Chapter 331 Life of the Immortal Couple
Yuan Shouwei didn't pay attention to Yang's actions. Seeing Wu Fu wake up, he felt infinite joy in his heart.

Responding with a smile:
"Why can't it be me?"

"This is not at Beiming Mountain, but at your home. You came out of the palace yesterday and felt unwell."

"That's why I came to see you."

After hearing this, Wu Fu regained consciousness little by little and murmured to himself:

"It wasn't that I wasn't feeling well, but there was a voice in my head that told me to kill His Majesty. In the end, it was the prince who stopped me."

After saying that, he took out the short blade hidden on his side with some difficulty.

Seeing the gleaming sharp blade in Wu Fu's hand, Yang was scared to death.

He hurriedly snatched it over and held it tightly in his hand. His eyes widened and he said with a look of horror on his face:
"Er Niang, what did you say? Do you want to kill His Majesty?"

"You're still carrying a knife. Are you going crazy because of your loss?"

When the words fell to the ground, she was already crying again.

Although Yuan Shouwei was taken aback, he was not too nervous when he thought that she was being controlled by his own desires, obviously not acting in a sober state.

Instead, he took the short blade from Yang's hand and said softly:
"Zhao'er, I'm afraid you are sick and confused. Why are you talking nonsense?"

"You have slept all day and all night. Let someone prepare some porridge for you. You can drink it first to regain your energy."

Wu Fu's consciousness became more and more clear. Although he didn't know what happened after he was helped out of the palace by Li Chengqian, assassinating His Majesty would definitely be a serious crime that would destroy the family.

Seeing Yuan Shouwei speaking calmly, he followed his words and said:

"I am indeed a little hungry. Auntie, please ask someone to prepare something for me."

Hearing what Wu Fu said, Yang knew that she would slowly wake up. She hurriedly went out and ordered the maid at the door, and then returned to the house to take care of Wu Fu.

Yuan Shouwei also began to tell Wu Fu what happened next. After he finished speaking, Yang also told her about Li Chengqian helping her out of the palace and rescuing her in the East Palace.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wu Yan timidly and said softly:
"Er Niang, I'm sorry for you, it's all my fault."

"I wanted to help you out of kindness, but I didn't expect that someone took advantage of me. Not only did I harm you, I almost killed our entire family."

Wu Fu knew how close Yang was to him, so he didn't care at all. He lay on the bed, stretched out his hand to wipe Yang's tears, and comforted her with a smile:
"I know that my mother-in-law treats me the best. How could I complain about her?"

"If you want to blame, blame the person who wanted to harm me."

"Okay, don't cry, Auntie. It has nothing to do with you. I know that everything you do is for my own good."

Yuan Shouwei was much calmer by the side. He knew how much desire was hidden in Wu Fu's heart, but luckily Li Chengqian discovered it in time.Then he also opened his mouth to persuade:
"Madam, I really don't blame you for this. It was someone who took advantage of me."

"Let Wu Fu recuperate at home. Although Kong Ji who framed her is dead, the matter is definitely not over yet."

"I must find out the person behind it, keep Wu Fang safe, and your family safe."

Only then did Yang sadly stop crying.

The maid had also brought the rice porridge. Yang helped Wu Fu up, held the porridge bowl, felt the temperature, took a spoonful, and carefully fed Wu Fu to drink.

After Wu Fu finished eating, Yuan Shouwei looked at her still a little drowsy.He told her to have a good sleep and wait until she recovers.

He won't leave for the time being, and will live in the courtyard next to her.

Wu Fu actually had a lot to say and wanted to talk to him, but when he heard that he was in the yard next to him, he felt inexplicably relieved.

She hummed and lay down obediently on the quilt to rest, once again ignoring her own mother who kept nagging and caring about her next to her.

After another good night's sleep, Wu Fu finally returned to his vigorous state.

She looked at the slightly bright sky outside the house, and then looked at her mother-in-law, who had been with her for two days, sleeping on the table, and felt distressed in her heart.He got up and came to Yang's side and shouted softly:
"Auntie, don't sleep here. Go to my bed and sleep for a while. It's easy to catch a cold if you sleep here."

When Yang heard Wu Fu's words, she suddenly woke up. Looking at Wu Fu standing next to her, she couldn't help but blame him:

"Why are you up, kid? Come on, come on, lie back on the bed."

"It's only been two days, how can your body recover so quickly?"

Wu Fu grabbed Yang's hand, made a face, and said coquettishly:
"Aniang, I am young and my body recovers quickly. Everything will be really well now."

"If you keep me lying on the bed, I will really get sick easily."

Her unintentional words made Yang think that it was because he grounded her that she caused such a big trouble.

He no longer mentioned this, but stood up with concern and said:
"Is everything okay? Then I'll find a doctor to take a look at you later."

"I'll have someone prepare some food for you first."

Wu Fu smiled and pressed her down:

"Aniang, you have been with me for two days, and you are the one who should take a good rest."

"Sit still and I'll have someone prepare the meal. After you finish eating, you can go and rest first."

"Wait a minute, I asked Yuan Shouwei to check how my body is recovering. His medical skills are much better than the doctor's."

While he was talking, Wu Fu had already arranged for his servants to prepare.

The mother and daughter said some sweet words again, and the meal was served.

Yang looked at the food box on the table and couldn't help but asked in confusion:
"Er Niang, are you preparing this food box to deliver food to someone?"

Wu Fu said vaguely while drinking porridge:

"Well, it's for Yuan Shouwei. He should get up now. I'll send it to him after I finish eating."

After hearing this, Mr. Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes again, thinking about you, he was still your lover.

After the two of them finished eating and drinking, Wu Fu sent Yang back to rest, and then he came to Yuan Shouwei with a food box.

By the way, I was going to tell him the story of my dream.

Talk about your wanton life;
Talking about her and Yuan Shouwei, they only envy mandarin ducks but not the immortals' life as a couple.

At this meeting, Yuan Shouwei had already woken up and finished his morning class. Seeing that the time was almost up, he wanted to go out to see Wu Yan's current situation.

Just as he walked to the door, he heard brisk footsteps outside the door.

It was such a familiar voice. He followed the sound and opened the door, and saw Wu Fu's little face, although slightly pale, still smiling like a flower.

I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart, and said with some blame:
"Zhao'er, why are you here at this time?"

"Your body has not recovered yet, so you should continue to rest in bed."

Wu Yan held the food box in one hand, turned around in front of Yuan Shouwei like a butterfly, and said with a smile:

"Who said there is no recovery? I know that my body has fully recovered."

Yuan Shouwei looked at her with a smile and turned around, then took the food box and said:

"Okay, this is really good. I can see it, and it can even give me food."

"I, Yuan Shou, am so virtuous and capable that I asked a patient to bring me food."

(End of this chapter)

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