Chapter 326: Death on the spot
At this moment, Wu Yan's trembling suddenly broke out again, and his body trembled violently again.

Zhongqing hurriedly started to rescue again. At this moment, as Wu Fu struggled fiercely, the Smiling Buddha she wore on her chest slipped out from her neck.

After Yuan Tiangang saw this, he couldn't help but said with some doubts:

"What kind of jewelry is this that the princess is wearing? Take it off and let me see it."

Yang, who was next to Wu Fu, heard this and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. While preparing to take the Smiling Buddha from Wu Fu's neck, he said:

"This is the Smiling Buddha I bought from Fuying Temple for Er Niang. It is said to be able to resolve anger."

Just as she reached her hand to Wu Fu's neck, Wu Fu's eyes that had been closed suddenly opened.

The original black and white, full of spiritual eyes had disappeared, replaced by a coquettish red that kept flashing.

He scolded Mr. Yang:


After saying that, he raised his hand to hit Yang.

Fortunately, Zhongqing next to her quickly held down her arm with quick eyes and hands, and said continuously:
"Heavenly Master, quickly, recite the Pure Heart Mantra and use the Pure Heart Talisman."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a very strong force coming from Wu Fu's arm, which knocked him away.

Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately told the Qianniuwei behind him:
"You guys, hurry up and hold down the princess, and I'll cast the spell."

Upon hearing this, Qian Niuwei rushed forward quickly and firmly suppressed Wu Fu's hands and feet.

Fortunately, Wu Fu's own strength was not very high, and Yuan Tiangang had posted another Pure Heart Talisman, so Wu Fu could temporarily settle down.

Yuan Tiangang saw that she had stabilized.She also wiped the sweat from her forehead and cautiously reached out to the Smiling Buddha in front of her again, wanting to take it down and take a closer look.

But when Kankan got closer, he saw Wu Fu opening his eyes again and struggling desperately.

Yuan Tiangang had no choice but to give up.She had no choice but to observe the Buddha of Huanxi on her chest and remember its origin; at the same time, she had to paste the Qingxin talisman with Zhongqing from time to time and recite the Qingxin talisman.

Time flew by so fast, and before they knew it, more than an hour had passed, and the two of them were almost running out of the Pure Heart Talisman.

Calculating the distance, Yuan Shouwei still had an hour to go.

Yuan Tiangang had no choice but to ask Li Chengqian to call in four Qianniu Guards who were at the fifth level of the martial arts realm, and prepared to make a desperate move to force Wu Su to remove the Smiling Face Buddha.

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a loud bang from the palace door behind them, and saw that two palace doors had flown in directly, followed closely by Yuan Shouwei.

It turns out that after Yuan Shouwei saw Qian Niuwei, he had the same judgment as Yuan Tiangang, that someone must be plotting to kill Wu Fu.

For a moment, he was extremely anxious, and he didn't care about shocking the world. He directly used the armor and horses, abandoned the Qianniu Guards, and flew towards the imperial city by himself.

Descending the mountain, entering Chang'an, crossing Zhuque Street, and after arriving at the Imperial City, he also flew past, and just explained in a hurry:
"National Master Yuan Shou has an urgent matter to discuss with the prince."

In the blink of an eye, we have arrived at the East Palace.

After Li Chengqian saw him coming in, his tense nerves finally relaxed. He didn't care about the two blown-out doors in the hall, but said to Yuan Shouwei hurriedly:
"Yuan Shouwei, hurry up, save Zhao'er, only you can save her."

Yuan Shouwei nodded, and then turned his gaze to Wu Yan, who had just calmed down, and saw the Smiling Buddha on her chest at a glance.

Somehow, I felt that this thing was hostile to me.

Seeing Yuan Shouwei enter the door, Yuan Tiangang also stared at the smiling Buddha, and explained hastily:

"Yuan Shouwei, I remember the origin of this thing. It's called the Double-Faced Buddha, and it's said to be a magical weapon used by evil cultivators in the Western Regions."

“Things carved with ferocious faces make people want to do good, and they are willing to bear all the evil consequences for the world, so their faces are ferocious and painful.” “Things carved with kind-hearted faces make people want to do evil, expand people’s inner desires, and absorb the world’s emotions. Good things are used by him, so his face is kind."

"It's just that the princess won't let us touch this thing. She goes crazy when we do."

Yuan Shouwei looked at the sweat on Wu Fu's face, his bun was messy, his face was red and white, and his body was twitching from time to time, and he felt as if he was being pricked by needles.

After hearing what Yuan Tiangang said, he stared at the two-faced Buddha and said coldly:

"Give it to me."

While speaking, he had already taken out the vajra from his arms and moved it directly to the five-part position.

Then he recited the "Buddha Department, Xiu Blessing God and Everything Sutra":

"The Buddhas are very strange. They say that this powerful protection is protected by all Buddhas. The city is solid and dense. With the mind of this protection, all obstacles, such as Vinayaka and other bad-shaped Rakshasa, will be dispersed."


As soon as the word 'break' came out of his mouth, the double-faced Buddha that had always been on Wu Fu's chest began to change.

The originally kind-hearted face seemed to be alive, and the facial features began to become ferocious.

Then it started to become blurry, and then it became a blur, and then suddenly exploded violently, turning into countless bright lights and running away.

In order to let it escape, Yuan Shou used Tai Chi sword skills to directly roll it into his sleeve.

Then he recited the Myriad Things Sutra again, and after finishing the recitation, he unfolded the sleeves of his robe, and those things had completely disappeared.

Yuan Shouwei focused his eyes on Wu Fu's chest again. The face on the two-faced Buddha had disappeared, leaving only a bright surface.

The eight lines on the smooth surface spread out in all directions, like cracks in the earth. When people look at it, they will have endless desires and impulses.

Yuan Shouwei was not moved at all. He raised his hand to grab it and held it directly in his hand.

Looking at those lines around them, everyone who was full of desire suddenly felt in a trance, and then they all regained consciousness, vaguely feeling as if they had had a refreshing dream.

At the same time, inside Fuying Temple.

Kong Ji, who was participating in Uposatha in the Main Hall, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Then suddenly his chest exploded, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared. Blood splattered everywhere. Half of the heart was still producing blood, and streams of blood spattered everywhere. The man died on the spot.

'Uposatha' is held twice a month. The basic form is that monks and nuns gather in the main hall or lecture hall, and the eminent monk reiterates various rules and precepts to other monks.

After finishing a passage, a question will be asked to the monks below, "Have you committed a crime?" The monks should answer in unison and self-examine and correct themselves.

Kongji's status in Fuying Temple is not low, so he is in the second row.

Suddenly, blood splattered everywhere, and he died suddenly. The monks around him were covered in blood.

The monks didn't realize what was going on for a while. When they followed the sound and saw the miserable state of silence, they screamed one after another, rolled and crawled, and fled in all directions.

The Ci Xiu who was presiding over this meeting was closing his eyes tightly and reciting the rules and precepts.

Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling in my heart, I just felt that even the Buddha's heart, which had always been calm, began to shake, and I vaguely felt that something bad was about to happen.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he watched Kong Ji explode himself to death, just in response to his throbbing just now.

He was an accomplished monk. After seeing this situation, he did not panic too much. Instead, he scolded the monks first, and then came to Kong Ji's body to take a closer look.

(End of this chapter)

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