Chapter 332 Changed fate
After hearing this, Wu Fu also lightly stamped his foot and said angrily:

"Lang Jun, you didn't understand what I said, didn't you? I've told you everything, and I'm already fine."

Yuan Shouwei had already pinched her arm with his other hand, gently pulled her into the courtyard, and said:

"You can't say yes, it's me who has the final say."

"The weather is still a bit cold, let's go inside. I'll take your pulse first."

Wu Fu followed him into the house obediently like a newlywed daughter-in-law.

After Yuan Shouwei took her pulse solemnly, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"It's almost good, but it still needs some nutrition."

"I won't prescribe any medicine. I'll prescribe some food supplements for you. You can ask the cook to make them for you."

Wu Fu held his chin with his hand, his big eyes flickering, watching Yuan Shouwei busy for him, and his heart felt sweet again.

After Yuan Shouwei had finished writing the recipe, she quickly opened the food box and let Yuan Shouwei eat, saying:

"Yuan Shouwei, can that double-faced Buddha really amplify people's desires?"

"Is it possible that my desire is to be an emperor?"

After finishing speaking, he stuck out his tongue playfully and said:

"Don't tell me, although I didn't think of myself as an emperor, I did become an emperor in my dream."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei, who was eating, almost spat out the porridge in his mouth and coughed repeatedly:

"What did you say?"

"Did you become the emperor in your dream? Tell me what dream you had."

Wu Fu took out a silk handkerchief, gently wiped the rice stains from the corners of Yuan Shouwei's mouth, and said lightly:

"Look how old you are, you can still choke on your food."

"If you didn't know better, I would have thought you were frightened by what I said."

I was just frightened by your words. Her Majesty the Queen, Yuan Shouwei, slandered and said unintentionally:

"Tell me what the dream is."

Wu Fu put down the silk handkerchief in his hand and began to tell Yuan Shouwei. When he talked about spending his wedding night with Yuan Shouwei in his dream, the description was quite detailed.

Yuan Shouwei was also distraught after hearing this, but he reluctantly endured it when he saw Wu Fu recovering from his serious illness.

When Wu Fu came to the end and put his son on the throne and changed the country's name to "Zhou", Yuan Shouwei suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He asked somewhat guiltily:
"Why did you think of using the country name 'Zhou'?"

Wu Fu undoubtedly had his own explanation:

"After King Ping of Zhou established the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, as soon as his son Ji Wu was born, there was a special pattern on his palm, which was shaped like the character "武"."

"For this reason, not only did he take his name from Wu, but later his descendants also took Wu as their surname. Listen to me, he is the 39th generation descendant of Ji Wu."

"So in the dream, I naturally have to use the country name 'Zhou', which can be regarded as recreating the glory of our Wu family in the dream."

Wu Fu was laughing and joking, but Yuan Shouwei was frightened when he heard it.

Zhao'er still has a beast of desire living in her heart. Although she changed her life, her character and desires cannot be changed.

It seems that we still need to find a way to resolve it slowly, so that nothing happens again one day.

After finishing the meal, he also left the vajra for Wu Fu.

Wu Fu was very solemnly arranged to hold the vajra and recite the 'Metta Sutra' once a day to slowly resolve his desires.Wu Fan watched him leave the vajra to himself again, feeling so beautiful in his heart.

She said in her heart that Taoist Yuan treated her really well. He gave most of his wealth to him, including the Water Lingzhu, Xuanyuan Sword, and Vajra Pestle.

Well, it's not enough. When can I hand him over to me?

While she was thinking wildly, she happily took the Vajra and listened to Yuan Shouwei teach her scriptures.

The two of them stayed like this for another day. Seeing the sun setting in the west, Yuan Shouwei decided to go back to Beiming Mountain after seeing that nothing happened.

After hearing this, Wu Fu suddenly felt reluctant and said:

"Lang Jun, don't leave yet. I suddenly feel unwell again."

"My head hurts a little, and my heart is beating hard."

"If you don't believe me, touch it."

After speaking, he puffed up his chest.

The two of them were affectionate for a while, and they could faintly hear the sound of Jingjie Drum.

Yuan Shouwei then looked at Wu Fu, who had his eyes closed in his arms, and said:
"I'm really leaving, Zhao'er."

"Your home is a little different from other homes. I, a foreign man, have stayed in your home for a long time. Not only is it bad for your reputation, it's also bad for your family's reputation."

Wu Fu let out a drunken sigh, opened his eyes gently, and said with a look of reluctance:
"Then when will you come to see me again?"

Yuan Shouwei said in a deep voice:
"The woman behind it has not been found yet. She will definitely make trouble again."

"During this period, I came back every day until I caught her for it."

After hearing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but get excited, stamped his feet and said:
"Yeah, you want me to be the bait again, okay, I like this."

Zhao'er, if someone who doesn't understand sees this, they will think you are a masochist?
I really don't understand, why do you like to be a bait? Do you like the exciting feeling? While complaining silently, Yuan Shouwei put down a bunch of fake death charms for her.

After her excitement was over, he took her to see Mr. Yang, then said goodbye and left.

At this time, two-thirds of the Jingjie drum had been beaten. Yuan Shouwei should not be negligent and walked quickly outside the city gate.

When I got to the door, I found that although there were fewer people at the city gate, it was not closed yet. I breathed a sigh of relief and hurried out of the city gate.

But he didn't pay attention, Wu Yuanqing passed him by and entered Chang'an City.

Wu Yuanqing did not see Yuan Shouwei either. His attention was completely attracted by Chang'an City at this time, and he was eager to re-enter this bustling city.

Following the crowd, he finally entered Chang'an, listening to the familiar sound of drums in the quiet streets, and looking at the wide Zhuque Street with all kinds of busy people.

Even the smoke of fireworks in the air gave him a vague sense of intimacy, and he took a deep breath.

Looking at the familiar things in front of me with fascination, I couldn't help but secretly sigh, Chang'an is better, much better than Wenshui, a place where birds don't shit.

At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that he would never leave this time. He must find a way to defeat Wu Fu and Yang together with the Li family and regain the family property.

Thinking of this, he became excited and immediately rode to Pingkangfang.

I'm going crazy because of the stress. Anyway, let's go have fun for a few days before we get down to business.

With the last sound of drums in Jingjie, he finally stepped into the gate of Pingkangfang. Although the gate was closed, the place was still lively and noisy.

Smelling the faint smell of powder in the air, he felt that the male hormones in his body had awakened again, and he directly went to the highest level of "Zhongqu", breaking into the Wang family where he used to come often.

The doctor at the door had already been replaced, but seeing that he was leading a tall horse, followed by several servants, and dressed in rich clothes, naturally he was welcomed inside attentively.

(End of this chapter)

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