"Why don't we go investigate again, and then we can think of a solution after it is confirmed that it is Wu Fu."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li spat at Zhang Liang fiercely and said:

"You are still not a man. Your son was killed, and you don't even dare to fart."

"What kind of princess is she? She's just Li Chengqian's face."

"If you don't care, I will figure it out myself."

After saying that, he left the main hall angrily and went to the backyard.

After she left the door, Zhang Liang's face darkened, and she waved to a confidant.

Arrange for him to keep an eye on Li's every move, and report him immediately if she does anything extreme.

Besides, when Mrs. Li returned to the backyard, she remembered how she and Zhang Shenji were rubbing each other's cheeks, and how obedient he was to her on the bed. She couldn't help but feel sad, and burst into tears again.

Li Ying was beside her trying to comfort her. After a long time, when Ms. Li stopped crying and looked at her confused look, Li Ying said:
"Ma'am, I have an idea. Shall we try it?"

Mrs. Li, who was already burning with anger and losing her mind, seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw. She looked at Li Ying and urged:
"Speak quickly, tell me quickly, as long as I can avenge Shen Ji, I can do anything."

Li Ying had been thinking about it for a long time, and now he said after careful consideration:

"In addition to offending us, Wu Fu has actually offended many people."

"Why don't we get rid of her with other people's hands, so we don't have to show up."

"As far as I know, her two half-brothers Wu Yuanqing and Wu Yuanshuang had a lot of grudges with her and even framed her."

After speaking, he told Li about Wu Yuanqing's attempt to lure the dragon.

After hearing this, Mr. Li couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he asked hurriedly:
"Are the Wu brothers in Chang'an City now?"

Li Ying shook his head and said:
"After that incident, Her Royal Highness the Queen was furious and put Wu Yuanqing in jail and confiscated his family property."

"Later, His Majesty was grateful for Duke Ying's contribution to the Tang Dynasty, so he released Wu Yuanqing and expelled him from Chang'an to settle the matter."

"You should be at Wenshui's hometown at this time."

After listening to this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but shook her head again and again, gritted her teeth and said:
"It's too far, it's too far away."

"I don't want to wait for a breath now. I think it would be best if that bitch Wu Fu dies tomorrow."

Li Ying thought for a while and said again:

"How about this, ma'am."

"Let's make two preparations. On the one hand, we will send people to find brothers Wu Yuanqing and ask them to come to Beijing to discuss getting rid of Wu Fu."

"On the other hand, I will check in the next few days to see who else has a grudge against Wu Fu."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li thought it was a good idea and nodded in agreement.

Two more days passed.

Mr. Li has been very angry these days and vents his anger everywhere.Seeing the servants making a small mistake, including beating and scolding, everyone was trembling with fear, and even Zhang Liang hid far away.

She was standing in the yard scolding the air, when she saw Li Ying hurried in, she immediately asked:
"Did you find out something?"

Li Ying breathed heavily, with a smile on his face, and said to her:
"Yes, madam. I really heard about it."

"The monk Kong'an who led the dragon to be beheaded that day also had a senior brother named Kong Ji in Chang'an City."

"Both of them are Hu monks from the Western Regions. Kong'an defected to Wu Yuanqing. He entered Fuying Temple to practice. We can try to find him."

(End of this chapter)

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