Chapter 322 Kill these people in the market

Just look at the maids in Wufuyuan, who are undergoing trial training one by one under her command.

Archery, horse riding, carbine, wooden bolt lifting
I couldn't help but feel a little dazed, and I couldn't help but remember that when Samurai Mamoru was still alive, I secretly followed him to the military camp to play, and what I saw was a scene like this.

He also understood in his heart that, just as Master Kongji said, Wu Fu was "controlling desire with desire" and releasing his violent energy.

However, in this Wu Mansion, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make much of a splash.

Thinking of this, not only did she not stop her, but she looked at it with interest for a while, and then said to the maids around her:
"Do you want to try it?"

Seeing the maids' faces turned pale, shaking their heads constantly, I couldn't help but laugh in my heart: It should be said that she is the second mother of my family, both civil and military, and a woman as good as a man.

Then he returned to his yard and did whatever he wanted.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Wu Fu really screened out more than ten more talented ladies from among the hundred and ten maids.

Not to mention anything else, now he can line up in formation and stab with a spear in a decent manner.

On this day, her dream also changed again:
A new military governor came to the Yan Dynasty, and he turned out to be Zhongqing.

It's just that Zhongqing obviously didn't know them at this time, so instead of flattering them, he made things difficult for them at every turn.

Even the money and food provided to them were deducted in half to line their own pockets.

In the more than 20 towns that were captured here, they acted arrogantly and oppressed the people, which directly led to a riot in one of the cities.

Zhongqing asked her to suppress him, but she ignored him. Instead, she scolded Zhongqing severely and turned around to leave.

Zhongqing found Yuan Shouwei, but Yuan Shouwei had no choice but to send troops.

Although she was suppressed in the end, when Yuan Shouwei came back and told her this, tears kept falling. After all, they were all his compatriots, killing each other, which made Yuan Shouwei extremely heartbroken.

At this moment, the barbarians launched another massive attack. Zhongqing ordered Yuan Shouwei to fight, but he fell into a trap and was heavily besieged by the barbarians in an isolated city.

There were only a few thousand troops left around Wu Fu, and self-protection was somewhat insufficient, so how could he rescue Yuan Shouwei.

In desperation, she begged Zhongqing.

But Zhongqing didn't care at all. He just said the court ordered you to solve it yourself and dismissed it.

In desperation, she found another leader of the rebel army, Wang Hu, who killed brutally, was lustful, and had long coveted Wu Fu.

Wu Fu seduced him with sex, and Wang Hu immediately agreed, patting his chest.

First, under her instruction, soldiers pretended to be refugees and killed Zhongqing.

Then he took tens of thousands of troops and rescued Yuan Shouwei, who was surrounded by barbarians.

During the charge of the rebel army, she also took advantage of the chaos to kill Wang Hu off his horse.

Finally, this trouble was temporarily solved.

After waking up from the dream, Wu Fu sat on the bed and slowly recalled Miaozhen's performance this time. Generally speaking, it was more in line with her taste.

Killing two birds with one stone, he not only rescued Yuan Shouwei with a trick, but also got rid of the corrupt official Zhongqing and the lecherous thief Wang Hu in one fell swoop. It was indeed a combination of wisdom and courage.

And she gradually understood that when she had only herself to rely on and was not bound by those morals and ideas, she could burst out with the greatest energy.

Yuan Shouwei is also the last moral shackle that binds her. Once something happens to Yuan Shouwei, she will definitely do something big.

But after thinking of this, she smiled and shook her head. She would rather be restrained by Yuan Shouwei than have anything happen to him.

However, in reality, Yuan Shouwei is currently in Beiming Mountain, not with him.

There are also many traders and evil officials in Chang'an City, so you might as well get rid of some of them.After asking for advice, she jumped up, washed herself, and continued to train the more than ten maids in the yard.

It is planned to train for two more days to let them learn three moves and two moves, so that when they go out to fight, they will at least be able to fight back.

Two days later, when everything was ready, she ordered the more than ten maids to dress up, pick up swords, and go out with her.

In order to prevent Yang from blocking her, she took the initiative to report it, saying that she had dreamed of the Buddha's instructions and wanted to go to Fuying Temple to burn incense and restore the temple.

When Ms. Yang heard this, she couldn't close her mouth with laughter. This was because the Smiling Buddha was working, and she hurriedly agreed.

However, in order to be afraid that something might happen to Wu Fu, she still sent two personal maids to travel with Wu Fu, so that if there were any problems, she could be notified in time.

Wu Fu left the mansion and went straight to Fuying Temple. When he arrived at the door, he did not go in. Instead, he let Xiaozhu wander back and forth at the door.

Xiaozhu thought of the time she was teased by Zhang Yang years ago, and couldn't help feeling a little panicked. She didn't dare to go over, and whispered to Wu Fu:

"Er Niang, can I not go? Now that I think about being stopped by Zhang Yang and those market people, I'm still scared."

Wu Fu patted her shoulder gently and said:

"Don't be afraid, you forgot, I was the one who beat Zhang Yang and his gang until they cried for father and mother last time."

"Besides, if you don't go, who will? If I go, others won't dare to mess with me."

"Look at these maids at the back. They are all very tall and thick. They won't be able to seduce the bad guys. The only one left is you. Go ahead. I'll take good care of you."

Xiaozhu looked back at the group of tough women behind Wu Fu, and then remembered that she had been teased before.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of pride arose in my heart. I was being teased. I was so proud. Who told me that I am as beautiful as a flower?

While cheering himself up, he wandered around the entrance of Fuying Temple.

Yang's maid wanted to ask a question, but Wu Fu retorted by saying that I was following the instructions of the Buddha.

There are many pilgrims at the entrance of Fuying Temple. People flow in and out, and there are people of all religions and professions.

The way Xiaozhu was lingering at the door soon attracted the attention of several merchants.

After watching them wink and wink, they slowly pushed their way through the crowd to Xiaozhu.

One of them, a burly man with a sinewy face, smiled what he thought was the kindest smile and started chatting:

"My dear lady, have you lost your way with your master?"

"How about I help you look for it together?"

Before the words were spoken, Xiaozhu heard a scream from the opposite side, and shouted with a pale face:

"Er Niang, please save me."

"Some businessman is teasing me."

Wu Fan, who had been watching secretly from the side, heard Xiaozhu's cry, and his blood immediately boiled. He knew that punishing rape and eradicating evil was today, so he raised his arms and said:

"Sisters, come here and kill these street people."

Seeing Wu Fu and a group of tough women rushing towards him like wolves and tigers, the surrounding pedestrians hurriedly evaded, not knowing what was going on.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Fu had already rushed in front of Xiaozhu.

Xiaozhu followed the plan in advance, and now she threw herself into Wu Fu's arms with pear blossoms, sobbing and pointing to the market people and said:

"Er Niang, they teased me and intended to do evil to me."

The sturdy man was confused: I have this intention, but I haven't taken any action yet. Why did you file the complaint first?
(End of this chapter)

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