Chapter 319

After hearing this, Mrs. Li felt that the name seemed familiar. After thinking about it carefully for a moment, she suddenly remembered it.

That day when I and Li Daozong were having sex, it was this Zen room provided by Monk Kongji.

Then I remembered the ugly appearance of the monk. When he looked at me, he had a sinister look on his face and a leering look, and he felt a chill in his heart.

He asked:
"How about Kong Ji's ability?"

Li responded:

"The Dharma is exquisite. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to register at Fuying Temple."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li was no longer puzzled, and said without hesitation:
"Okay, as long as you have the ability."

"Li Ying, prepare your car. Go to Fuying Temple."

When he arrived at Fuying Temple, Li Ying made some inquiries and found the location of Kong Jing, which was still in the same hall as last time.

After reporting to Mrs. Li, she asked others to wait in the distance, and she entered the hall with only one maid.

At the foot of the main hall, Kong Jing, who was reciting the lesson, smelled a familiar fragrance from his nose. He instinctively raised his head and took a look, and his heart was confused.

Isn't this the girl from last time?
At first, he thought she was Li Daozong's concubine, who deliberately came to this temple to do this sleazy thing in pursuit of excitement.

But later he couldn't help himself and asked someone to inquire about it. He found out that this lady was actually the second love interest of Changping County Duke Zhang Liang, and there were rumors that she was a womanizer.

When he heard the word romantic, he felt inexplicably turbulent. How could such a beautiful woman take advantage of that old man Li Daozong?
If he allowed himself to give her a night of love, it would be worth dying for.

Just thinking about his current situation, he pushed this idea back into his heart.

Just when he thought the matter was over, Mrs. Li suddenly appeared next to him again.

Although he was lowering his head to chant sutras, his heart had already flown to Mrs. Li, paying attention to her every move.

Mrs. Li, on the other hand, acted as if she had not seen him, praying alone with a sad face, tears streaming down her face as she spoke, and by the end she could not help sobbing.

Hearing Mrs. Li crying, Kong Ji could no longer suppress her emotions, coughed lightly, and said calmly:

"I wonder why the female donor is crying? Maybe you can tell me something."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li stopped crying, looked at Kong Ji, her eyes were still full of pear blossoms from the rain, it made people feel distressed, she looked at Kong Ji with a miserable face and said:

"Master, my son is dead."

"I am suffering in my heart, and there is no place to resolve it, so I can only come to the Buddha to talk to it."

Kong Ji took a deep breath, suppressed her nervousness, and persuaded her in a gentle tone:
"The female benefactor is mourning and obedient. The moon waxes and wanes, bringing misfortune to people but good fortune to others."

"Dead people cannot be resurrected. Only by taking good care of their own bodies can the living make the deceased feel at ease."

"You can also perform more rituals to accumulate some virtue for him and seek blessings in the next life."

After hearing Kong Ji's words, Mrs. Li thought of Zhang Shen's tragic death, and couldn't help snorting coldly from her nose, her face became ferocious, and she said:

"It's just that the master didn't know something. My son didn't die without illness, but was killed by someone."

"It's the same person who killed your junior brother Kong An."

After hearing this, Kong Ji couldn't help but be startled, and kept chanting the Buddha's name: What is this Li doing?
He could no longer care about his own thoughts and said:

"People have different predestined relationships. Kong'an is dead, and the grudges in the world have been settled. The female donor can no longer belittle herself."

"Now I am devoted to the Buddha and will not be involved in worldly matters. Female donor, please come back."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li didn't bother anymore. Instead, she stood up and looked at Kong Ji, smiled charmingly and said:

"If you can't avenge the death of your own relatives, why should you devote yourself to the Buddha?"

"Master, you might as well think about it again. I'll come back in the afternoon."

After saying that, he walked out of the palace door, leaving only a lonely person in the palace, feeling uneasy and thinking alone.In the afternoon, Kong Jie, who was used to taking a nap, was lying in the meditation room, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Mrs. Li's voice and smile always appeared in front of her eyes.

It seems that her and Li Daozong's Mi Mi voices are still left in this Zen room.

Just when he was upset, the young novice monk at the door suddenly came to report that a female benefactor came to discuss ritual matters with him.

The novice asked her to wait in the front hall, but she insisted on coming here to discuss with you.

After hearing this, Kong Ji felt distraught again, and said out of nowhere:

"You let her in."

After saying that, he quickly stood up and straightened the monk's robe.

After a while, Mrs. Li walked in gracefully. After entering the house, she was not polite, as if she was returning to her own home, and sat down next to Kong Ji.

Instead of speaking to him, he looked around first and said in a soft voice:
"It's such a familiar place. This place has made good things happen for me and Li Daozong."

Kong Ji didn't expect that she would be so bold and bold, and say such explicit words, so he had to lower his head and groan, not daring to say a word.

But Mrs. Li had no inhibitions and moved closer to him. The two of them were almost face to face, and said as if moaning:
"Master, this is your Zen room. How can you let that old man Li Daozong be so beautiful?"

"I wonder how you have considered things?"

Kongji listened to her suggestive words, provocative tone, and scent, and forced herself to recite the Buddha's name:

"Why should the female benefactor press so hard? I am already an outsider. I no longer care about the worldly affairs."

Mrs. Li saw that his face was red and still struggling, and she was already a little impatient.

Suddenly he stood up straight, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a piece of frost, and he said:

"Master monk, don't toast me and you will be fined if you don't eat."

"I, Mrs. Li, have lowered my posture to beg you, but you are still kicking your nose and face, right?"

"Okay, in that case, you forced me."

After saying this, there were two sudden "chacha" sounds, and two gaps were torn out of the gauze skirt on her body.

Then he took off a lot of the clothes in front of him, revealing a large area of ​​white greasy on his chest.

said sharply:
"Believe it or not, I am shouting loudly right now, saying that you molested me."

"Aren't you reluctant to help me because you don't want to give up this great monk's position?"

"Then I will ruin your reputation now."

Seeing this, Kong Ji immediately panicked, stood up hurriedly, stepped back, and said:

"Female donor, please put on your clothes first. We have something to discuss."

Seeing that the threat was effective, Mrs. Li had a proud smile on her face, but not only did she not listen to Kong Ji's words.

Instead, he took a few steps closer, pulled his clothes down a little further, and his deep cleavage was looming, and he said:
"Great monk, as long as you agree to deal with Wu Suo with me, your reputation will be preserved."

"After this is done, my people will also be yours, and I will also give you a large amount of gold and silver treasures, and then I will reshape the golden body of the Buddha of Fuying Temple."

"If you don't agree, you will be kicked out by the Cixiu Master now."

Kongji's mind was filled with chaos, and he knew that the outcome of the matter was already doomed from the moment he let Mr. Li step into this meditation room.

There was a battle between heaven and man in his heart, and after another hard struggle, he was finally defeated by the ravine on Li's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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