Chapter 330 Pity the world's parents heart
A few days later, servants came to report that Wu Fu and a dozen maids armed to the teeth went to Fuying Temple to offer incense;

Wu Fu led his men to beat up a group of street people at the gate of Fuying Temple;
Wu Yan escorted Shi Jing'er to the Wannian county government office, thinking that the county magistrate Wang Tongshou had handled things unfairly, so he smashed the county government office to pieces;

After hearing this, Mrs. Li smiled all over her face and clapped her hands. Kongji was accomplished.

Wu Fu is going further and further on the road of seeking death, it just depends on how bad her luck will be.

Sure enough, she got the news the next day that His Majesty Long Yan was furious and Xuanwu entered the palace, along with Wei Zheng and Wang Tongshou.

She was so happy that she danced with joy. According to Wei Zheng's temperament, this martial artist would have to take off his skin even if he didn't die.

Thinking of this, she quickly asked someone to prepare a car and wait near the palace gate to see Wu Fu's misfortune with her own eyes.

After waiting for a long time, Wei Zheng and Wang Tongshou walked out together.

Wei Zheng's face was still full of bitterness and hatred, as if all Chang'an owed him money, and there was no expression on his face.

But Wang Tongshou looked excited and kept talking to Wei Zheng with a smile.

Mrs. Li was also filled with joy. Looking at the looks of these two people, she knew that Wu Fu had lost the lawsuit. She wondered what His Majesty would do to Wu Fu.

It would be best to go to the prison, and then bribe the jailer to kill her, so that he can avenge Shen Ji.

Just when she was thinking wildly in excitement, she saw a carriage from the East Palace coming out of the palace gate, followed by a carriage from the Wu Palace.

Yang did not ride in the carriage, but followed the carriage sobbing. The last ones following were Li Chengqian and Yuan Tiangang.

The two men's expressions at this moment were full of bitterness and hatred, more serious than Wei Zheng's, as if the entire Tang Dynasty owed them money.

Li, who was watching from a distance, first wondered, Wu Fu must be in the two carriages in front, and he didn't even ride a horse. Was this obviously a heavy responsibility?

Judging from the expressions of these people, could it be that Wu Fu was beaten to death?
With excitement on her face, she was about to follow him to the Wu Mansion to inquire about the news, but was stopped by Li Ying, saying that with such a blatant past, it would be easy for others to suspect her.

Mrs. Li thought about this and asked Li Ying to go to Wu Mansion to inquire about it. She went home and waited for the results with longing and excitement.

After more than an hour, Li Ying came back.

Li's face was full of excitement, she didn't care about Li Ying's ugly face, and asked right away:

"How's it going? Is Wu Fu dead?"

Li Ying shook his head, looked at her somewhat depressed and said:
"Wu Yan is not dead, Master Kong Ji is dead, it is said that he died of a heart disease."

After speaking, he told Li everything he had learned about in Wu Mansion and Fuying Temple.

When Mrs. Li heard it, she was like a thunderbolt, she was as dumb as a wooden chicken, and sat down on the ground.

How is this going?

The plan failed, Wu Fu did not die, but Kong Ji died.

No, I have to go to Fuying Temple to have some fun. Maybe Kongji is pretending to be dead on purpose to avoid himself.

Thinking of this, she started to do something, gritting her teeth and cursing:

"This stupid bald ass took advantage of me. Things didn't work out, so I just wanted to hide away."

"I am the wife of the dignified Duke Chang Ping. How can I let him be so humiliated?"

"See, I have to ruin your reputation."

Just as he was about to go out, he was stopped by Li Ying and said:
"Ma'am, no, you suspect that the empty monk is hiding from you by feigning death?"

Li's face turned red with anger, her breasts were rising and falling, and she said angrily:
"Don't you understand this?"

"The bald donkey saw that the matter was getting too big and could not be settled, so he faked his death and hid."

Li Ying knew that Li's brain capacity was limited and his thoughts were a bit extreme. He sighed and dissuaded:

"Madam, you are mistaken." "Kong Ji is really dead. I asked a few monks, and they all saw Kong Ji suddenly explode to death with their own eyes. There was a big hole in the chest, and the blood flowed endlessly. I can't die anymore."

"You go to Fuying Temple to cause trouble now. It has no meaning other than exposing yourself."

"If you are exposed, will you continue to frame Wu Fu?"

Speaking of this, although Li's brain capacity is limited, he also understands that what Li Ying said makes sense.

He sat down on the couch again and said angrily:,

"Li Ying, I know you are right."

"I just can't get angry at that bald donkey Kong Ji. When he took advantage of me, he talked nonsense and patted his chest to ensure that Wu Fu would not only die, but also cause a big disaster."

"It's great now. The bullshit got so big that he blew himself in. If you ask me, he died a good death. He deserved it."

Li Ying saw that she had calmed down, and after scolding Kong Ji a few times with her, he said:

"Madam, fortunately Kong Ji is dead and will not expose us."

"What we have to do now is to wait and make plans again after Wu Yuanqing comes over. Counting the days, he should be arriving soon."

"Think about it, Wu Fu is not dead now, but the frame-up of her has been exposed, and someone will definitely investigate this matter. So before that, you don't have to do anything."

After hearing this, Ms. Li slammed the teacup in her hand to the ground and said angrily:
"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"I just thought that the pig, dog and monk took advantage of me."

The next day, Wu Mansion.

Early in the morning, Yuan Shouwei didn't bother to do morning lessons. After getting up and washing up, he hurried to Wu Fu's courtyard.

The maid took him into Wu Fu's room and saw that Yang had already arrived.

After asking, I found out that Yang was worried about Wu Fu and stayed with her all night, fearing that when she woke up, she wouldn't see her relatives around.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei secretly sighed: What a pity the parents in the world have.

Although this Yang family is a bit confused, she really has nothing to say to her daughter.

He looked at Wu Fu, who was still asleep, and checked her pulse again to confirm that all body functions were normal.

Then he started to put spiritual energy into her body to see if he could wake her up.

The spiritual energy entered Wu Fu's body and awakened the vigorous vitality in her body. After running for a week.

Wu Fu's body began to move slightly, and after a moment, he slowly opened his eyes with a '嘤咛'.

Her eyes were a little distracted, and she unconsciously glanced at Yang, who was concerned about her, and then focused on Yuan Shouwei's face.

He couldn't help but said in surprise:

"Ah, Yuan Shouwei, why is it you?"

"Where am I? Could it be in Beiming Mountain?"

Seeing Wu Fu wake up, Yang couldn't help but feel surprised and happy. He was about to ask her if she was okay, was she thirsty or hungry?

But he didn't expect that Wu Fu simply ignored him. He couldn't help but feel discouraged. He rolled his eyes beside the bed and cursed in his heart:

"Well, you white-eyed wolf, my mother stayed at your bedside all night. When you woke up, you didn't even look at me. You just cared about your lover."

"Oh, girls are extroverted. This girl was raised in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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