Chapter 328 Are You Courting Death?
Kong Ji's lower limbs were still sitting cross-legged, his upper body was tilted back, and there was a hole in his chest. The blood was no longer flowing, and he could only see that half of his heart was still beating slightly from time to time.

After carefully observing Kong Ji's body, he found that the blood actually had traces to follow. With the round hole as the center, it spread out in eight lines, much like the 'Refining Heart Evil' introduced in the scriptures.

Cixiu meditated on Buddhism, and saw the clues at a glance, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This Kongji clearly arranged a double-faced Buddha on his chest to harm others.

As a result, the other party either had great magical power or hired an expert. Not only did he crack the Double-Faced Buddha, but he also caused the Double-Faced Buddha to backfire and cost his own life.

He didn't think too much, but looked at the monks who had gathered around him with panic on their faces and said:

"You have also seen that Master Kongji suddenly had a heart attack and exploded to death. There is no way to save him."

"Everyone should take this as a warning and pay attention to Buddhist practice and physical health."

"Come here, please put Master Kongji's body first. After we finish the ritual ceremony on a certain day, let him enter the backyard tower forest."

After listening to Cixiu's explanation, all the monks calmed down: It turns out that Kongji died due to physical reasons.It's just that this death situation is really too miserable.

They all clasped their hands together, chanted Buddhist scriptures, and sent Kongan on his last journey.

After appeasing the monks and placing Kong Ji's body, Cixiu returned to the meditation room and quietly thought about Kong Ji.

Who is Kongji trying to harm?

His own enemy?Or did someone else ask him to do it?
Moreover, the other party can directly destroy the two-faced Buddha, and the method is indeed powerful. I am afraid that they will find it here soon.

At that time, I am afraid that I will not be able to escape from Fuying Temple, so I must find the reason as soon as possible.

After thinking of this, he began to recall the experience of emptiness.

Kong Ji and his junior brother Kong An came from the Western Regions. They first entered the Zoroastrian Cult of Liquan Temple in Yiningfang and devoted themselves to practice.

Because of his superb Buddhist teachings, he also developed a love for talents and recruited him into Fuying Temple to continue his practice.

But his junior brother took another path and went to join the samurai family protector. Later, he was involved in the "Long Yining Case" and was eventually abandoned and died.

Kong Ji went to collect Kong An's body, and after crying loudly, he stopped making any movement.

I was afraid that something might happen to him, so I went to visit him specially.

But I didn’t expect Kong Jiyan to say:
'Although Kong'an is my beloved relative and friend, a brother in life and death.But one drink and one peck have their own laws, and it is fate that leads to such an end. '

'I will not avenge my junior brother. '

Only then did he feel relieved, and praised him for his clear Buddha mind, which had seen through the grudges and wrongs in the world.

So if you think about it this way, the possibility of Kongji murdering others because of his own grievances is extremely small.

That leaves another possibility, that someone asked him to murder others.

But who is this other person?

Are they other monks in the courtyard or pilgrims from outside?
Thinking of this, he immediately called over a dozen monks who were practicing with Kongji and asked them to recall who had more contact with Kongji during this period.

More than ten monks thought for a long time and provided a long list of names, but Cixiu rejected them one by one.

At this moment, a young novice monk who served Kongji timidly told a message, saying that more than ten days ago, a female donor came to Master Kongji to discuss doing things.

Moreover, he was quite anxious and discussed this matter directly in the empty meditation room.

After hearing this, Ci Xiu's eyes lit up, wondering how the meditation room could be a place to talk.

Moreover, how could a well-behaved woman easily enter and leave the monk's residence? There must be something wrong here.

He hurriedly asked about the woman's appearance. The young novice scratched his head and thought for a long time, but he really couldn't describe the woman's appearance.

I just think that the female donor is quite good-looking, and she looks a bit coquettish.This made Ci Xiu feel depressed. At this moment, another young novice came to report.

It is said that Yuan Shouwei, a disciple of the Taoist stargazing sect, and Zhongqing, a disciple of the Quanzhen sect, are here on important matters.

Ci Xiu couldn't help but feel surprised and happy.

What surprised me was why Yuan Shouwei came over at this time. I really didn't have the energy to receive him at this time.

I am happy that Yuan Shouwei has finally arrived, and I may be able to get answers to many of my questions in Buddhist scriptures from him.

Even though he was worrying about gains and losses, he personally welcomed him out.

But when he saw the two people with frosty faces, he felt a thump in his heart: I was afraid they were here because of Kong Ji's matter.

He also quickly invited them to sit in the meditation room.

Zhongqing snorted coldly and was about to confront Cixiu and ask Cixiu to hand over Kongji, but Yuan Shouwei stopped him and followed Cixiu into the meditation room.

After both parties sat down, Yuan Shouwei didn't waste any time and directly took out the ruined double-faced Buddha and handed it to Ci Xiu:
"Host, do you recognize this magical weapon?"

When Ci Xiu saw it, his heart tightened. He never thought that the person Kong Ji was murdering was someone close to Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei is a master of Buddhism and practices both Taoism and Buddhism. Aren't you looking for death?

After thinking of this, he did not dare to hide it and sighed:

"Of course I recognize it. This is a double-faced Buddha, a magic weapon that magnifies the desires in people's hearts."

"The Imperial Master came here this time to find Kong Jing?"

"It's just that he is already dead. He died of the double-faced Buddha's backlash and exploded to death."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help being stunned. He learned from Yang that she had begged the Double-Faced Buddha from Kong Ji.

Along the way, I had already thought about it. I would first explain the reason to Cixiu, and then bring Na Kongji to justice and ask him why he wanted to harm Wu Fu.

But he never expected that Kong Ji was already dead, and he suddenly felt like a punch had been punched into cotton.

Just when Yuan Shouwei was in a daze, Zhongqing on the side was unhappy and said unceremoniously:
"President Cixiu, anyone can talk nonsense. How do we know if what you are telling the truth?"

"If you want me to say that you are afraid that we will come to investigate and accuse you, you are lying."

This accusation made Ci Xiu panic. After all, he was the one who was in the wrong, so he softly recited the Buddha's name and explained:
"Fellow Taoist Zhongqing has misunderstood. Everything the old monk said is true."

"The empty corpse is now placed in the ancestral hall in the backyard."

"If you don't believe it, I will take you there now."

Zhongqing stood up without hesitation and said:
"Okay, let's go see it together."

Yuan Shouwei on the side remained silent, but stood up with a gloomy face, obviously wanting to see what was going on.

Cixiu felt at ease and led the two of them to the ancestral hall at the back, where the novice monk who was guarding the door opened one of the rooms.

When Cixiu took off the linen on Kong Ji's body, Kong Ji's terrifying corpse also caught the eyes of Yuan Shouwei and the two of them.

Although Zhongqing was well-informed, he was still shocked when he saw the tragic scene of Kong Ji's death.

On the other hand, Yuan Shouwei had no expression at all, and he didn't even look at Kong Ji's face at all. Instead, he stared at the holes in his chest and the blood lines, and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Ci Xiu whispered the Buddha's name again beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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