Chapter 320 An Incomparably Real Dream
On the second day, Kong Ji, who was doing morning class in the main hall, suddenly heard the familiar voice:
"Hello, Master Kongji."

Kong Ji opened his eyes, and saw not far in front of him, it was the Yang family he was thinking of, who was smiling and saluting himself.

Kongji suppressed the tension in her heart, pretended to be calm, put her hands together and returned the salute:

"The poor monk has met Master Yang, but I don't know if he came here today to offer incense or to pray for blessings?"

After hearing this, Yang couldn't help but sighed and said:

"To be honest, Master, I came here this time to ask for a meditation charm for my second wife."

"She is already past her prime, and other people's wives stay at home all day long, learning to knit in red."

"But she dances with guns and sticks all day long, full of hostility, so I want to ask the master if there is such a meditation spell."


Maybe this little lady is destined to be like this. Kong Ji thought in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"Then please give me the birthday of the second lady, Donor Yang."

"Let me figure out if there is any charm suitable for her?"

Yang nodded and told Wu Fu's birth date. After Kong Ji pretended to calculate it, he smiled and said:

"It's a coincidence that I just consecrated a Laughing Buddha these few days, which can dispel hostility and calm one's mind."

After hearing this, Mr. Yang couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he said:

"Great, great. How could it be such a coincidence? Could this be specially prepared for my son?"

"Master, where is the Smiling Buddha? Give it to me quickly, and I will pay more for the incense."

Kongji clasped his hands together again and said:
"Buddha saves people who are destined to be blessed. Since they are destined, he will naturally not charge a penny. Please wait a moment, donor."

After saying that, he went back to the meditation room and took out the double-faced Buddha. However, at this time, only the kind side of the double-faced Buddha remained, and the other side had been imprinted on his chest by him.

When he handed the double-faced Buddha to Yang, Yang took it with folded hands devoutly, and said happily:
"Thank you Master, thank you Master."

Then he took the double-faced Buddha and looked at it. Looking at the head of the kind-hearted Bodhisattva carved on it, he felt a burst of joy in his heart and said with a smile:

"This Buddha statue is indeed excellent. I felt happy when I saw it."

He thanked Kong Ji again and put it away solemnly.

Seeing this, Kong Ji put down a huge stone in his heart and spoke again:

"The so-called hostility is all caused by unsatisfied desires."

"My Buddha said, control desires with desires. Satisfy the mind through "thinking" and treat falsehoods as reality, and then return to peace of mind and obtain peace."

"Let your second mother wear it day and night. There may be some anger in the early stage, but after a while, the anger will dissipate, and you will naturally calm down."

Yang heard what he said was clear and logical, and after thinking about it for herself, she found out that she had indeed heard of the Buddhist saying of "controlling desire with desire", and she believed it without any doubt.

I also asked for a small magic weapon for myself and my eldest and youngest daughters to pray for blessings and peace, and donated a lot of incense money, and then I returned home gratefully.

As soon as he got home, he called all his daughters to him, took out those small magic weapons and said:

"This is the magical instrument for blessing and peace that I asked for from Fuying Temple for you. I have already asked the master to consecrate it."

"It's all for your blessing. You should take it with you carefully. You can't even take it off when taking a shower. Do you hear me?"

After saying that, he divided the magic weapon among the three of them.

Wu Fu didn't care about this stuff at first, but he thought to himself, it would be better for me, Yuan Shouwei, to just leak something from between my fingernails.

He took the double-faced Buddha absent-mindedly and looked at it sideways. Unexpectedly, he was attracted by the kind-hearted Bodhisattva at a glance.

I felt in my heart that this was a good thing and it fit well with me.

She also happily wore it around her neck, and even acted like a baby at Yang Shi, would it look good on her own?
Yang has been carefully observing Wu Fu's expression, fearing that she will do something wrong again, and her unwillingness to wear it will delay her and let down her good intentions.

It will be seen that not only did she not object, but she also brought it up very cooperatively, and said happily:

"I asked the master. After he calculated your horoscopes, he recommended the Smiling Buddha to you. He said he is particularly compatible with you."

"Just take it with you." After hearing this, the aunt and the third niang immediately said that the aunt was partial, why did she ask the second niang and not them?

Yang pointed to the small magic weapon on their chests and coaxed them:

"I'll get the magic weapon after doing the math for you."

"Dear mother, when did you go too far?"

The ladies dispersed while talking and laughing.

That evening, in the empty Zen room of Fuying Temple.

From the traces of the double-faced Buddha on his chest, he knew that Wu Fu had already worn the other side.

Several times I wanted to start reciting the sutras, but I raised and lowered my hands, put them down and raised them again, and hesitated.

I remembered that if I took this step, I would never have the chance to look back.

But in the end, the charming Mr. Li prevailed in his mind.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he began to chant.

And as he chanted, in the Wu Mansion, Wu Fu, who had already fallen asleep, began to have a dream, a dream that amplified her inner desires, and an extremely real dream.

She was born in a country called Yan Dynasty.

She is a child of a martial arts family in the north. Her mother died of dystocia when giving birth to her.

But instead of despising her, her father and brother loved her so much that she didn't feel the lack of love at all.

Because she had a strong personality, she practiced martial arts with her father and brother all day long, and became a beautiful woman with strong martial arts skills.

And as she grew up, the domestic situation in Yan Dynasty became worse, and a group of northern barbarians occupied half of the country.

The Yan Dynasty moved the whole country to the south and re-established the capital in the fertile land in the south.

But they were originally deep in the hinterland of the Central Plains, but they became the border between the two countries.

The barbarian army invaded, but the imperial court was weak and unable to resist.

Her father and brother were unwilling to become slaves of the subjugated country, so they recruited rebels, rose up to resist, and died in battle one after another.

Before his death, her father gave her the burden of leading the rebel army, and told her not to be a subjugated slave, but to be loyal to the court for the rest of her life, and she agreed with tears.

After she became the leader of the rebel army, the first thing she did was to contact the southern court.

She wants to ask the court to give her and the rebels a status, preferably with some money and food, and she will defend the national barrier to the death.

But the court thought they were a bunch of country bumpkins who didn't know how to fight, and rejected them mercilessly.

This made her a little discouraged, and she secretly gritted her teeth and swore: Don't you look down on us? I'm going to show it to you.

So she led the rebel army and defeated the barbarians many times, successfully earning her name: Miaozhen.

At this moment, she woke up, and when she opened her eyes again, it was already bright.

Wu Fu did not get up immediately, but was recalling everything in his dream.

This dream seems to be real.

The first time she killed an enemy on the battlefield, she was so nervous that she trembled all over and kept vomiting;

When her father and brother died, she really felt the heart-rending pain;

There is also the helplessness and anger after being rejected by the court.
She could remember all the details clearly, and she felt the same way.

At the same time, she felt it was a bit fun, it would be great if she could control dreams.

In that case, I would run to the capital of the Yan Dynasty and kill the emperor who didn't know what to do.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but cursed:
"The Dog Emperor."

Then he stood up, and after washing up, he practiced Xuanyuan Sword Technique in the yard. '

(End of this chapter)

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