Chapter 327 Two Souls
When these thoughts passed by, Wu Fu finally stopped trembling and thought no more.

Because she is already Miaozhen merged into one.

She listened impatiently to Li Shimin's scolding of herself, and couldn't help but touch her hand to the short blade at her waist.

At the same time, he looked up at Li Shimin, with a coquettish red light flashing in his eyes.

Li Shimin didn't notice the crazy look in his eyes.

But Li Chengqian, who had always cared about Wu Fu, saw clearly. He was startled by the madness in Wu Fu's eyes.

He has also been on the battlefield, and he has seen this crazy look more than once in the eyes of those enemies who are on the verge of death.

Crazy, desperate, ignoring everything.
What's wrong with Wu Yan?
She and that Wang Tongshou have such a big hatred?
He remembered that Yuan Shouwei had made a special trip to the East Palace to look for him a few days ago, saying that he was not in Chang'an and asked him to take care of him during Wu Fu's confinement.

Li Chengqian, who had countless thoughts in his heart, suddenly stood in front of Wu Fu and stood between her and Li Shimin at the moment Wu Fu was about to stand up.

said softly:

"Zhao'er, are you not feeling well, why are your eyes so red? Could it be that you have a fever?"

When Wu Fu looked at the man who had always treated her like a sister, he could not help but think of Miaozhen's brother.

At this moment, her murderous intention faded a lot, her eyes were a little blurred and she sighed, and she already moved her hand away from the short blade.

Li Shimin looked at Wu Fu's dazed look, thinking that he had reprimanded her too harshly, and he felt a trace of unbearability in his heart.

He waved at her and Li Chengqian and said:

"Since Zhao'er feels uncomfortable, go down and rest."

"Ganer, find a 'straight head' and show her." ①
Li Chengqian hummed, and hurriedly walked out of the palace door while supporting Wu Su, who was gradually softening.

As soon as Wu Fu left the Yanying Hall, he felt that the discomfort in his body was getting stronger and stronger. He was sweating profusely and his face was as pale as paper, as if he was recovering from a serious illness.

After seeing this scene, Mr. Yang outside the palace couldn't help but was startled. He hurriedly stepped forward to support Wu Fu and shouted:

"Er Niang, Er Niang, what's wrong with you?"

While he was talking, tears started to flow out again.

Li Chengqian softly comforted Yang, saying that Wu Fu might have caught a cold, so she was a little feverish, but it was not serious, and His Majesty did not criticize her too much.

While letting the palace maid support Wu Fu to his east palace, he asked someone to invite the "Zhi Chang".

When they arrived at the East Palace, Chief Gong Yushan was already waiting here. After seeing Wu Fu's appearance, he first had someone help her on the bed for treatment.

But after taking his pulse, his expression relaxed, he looked at Li Chengqian and said:
"I would like to inform Your Majesty the Crown Prince that there is nothing wrong with the princess's body. She has sufficient energy and blood, and her pulse is steady and strong. She has no symptoms of fever."

"It's just a deficiency of liver fire, qi stagnation and blood stasis. I think it's because she has been dreaming a lot lately and hasn't had a good rest. I'll just give her some medicine to soothe her nerves and nourish her brain."

Li Chengqian and Yang Shi also let out a sigh of relief when they heard this, as long as it's okay.

But before they could recover, they suddenly saw Wu Fu's body begin to tremble. As the tremors became larger and larger, his whole body suddenly became like an epileptic seizure, twitching incessantly.

This made everyone panic. Li Chengqian immediately asked several powerful palace maids to hold Wu Fu down and let Gong Yushan diagnose and treat him again.

Yang was so panicked that she didn't know what to do. She just knelt in front of the bed, crying silently, and kept calling Wu Fu's name, hoping that she would wake up quickly.

At this moment, Zhongqing, who was on duty in the East Palace today, walked in from outside.

He heard that Wu Fu was feeling unwell, so he quickly came over to visit.

When he saw Wu Fu's crazy appearance, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

While Gong Yushan was taking Wu Fu's pulse again, he observed carefully for a moment. When Gong Yushan still said that Wu Fu had weak liver fire, qi stagnation and blood stasis, Zhongqing walked closer and said:
"I have here the 'Pure Heart Talisman' drawn by Master Yuan Tianshi. Why don't you put it on and try it? It should be able to cure this symptom." After hearing this, Li Chengqian also urged Zhongqing to cast the spell as soon as possible.

Without saying anything, Zhongqing took out a Pure Heart Talisman and pasted it on Wu Fu's forehead, and then began to chant the 'Pure Heart Curse'.

Sure enough, it worked. As he recited the Heart-Cleaning Mantra, the trembling Wu Fu slowly stopped visible to the naked eye, and even his heavy breathing became calmer.

When everyone saw this situation, they breathed a sigh of relief, and the problem was finally solved.

The Yang family has already bowed to Zhongqing Yingying.

"Thank you, Taoist Priest, for your life-saving grace."

Li Chengqian was also very satisfied with Zhongqing's performance, nodded to him and said:

"Zhongqing, you are very good. You are worthy of being the talent recommended to me by Yuan Shouwei."

Zhongqing couldn't help but feel proud and said with a smile:

"It's nothing. In the case of the princess, I have seen this kind of disease many times in Qiuci, and it was all cured easily."

Both inside and outside the words, it was like I had seen the world before.

Just as he said this, Wu Fu on the bed snorted coldly, and his body began to twitch again.

Even Zhongqing was so panicked now that he didn't care about bragging and used another Pure Heart Talisman. After Wu Fu calmed down, he said to Li Chengqian with a crying face:

"Your Highness, I can't cure this disease. Please hurry up and ask for Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tianshi. They will definitely have a solution."

Li Chengqian did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent people to notify Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang had just returned home from the morning court and was about to go to Zhaixing Tower to discuss official matters with Li Chunfeng. As soon as he left the door, he saw a Qianniu Guard from the East Palace coming in a hurry.

When he saw Yuan Tiangang at the door, he immediately got off his horse and told Yuan Tiangang about Wu Fu's situation with an anxious look on his face.

Yuan Tiangang couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and thought to himself that Wu Su was not sick, but might have been under a witchcraft.

Thinking of this, he also got on his horse and hurried to the East Palace with Qian Niuwei.

The two of them rushed all the way to the palace. After Yuan Tiangang entered the door, he saw Wu Fu's cheekbones bulged and his eyebrows furrowed.

Looking at everyone in the hall, he asked anxiously:

"There seem to be two souls in the princess's body, and they are fighting between heaven and man."

"Has she encountered any major changes recently?"

After hearing what Yuan Tiangang said, Yang was almost frightened to death and said hurriedly;

"Two souls? An accident?"

"No, it's just because of the evil Taoist trouble last time. For her safety, I won't let her go out. You know this Taoist priest."

"There's nothing else."

Li Chengqian interjected from the side:
"There was a little conflict with Wannian County Magistrate Wang Tongshou, but Wang Tongshou definitely would not murder her."

"But her performance today was really not quite right. It really seemed like she was fighting against someone."

After that, he told Wu Fu's behavior in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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