Chapter 324: Goodbye forever!
Yang stabilized her mind and let out an angry roar at Wu Yan. After she finished shouting, she no longer cared about etiquette, stepped forward quickly, grabbed Wu Yan by the ear, and pulled him away.

He cursed repeatedly:

"You're my enemy, Buddha asked you to pray for blessings, but he didn't ask you to come and destroy the county government."

"Do you know how much trouble you've caused?"

Wu Fu grimaced in pain, but he didn't dare to make any more moves. He tilted his head and followed Yang out of the county government hall obediently.

The maids stopped their hands one after another when Yang was shouting, and when they saw Wu Fu's ears being grabbed by Yang, they all followed him out of the hall in despair.

Yang didn't care about anything else, so she sent Wu Nuannui back home and kept her under strict supervision until she came back.

Then she hurried back to the county government office to apologize to Wang Tongshou, but Wang Tongshou refused to see her. Yang reluctantly put down the gift and left first.

Then he hurried to the palace to find Queen Changsun and plead for Wu Fu.

At this time, Li Chengqian happened to be talking to his eldest grandson in the palace. After hearing this, he felt nervous and asked first:
"Then Wang Ming's Mansion is under the jurisdiction of Duke Wei of Wei Zheng. If this happens, he will definitely go and cry to Duke Wei. I'm afraid this matter will not be kind."

When Yang heard Wei Zheng's name, his expression changed, and he cried and begged them:

"Please also ask the queen and the prince, for the sake of Wu Fu's young age, to help her and prevent her from going to jail."

After Changsun heard this, he thought carefully for a moment and said:
"Zhao'er did something wrong indeed. She got some courtesy from her entanglement with the merchant, but smashing the county government office is really an offense to the power of God."

"Sister, don't be too anxious. This matter has not reached His Majesty now, and there is still room for maneuver."

"Qian'er, go to Zheng Guogong's house and explain the situation to him. Tell him that Wu Fu was young and was provoked by the market people, so he committed such a mistake."

After Li Chengqian agreed, he comforted Yang and said:
"Sister, don't be too anxious. When His Majesty has finished handling his official duties and comes over in the evening, I will give him a good talk."

"There will definitely be punishment, but I don't think it will be too severe."

Changsun's gentle operation made Yang feel at ease. After thanking him again and again, he said goodbye, turned around and headed to Fuying Temple, where he found Kongji.

First, he told Kong Ji about Wu Fu's situation, and then asked him if there was something wrong with the Smiling Buddha?
After Kong Ji learned about the situation, he was secretly happy. This double-faced Buddha was really useful, and Wu Rang Hu caused such trouble.

I wonder what kind of disaster she will cause next?
This is the most critical time.

Thinking of this, he also said solemnly:

"At this time, the young lady's anger is at its most intense. As long as this anger is released, the young lady will be back to her original state."

"Donor Yang, please don't panic. I still have a few Qing Yu charms here. You can take them back and stick them in her room for her to alleviate some of the pain."

When Yang heard this, he accepted the Purifying Desire Talisman and left with great gratitude.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to never let Wu Fu out of the room again. He would just let her make trouble at home. She could make trouble no matter how much she wanted, but she wouldn't cause too much trouble.

When she got home, the more she thought about it, the more scared she became. This Wu Fu was really a little lawless.

This time she didn't cry anymore, she directly called Wu Yan to the main hall, and in front of all the servants, she slapped her twenty feet.

Then let Wu Fu's maid's army be disbanded;
Wu Fu was grounded and warned everyone that if anyone dared to let Wu Fu leave the hospital, her legs would be broken immediately;

And after Wannian County Magistrate Wang Tongshou waited for Yang to leave, he became more and more angry as he thought about it. She married a little yellow-haired girl to win the favor of Her Highness the Queen.

How dare he act so unscrupulously, how dare he roar in court, which makes him, the dignified chief of a county, look down on him.

No, there must be an explanation for this matter.

Thinking of this, he also left the house, drove to Wei Zheng's house, and complained to him about the matter in a embittered and jealous manner.After Wei Zheng heard this, he was also very angry. He sent his old slave to the county government office to check it out, and found that the county government office had indeed been smashed into a mess.

He was also furious, first to appease Wang Tongshou and let him go back to rest, he must give him an explanation on this matter, and then began to write the memorial, preparing to participate in the martial arts tomorrow.

While I was writing, a servant came to report that His Royal Highness Prince Li Chengqian asked to see him.

Wei Zheng knew that he was here because of Wu Fu's affairs, so he invited him in to see what he said.

Li Chengqian was also smart. He did not come alone, but asked someone to find the leader of Wuhou who was handling the matter at the time, and asked him to explain to Wei Zheng together.

After they finished talking about the matter, Wei Zheng finally understood the cause of the matter. It was the merchant who was at fault in the first place, but what Wu Fu did later was indeed too extreme.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:
"Your Highness, I already understand the situation."

"But Wu Fu dares to roar in court and defy the laws of the Tang Dynasty. This crime cannot be leniently punished. Naturally, I will report the truth to Your Majesty."

"If there is nothing else, please come back, Your Highness."

Li Chengqian heard this and sighed secretly. This Wei Tietou was really Tietou. He even came to intercede, but he didn't even give him any face.

No matter what, I can only go back to the palace to tell my mother-in-law and let her give her father a good talk.

He had no choice but to say goodbye and leave.

But Wu Fu, who had gotten into great trouble, didn't know it yet.At this moment, she was summarizing the shortcomings in the room, and found that the biggest problem was that she was not ruthless enough at critical moments.

If she had been more decisive and pushed Xiaozhu away, she would have at least killed that dog official Wang Tongshou.

Just like this, she fell into a deep sleep in her wild thoughts.

The dream happened again.

At this time, the barbarians mobilized a large number of troops and captured several large cities of the Yan Dynasty in one fell swoop, almost approaching the capital of the imperial court.

Wu Fu and Yuan Shou responded to the call and marched with the king in a timely manner.

During the battle, Yuan Shouwei came up with various strategies and fought bravely to kill the enemy, severely inflicting heavy losses on the barbarians again.

Just when they were about to send their troops northward, preparing to deal another devastating blow to the barbarians and regain the rivers and mountains.

The Yan Dynasty and the barbarians suddenly negotiated peace.

This also disappointed Yuan Shouwei, who had always had the ambition to serve the country, and he had no choice but to drink at home to relieve his sorrows.

On this day, he suddenly received a message from the court asking Yuan Shouwei to come to Beijing quickly. Because of his outstanding performance in fighting the barbarians, the court decided to make him a military envoy.

Wu Fu was a little confused, why was he not rewarded when he defeated the barbarians, but now when the two sides negotiated a peace?

Aren't you afraid that the barbarians will be dissatisfied and cause trouble again?
He will go to the capital with Yuan Shouwei.

But Yuan Shouwei said with a smile that the imperial court naturally had deep intentions, and the peace talks with the barbarians might be fake.

At this time, recruiting yourself to the capital to become an official might be the beginning of a decisive battle with the barbarians.

And let her feel at home at home. After all, the army cannot do without her, so she can just wait for him to return to his hometown in honor.

Who would have thought that this departure would actually become an eternal farewell!

(End of this chapter)

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