Chapter 321 The Detachment of Women

Yang, who came after hearing the news, stood at the door and looked at Wu Yan, who was dancing with a gun. For the first time, he didn't feel sad, but said with a face of relief:

"Amitabha, Buddha bless you. The Smiling Buddha has already begun to work."

Not only did he not stop Wu Fu from practicing, but he also asked people not to disturb her. When it was time to eat, they directly had the food delivered to her.

Wu Fu was also inexplicable, even rising. If I sneak out to find Yuan Shouwei now, will my mother-in-law not blame me?Such a rebellious idea.

A pleasant day has passed, and everyone is happy.

Wu Fu was exhausted after a day of hard work. She usually liked to go to bed late, but this time she went to bed early for the first time, looking forward to continuing this dream.

Sure enough, after she fell asleep, the dream came again as promised.

What made her depressed was that this dream was exactly the same as yesterday.

Apart from adding another layer of resentment to the Dog Emperor, nothing else changed.

For three consecutive days, the dream was exactly the same. This not only made Wu Fu lose the sense of freshness, but also aroused a trace of curiosity. Could it be that this wonderful thing in the dream was really his previous life?

On the fourth day, yawning and bored, she lay on the bed and prayed devoutly:
Don't let yourself have the same dream again. It's too boring. It's best to come up with something fresh.

After tossing and turning, he fell asleep again.

Perhaps the Buddha heard her prayer, and today's dream finally changed.


She led her rebel brothers in constant confrontations with the barbarians, with each side winning or losing.

Suddenly one day, she met another rebel army, and the leader of that rebel army was her beloved husband Yuan Shouwei.

She was overjoyed, went up to meet him, and invited him to join her team.

But despite her mouth being dry as she talked, Yuan Shouwei still didn't react at all.She also proposed that she would join her rebel army only if she defeated herself.

This triggered Wu Fu's violent temper and made you Yuan Shouwei look bad, didn't it?
He immediately mounted his horse and invited a fight. The two fought for dozens of rounds, but it turned out that Yuan Shouwei was not the one to do it.

She couldn't bear to lose Yuan Shouwei's face, so she used a flaw to draw a tie with him.

Yuan Shou understood what was going on and happily joined her rebel army with a group of brothers.

Now their strength greatly increased, they captured cities and territories, defeated the barbarians many times, and regained more than ten lost territories in one go.

Throughout the Central Plains, he became famous and famous.

She and Yuan Shouwei finally got married and got married.

The Yan Dynasty finally paid attention to them this time and sent a military governor Yuan Tiangang.

Not only did he bring them a lot of money, food and armor, he also helped them train their troops and manage their prefectures and counties. The two sides got along extremely harmoniously.

After training a group of elite soldiers and generals, they are ready to regain more than ten lost territories in one go.

But at this time, the imperial court suddenly transferred Yuan Tiangang back, saying that he had another important role.

This also made her and Yuan Shouwei particularly reluctant to part, and they reluctantly said goodbye and sent Yuan Tiangang away.

Yuan Tiangang, who had gone away, suddenly turned his horse's head and came back, telling them to be careful.

It turns out that the original intention of the court sending him was to keep the couple in check and prevent them from becoming big and threatening the court.

But when Yuan Tiangang arrived here, he found that the couple was devoted to the country, so he disobeyed the court's orders. Instead of restricting them, he tried his best to help them.

This also angered the emperor, so he was transferred back to the court with a transfer order.

After hearing this, Wu Fu was immediately disheartened and discussed with Yuan Shouwei that since the court did not believe us so much, we might as well join the barbarians instead of working for this dog emperor.

But Yuan Shouwei advised her to be loyal to the court. After all, this is her own country and she cannot be a traitor or traitor.

She thought of her father's instructions before he died, and then gave up the idea.I woke up from the dream and it was dawn.

Wu Fu lay on the bed, carefully recalling everything in his dream.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether I was Wu Fu or Miaozhen.

First, he remembered the scene where he and Yuan Shouwei were having sex on the bed, and he couldn't help but blush and his heart beat.

She touched her feverish cheek and said to herself:
"You can't beat me on the battlefield, but I didn't expect you to be so brave on the bed."

Then he thought about his decision to defect to the barbarians.

Thinking about it, I feel it's wrong. If I were Miaozhen, I would definitely start to accumulate my own strength in case of unexpected events.

Rather than living for Yuan Shouwei, the people, and loyalty like in the dream.

She thought of the Detachment of Women she had organized in her dream, and felt that it was necessary for her to organize such a team in case something unexpected happened.

Thinking of this, she also jumped up from the bed and said to Xiaozhu beside her:
"Xiao Zhu, go call all the maids in the mansion and tell them that I have something important to see them."

Xiaozhu responded and walked out. After taking a few steps, he turned back and asked:

"Er Niang, do you also want to call the maid next to Madam?"

After hearing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but feel guilty, shook his head and said:

"Except for them, everyone else calls over."

Xiaozhu agreed again and ran out quickly. It took half an hour to gather the hundred or so maids.

There are three women in one play, let alone dozens of big plays.

Wu Fu's courtyard was already packed with people, and chirping sounds kept ringing out. Everyone was talking about it, why did Er Niang call them here?

Wu Fu stood at the front, frowning at the scattered maids in front of him, and then thinking that it took half an hour for everyone to gather, he couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

This is so different from the Detachment of Women in my dream.

Just try to practice it, no matter what, this can be regarded as your direct descendant.

After thinking of this, she said:
"I am going to form a women's army in the mansion to protect Wu Mansion. If any of you are willing to participate, I will give you an extra amount of money every month."

When everyone heard that there was money to be paid, they all agreed happily.

Wu Fu frowned. This was too unserious. No, we had to try it out first to see who was suitable and who was not.

After thinking of this, she started trial training according to the military training method she saw in her dream.

There were already servants here who had heard the situation clearly, and hurriedly ran into Yang's yard, shouting:

"Something's wrong, ma'am."

"Second mother-in-law wants to train the ladies in our family to be stinky soldier slaves who will look after the home and the courtyard."

After hearing this, Yang couldn't help but scolded:

"What are you talking about? Don't forget that my husband is also from the military."

"Come on, come with me to see Er Niang."

After saying that, he took a few personal maids with him and walked to Wu Fu's courtyard.

Before I even got close, I heard the scolding, shouting, and moaning sounds of the maids.

This made Ms. Yang startled. Could it be that Er Niang was angry and beating these maids?
He walked faster, and when he reached the door, he looked into the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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