Chapter 323: You are protecting him

Anyone who often hangs out in the market is particularly discerning.

He knew from Wu Fu's clothes that she was from an official family, and with the dozen or so aggressive maids behind her, he knew she was not easy to mess with.

He quickly surrendered and took two quick steps forward to identify himself:
"Wang Hong has met Madam. I am the nephew of Wannian County Magistrate Wang Tongshou. There may be some misunderstanding here."

It's okay that Wu Fu didn't listen, but when he heard it, he couldn't help but secretly cheer in his heart:
"Sure enough, with the blessing of the Buddha, all these businessmen and corrupt officials have gathered together. It's my turn to kill everyone."

Thinking of this, he turned towards Wang Hong with a big smile on his face and said coquettishly:

"You have an uncle who is a county magistrate, so you can do whatever you want, molesting women in the street, right?"

"Sisters, hit me."

When the maids heard this, they rushed forward in a swarm and beat the crowd of merchants who were still in a daze.

Fortunately, they didn't lose their minds and knew not to hurt anyone, so they beat them randomly with sheathed swords.

The gang of businessmen were defenseless and caught off guard. They were immediately beaten by the maids until they cried for their fathers and screamed for their mothers. They ran away in a state of embarrassment.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Hong didn't care about reasoning, so he ran away.

You said that to capture the thief first, capture the king, but Wu Fu had been staring at him, how could he let him escape so easily.

With a slight trip under his feet, Wang Hong was knocked to the ground. When the maids next to him saw this, they immediately took the cross sword and whipped him hard again.

Wang Hong was beaten until his skin and flesh were torn, blood flowed across the ground, and he was rolling on the ground with a wailing cry:
"It's a murder. The official's wife has killed a person. Please help."

Seeing such a bloody scene, Yang's two personal maids did not dare to step forward to dissuade him. After trembling for a while, they hurriedly reported the news to Yang.

At this moment, several Wuhou squeezed out from the crowd. Seeing the chaos, they all held weapons and shouted:
"Stop, on Chang'an Street, noise and disturbance are prohibited, offenders will be sent to jail."

When Wu Fu saw them coming, he raised his hand and stopped the maids' attack. He looked at Wu Hou and said with a sneer:

"I'm just looking for you. This businessman is molesting my maid and pretending to be Wang Ming's nephew. How do you think we should deal with it?"

When Marquis Wu took his first look, he realized that this was not a celebrity from Chang'an City: Princess Wu Fu.

Don't say anything, it must be the market's fault.

But when he lowered his head and took a closer look, he saw that this was really Wang Hong, Wang Mingfu's nephew.

What should I do? He couldn't afford to offend either side. Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes and said:
"This Fuying Temple has noisy staff and is not the place to handle matters."

"Right and wrong, why don't you go to the Wannian County Government Office to explain everything clearly."

This suited Wu Fu's thoughts, he nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll just go with you."

After saying that, the group headed straight to the Wannian County Government Office.

The county magistrate Wang Tongshou was handling official duties when he suddenly saw a servant running over in a panic and said repeatedly:
"Mingfu, it's not good, it's not good."

"Wang Hong flirted with women in the street. He was caught and beaten up. This meeting has already been turned over to the county government."

After hearing this, Wang Tongshou couldn't help but feel a headache. Taking advantage of his power as the county magistrate, his nephew spent the whole day walking his dog, playing with birds, and causing trouble. He didn't know who he had offended this time, but he was actually sued to the county. The government office is here.

He looked at the guard and asked:

"Then what's the origin of the person who beat Wang Hong?"

The officer swallowed and said with difficulty:
"The second wife of Duke Ying's family, Wu Fu."

After Wang Tongshou heard this, he couldn't help but feel a headache again. Wang Hong, it's not good for you to provoke anyone, but you chose to provoke Wu. Can that girl be so easy to provoke?
While they were talking, the group of people arrived at the lobby of the county government office in a noisy manner.

Wang Tongshou took a closer look and found that they were indeed the people the officer had mentioned.

When Marquis Wu saw Wang Tongshou here, he was also secretly relieved, and explained the situation, emphasizing that Wang Hong is your nephew, and Princess Wulong asked you for an explanation.We are not in the same department, so I have no control over this matter, so I will leave it to you, then turn around and leave.

Wang Tongshou looked at his nephew who was beaten so badly in the hall, feeling angry and angry.

I'm angry because my nephew doesn't live up to expectations.

Anger is nothing but hatred or resentment. You, the martial artist, don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, and you actually resorted to such a deadly attack.

But he had no choice but to be overwhelmed by the rank of official. He sighed helplessly, asked someone to give up his seat to Wu Fu, and began to ask what happened.

Wang Hong met his uncle at this meeting, and he found the backbone, and told the story of the matter in tears.

Wang Tongshou knew that Wang Hong was naughty, so he didn't dare to make any judgments after hearing what he said. He asked Xiaozhu about the situation and asked several bystanders to find out the truth of the matter.

Wang Hong made a mistake by rashly chatting up a stranger.

But Wu Fu was making too much of a fuss and was so heavy-handed.

With a calm attitude, he looked at Wu Fu and said:

"Princess, this Wang Hong is indeed at fault, but he did not cause any substantial harm to your maid."

"According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, it is indeed impossible to deal with it."

"I don't think it's better than this. Let's make the big problem smaller. Let him apologize to your maid first, and then pay ten pennies. Do you think it's okay to deal with it like this?"

To be fair, Wang Tongshou's handling of the matter was indeed fair.

But why was Wu Fu standing by and watching coldly? She was just trying to find trouble. After hearing this, she immediately became furious and scolded:
"What does it mean that there is no substantial harm? What does it mean that it cannot be dealt with according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty?"

"I think it's just because he is your nephew that you are protecting him."

"Believe it or not, I'm going to kill you, you idiot, right now?"

After finishing speaking, he would draw out the horizontal knife in his hand.

Wang Tongshou was so frightened that he almost peed his pants and ran out.

Xiaozhu next to her saw something was wrong. My second wife is a very smart and lively person. What happened today?
Seeing that Wu Fu was about to draw his sword to kill Wang Tongshou, he could no longer care about anything else. He rushed forward with all his strength, hugged Wu Fu lazily, and shouted:
"Er Niang, he is an official of the imperial court and cannot be killed. If he is killed, something big will really happen."

While he was talking, Wang Tongshou had already disappeared like a smog.

Seeing this, Wu Yan was immediately furious, she pushed Xiaozhu away, and angrily told the maid.

"Smash this county government office and let these dog officials protect me."

When the maids heard this, they also started smashing it.

The officers on duty also dared to be angry but dared not speak out. With anger in their eyes, they watched Wu Fu causing trouble in the county government office.

At this moment, I heard someone shouting loudly at the gate of the county government office:
"Stop me all."

"Wu Fu, are you crazy because of your success?"

It was Mrs. Yang who spoke. After listening to the maid's report, she knew that something was wrong. The hostility must have been too heavy.

He hurried to Fuying Temple. When he arrived, he found no one there. When he asked others, he found out that Wu Fu had taken someone to the county government.

She was afraid that her daughter would cause more trouble, so she hurried to the county government office again.

From afar, there are many guards hiding at the door, and the sound of 'crackling' smashing things in the lobby keeps going.

She knew something was wrong. When she got to the door and took a look, her vision went dark and she almost fainted. The maid next to her saw this and quickly helped her.

(End of this chapter)

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