Chapter 329: Revenge is due early
After a while, Zhongqing also came to his senses. When he saw Yuan Shouwei silent, he thought it was difficult for him to judge the authenticity of the corpse, so he took the lead and said:
"President Cixiu, are you trying to trick us by bullying us into not knowing Kong Ji, and finding a fake corpse with a horrible death look to fool us?"

When Cixiu heard this, he couldn't help but screamed that he was wronged. Just when he was about to explain, he saw Yuan Shouwei wave his hand at Zhongqing and said:

"The corpse is real."

"Although we don't know Kong Ji, the Lianxin Sha on his chest cannot be faked."

"If you look carefully at this pattern, it is exactly the same as the pattern of the Two-Faced Buddha."

After speaking, he handed the double-faced Buddha in his hand to Zhongqing.

Zhongqing took the two sides and compared them, and he immediately understood.

Cixiu next to him was also relieved to see this. He really didn't want to offend Yuan Shouwei, not to mention anything else, even if Yuan Shouwei could reveal the Buddha's body and help him understand the profound meaning, he didn't want to offend Yuan Shouwei either. Stay safe.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei also turned his attention to Cixiu and asked:
"Host, what is the origin of this emptiness? How could your temple accommodate such an evil monk?"

After saying that, he told Ci Xiu the circumstances of Wu Fu's murder.

After hearing this, Cixiu couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. How could Kong Ji be so bold and dare to murder a princess?
Even if he causes trouble himself, does he want to involve the entire Fuying Temple?

Fortunately, Yuan Shouwei is a person who knows right from wrong.

Thinking of this, he recited the Buddha's name with lingering fear, and then told Yuan Shouwei truthfully about Kongji's death and his handling of the situation.

As Yuan Shouwei listened, he considered whether it was true or false. He calculated that the time Ci Xiu mentioned happened to be the time when he broke the Double-Faced Buddha.

Based on this calculation, Ci Xiu should not have lied and favored Kong Ji.

Thinking of this, he spoke again:
"Host, if that's the case, please call those people here again. I want to ask them in detail."

Ci Xiu nodded repeatedly and said:

"It should be, it should be."

"Two fellow Taoists, please follow me back to the meditation room. This is not the place to talk."

After saying that, he took the two of them back and asked someone to inform the monks again.

At the same time, he also brought Kong Ji's certificate to explain his origin and his inner relationship with Fuying Temple.

Yuan Shouwei was flipping through the certificates while waiting for other monks to come over.

Not long after the meeting, the monks came over. Yuan Shouwei was not willing to embarrass them, so he tried his best to put on a smile and started asking questions.

After all the questions were asked, he already had some calculations in his mind and began to secretly sort out the clues he got.

Judging from this ultimatum, Kongji stayed at Guangming Temple in Qiuci from the first year of Zhenguan to the third year of Zhenguan. It also has the seal of Master Kongqiu on it.

This made him speculate: Could it be that Kong Ji, Jiu He You, and the others are in the same group?

Kong Ji got the fact that he killed Jiu and You from a certain channel, so he wanted to avenge them.

But because of the difference in strength, he didn't dare to provoke himself, so he started with Wu Fu first?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

The second possibility:
Because of the dragon-inducing case, Kongan was killed.

Although it was caused by the provocation between Wu Yuanqing and Kong An, Kong An died in the end.Kong Ji will inevitably turn his anger on Wu Fu.

It's a bit unreasonable to infer from the time point of view. Revenge should have been taken early. Why did you have to wait so long?

Or is it because I'm not ready, so I've been holding back?

This possibility is not ruled out.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei frowned, rubbed his temples, looked at Zhongqing doing nothing next to him, and secretly blamed himself: Why did you bring Zhongqing here instead of bringing Tianshi here? Now it's better Well, you have to do all the things that use your brain.

He sighed and then began to sort out the third clue.

She was the beautiful and coquettish woman that the little novice monk called her.

What is the origin of this woman?
She is also the biggest suspect. If nothing unexpected happens, it is she and Kong Ji who conspired to kill Wu Yan. As long as this woman is found, the first and second mysteries should be solved.

The best way now is to investigate the woman's identity and wait for her to take action.

Because since she didn't harm Wu Fu this time, she would definitely do it again.

After understanding the key, Yuan Shouwei breathed a sigh of relief and decided to go back quickly to see how Wu Fu was recovering and whether he had woken up.

Then he stood up and said goodbye to Cixiu.

In fact, Cixiu really wanted to stay with him for a while, and it would be best if he could discuss Buddhism with him.

But he also knew that this time was not suitable, so he had to send them to the gate of the temple with great regret.

He repeatedly told Yuan Shouwei that if he had any problems, he could come to him at any time, and then watched Yuan Shouwei leave.

Yuan Shouwei and Zhong Qing hurried all the way to Wufu.

At this time, Wu Fu had already returned to Wu Mansion under the escort of everyone.

The two of them arrived at the small courtyard where Wu Fu lived and saw that Li Chengqian and Yuan Tiangang were both in the main hall.

Yang was staying with Wu Fu in the room, and Wu Fu was still asleep.

Yuan Shouwei was a little uneasy, so he went into the room again and checked her pulse. After confirming that she was just sleeping, he felt relieved.

He returned to the main hall and told several people about his visit to Fuying Temple.

Several people sighed when they heard that Kong Ji was dead and their clues were cut off. After thinking about it, they felt that Yuan Shouwei's suggestion was also the best way at the moment.

Li Chengqian also immediately called Qian Niuwei and asked them to investigate the origin of the woman.

When Yang heard that Kong Ji was dead, she confirmed that it was him who was murdering her daughter, and she couldn't help but cursed loudly.

After scolding me, I thought about how I had harmed my daughter after all, and started crying sadly again, blaming myself endlessly.

Several people couldn't bear to see her like this, so they all comforted her before saying goodbye and leaving.

However, Yuan Shouwei stayed alone and wanted to wait until Wu Fu regained consciousness.

And Li Shi has been keeping people watching Wu Fu's every move during this period.

When a servant came to report, Wu Fu had nothing to do at home and was unwilling to do embroidery bonus, so he practiced martial arts at home all day long.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Li raised her lips and smiled slightly. Now is not a time of war. Is there any young lady who is waiting for marriage who can dance with guns and sticks all day long and not worry about not being able to get married?

Her behavior was clearly a sign of a violent attack. It seemed that Monk Kongji's double-faced Buddha had really worked.

Three days later, the servants came to report that Wu Fu was not satisfied with the spear and stick dance by himself, so he gathered all the maids at home and said that he wanted to train the women's army.

Mrs. Li couldn't help but feel happy when she heard this. Wu Fu's anger was obviously getting more and more fierce. He might even kill a few maids who didn't listen to him to release his anger.

When Monk Kong Jina first started talking about the Two-Faced Buddha, he was still a little skeptical. But now it turns out that dogs that don't bark are the most hateful ones when they bite people.

She was so energetic that people were watching Wu Fu's every move closely.

(End of this chapter)

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