Chapter 325 Hatred Transfer
It turned out that the barbarians were frightened by Yuan Shouwei's attack. When negotiating peace with the Yan Dynasty, they proposed that Yuan Shouwei's head must be handed over, otherwise they would never negotiate for peace, but would invade the Yan Dynasty again.

The brave and timid dog court once again agreed to the barbarian's request, believing that it was a good deal to exchange the head of a rebel leader for the peace of the court.

They lured Yuan Shou to the capital, killed him with poison and wine, cut off his head and gave it to the barbarians in exchange for temporary peace.

By the time Wu Fu got the news of Yuan Shouwei's death, it was already a month later.

After hearing this, Wu Fu fainted.When she woke up, her eyes were bleeding from crying, and she yelled at this dog court.

Then he wrote the word "revenge" with the blood and tears flowing from his eyes, and ordered the three armies to wear filial piety and rush to the capital of Yan Dynasty to kill him.

All the way to the under the capital city.

Seeing that things were not going well, the emperor tried every possible means to recruit and appease Wu Fu, and even proposed to make Wu Fu the Duke of Zhenguo and manage the court with him.

He also personally dressed Yuan Shou in mourning and buried him with the emperor's rites to make amends.

Wu Yan pretended to agree, and after the city gate was opened, he directly led his troops into the city and killed everyone in the palace.

In the end, she killed the emperor with her own hands and supported her and Yuan Shouwei's son to ascend the throne.

The name of Xingguo is: Zhou!

It was dawn, and the dream woke up.

Wu Fu did not think about everything in his dream on the bed this time. Instead, he stood up and walked back and forth in the room excitedly, his eyes flashing with a coquettish light, and he kept waving his fists in the air excitedly.

She was cheering for Miaozhen. Without Yuan Shouwei, Miaozhen finally had no constraints and began to kill everyone.

Especially at the last moment, she stabbed the short blade into the dog emperor's chest with her own hands, and looked at the emperor's panicked eyes and the blood spurting out, making her whole body tremble with excitement.

Finally, the great revenge was avenged.

But she didn't notice at all that at this moment, a coquettish red light flashed through her own eyes from time to time.

At this time, on the north side of Chang'an City, inside the imperial palace, above the court hall.

Wei Zheng left the class with an expressionless face and said:

"The minister has the original play."

"I would like to report that the Wannian County Office was deliberately smashed by Princess Wu Fu and that Wannian County Magistrate Wang Tongshou was beaten."

Li Shimin, who was on the dragon throne, had actually heard from his eldest grandson last night about Wu Fu.

He felt that there was no one who didn't do a few ridiculous things when they were young, and the girl Wu Fu's daring and daring temperament was somewhat similar to his young self.

It's just that this matter of destroying the county government already involves the court's face.

It was also expected that Wei Zheng would attack today, so he already had a countermeasure in mind.

He deliberately pretended to know nothing. After Wei Zheng finished speaking, he immediately looked furious and wanted to send people to the Wu Mansion to capture Wu Fu and put him in prison.

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Li Ji and others next to him were all good friends with the warrior guard before his death. When they saw this scene, they naturally went out to dissuade him.

After persuading him for a long time, Li Shimin managed to calm down his anger and ordered Ding Yu to pass on the order to let Wu Fu and Wang Tongshou enter the palace. He wanted to personally investigate the matter.

By the time Yang saw Ding Yu coming to convey the order, after asking around for a while, most of her worries had been eliminated.

Understanding that His Majesty asked Wu Fu to enter the palace to handle the matter instead of handing it over to Dali Temple or the Ministry of Punishment, he was already preparing to minimize the big issue.

He hurriedly came to Wu Fu's yard in person, asked her to clean up, and went to see His Majesty.

He also repeatedly warned that when you get there, you should listen to the queen and the prince, and do everything your majesty asks you to do.

Wu Fu listened to Yang's arrangements with his left ear in and his right ear out, but he was thinking about something else.

It was a pity that Wang Tongshou, that dog official, was not killed yesterday.Since he is going to enter the palace later, let's get rid of him by the way.

Thinking of this, he secretly hid a sharp blade more than a foot long close to his body, and followed Yang and Ding Yu into the palace.When entering the palace, routine inspections were naturally indispensable, but because Wu Fu was deeply loved by the queen and the prince, and also had a residence in the palace.

Therefore, the examination of her was routine, and it would not be discovered that she had brought a sharp blade into the palace.

When they arrived at Yanying Hall, Ding Yu asked Yang to wait outside the hall while he took Wu Fu into the hall.

Li Shimin, Li Chengqian, Wei Zheng, and Wang Tongshou have all arrived.

Li Shimin said with a frosty face:

"Wu Fu, everyone is here now. Come and tell me why you smashed Wannian County Office yesterday and also beat Wang Tongshou?"

After Wu Fu saw Wang Tongshou, she longed to be close to him. However, when Li Shimin asked, she did not dare to take too many risks, so she told what happened yesterday again.

What is emphasized is that Wang Tongshou protected his nephew Wang Hong.

She is a sharp-tongued person, and coupled with her personal experience, her description of dancing is actually a little more reasonable.

After Wang Tongshou heard this, he couldn't help but kowtow and said:
"Your Majesty, what Princess Wu Fu said is indeed true, but the ministers are handled in accordance with the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"Princess Wu Fu has violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty by smashing the county government office and openly threatening the ministers. Your Majesty, please be clear about this."

Li Shimin nodded and said:
"Ai Qing's words are reasonable. I'd like to say that both of you are at fault. You shouldn't have allowed that businessman nephew to cause trouble everywhere. Wu Fu, you shouldn't have been so impulsive that you insulted the imperial officials and smashed up the county government."

"It's true that you smashed the Wannian County Government Office, but what you damaged was the court's face. Your problem is more serious, so you must be severely punished."

"First I will fine you three years' salary; now you apologize to Wang Tongshou on the spot, and you will also pay to renovate the Wannian County Government Office."

"After the repairs are completed, write a notice at the gate of the county government office, explaining the mistakes you made one by one, and promise never to make them again."

"Wei Qing, do you think this is appropriate?"

When Li Shimin wanted to personally inquire about the matter, Wei Zheng actually understood what he meant and was prepared to handle it as a private matter.

At that time, I had already made a secret plan in my heart. If Li Shimin dealt with it unfairly, I would definitely reject it on the spot.

But now it seems that Li Shimin did not blame Wang Tongshou, but kept reprimanding Wu Fu. He handled it fairly and the matter was not worth fighting.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:
"My minister agrees."

After saying that, he took Wang Tongshou and left first.

Wu Fu watched Wang Tongshou leave, feeling full of regret that he had allowed this dog officer to escape death again this time.

At this moment, Li Shimin also started to scold Wu Fu in order to knock her down.

This made Wu Fu's hatred shift, and he thought to himself:
"What's the difference between Li Shimin's handling of things now and that dog emperor's, and what's the difference between that Li Shimin's handling of things and that Wang Tongshou?"

"Why don't I learn that wonderful truth and kill this Li Shimin."

This thought made her body begin to tremble involuntarily.

A trace of rationality in her heart told her:

No, you can't do this. This emperor treats you well, and his wife and son also treat you well. If you kill the emperor, they will be very sad.

It's just that this shred of reason was quickly replaced by other thoughts:

You are Wu Fu and Miaozhen. What you want to do is to eradicate all evil in the world.

The emperor in front of you is cold and bloodthirsty, killing countless people on the battlefield. He is just as evil as the dog emperor of the Yan Dynasty.

The emperor in front of you killed his elder brother and younger brother when he was at Xuanwu Gate.

The emperor before you imprisoned his own father in order to become emperor.
(End of this chapter)

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