Chapter 333

Madam Wang here also hurriedly took it out. When she saw Wu Yuanqing looking back and forth at the surrounding environment, her heart couldn't help but thump.

Isn't this Wu Yuanqing Wu Dalang?
According to the guests, wasn't he driven back to his hometown because of the dragon seduction case?Why did this come back?

Could it be that His Majesty gave him permission to return to Beijing?
Thinking about it, this possibility is also possible, after all, his father was a powerful figure in the court in the past.

Thinking of this, she held up the murder weapon on her chest, put on a charming look on her face, walked towards her with delicate steps, and said in her voice:

"Hey, isn't this Wu Dalang?"

"But I haven't seen you for a while, are you returning to Beijing to report on your work?"

After saying that, he leaned into Wu Yuanqing's arms.

Wu Yuanqing didn't meet anyone he knew along the way. Now he saw the familiar Wang family and smelled the familiar fragrance in his nose.

He couldn't help but let out a lewd laugh. He held Wang's slender waist with a very familiar movement, hooked her chin and teased:
"Auntie, it's been a year. I miss you too."

"Come on, take me in and see if there are any changes here."

Wang Shi took advantage of the situation and rubbed against his chest twice, then stood up straight, led him inside, and said:
"The yard is still the same, but there are a lot of new ladies."

"I'm still wondering, why don't you come to support me?"

Wu Yuanqing knew that she was inquiring about his origins, so he did not explain it clearly, but just said perfunctorily with a smile:

"I didn't report on my work, I just did some small business."

After hearing this, Madam Wang's enthusiasm subsided a bit unconsciously, and she led Wu Yuanqing all the way to the main hall.

He said with a sweet smile:
"Da Lang, please take a seat first. I will arrange for someone to serve you drinks and fruits."

"I'll arrange another charming little lady for you."

Wu Yuanqing did not sit down at all, but after looking around, his face darkened and he said:

"Mom, if I don't come here this year, have the rules changed?"

"It used to be a private courtyard, why are you bringing me to this main hall now?"

"You don't bully me anymore and you don't understand the rules anymore?"

After speaking, he took out two small gold ingots of one tael from his arms and threw them at Mrs. Wang's feet.

Wang's eyes followed the movement of the gold ingot, and Gululu reached her feet. She quickly saluted again and picked up the gold ingot.

The smile on his face became stronger and stronger, and he explained again and again:
"Da Lang, I just got up and am a little confused."

"Blame me, blame me, come on, come on, please come this way."

After saying that, he took Wu Yuanqing to a quiet courtyard with a gentle step.

Wu Yuanqing looked at the environment, and then nodded in satisfaction, passed through the door and transferred the ownership familiarly, directly entered the lobby, sat down at the main seat and said:

"Auntie, is your 'all-knowledge' still the wife of the Li family?"

Seeing Wu Yuanqing's domineering aura in full bloom, Mrs. Wang also smiled and said for money's sake:
"It has been changed a long time ago. Now it is the wife of the wife's family. Sir, sit down for a moment, and I will call her to you now."

Wu Yuanqing nodded with satisfaction and sat down behind Ping Ji.

This time, I just lingered and forgot about the years. In the blink of an eye, I had been here drunk and dreaming for two days.

On this day, another old acquaintance, Qiao Shiwang, was welcomed outside Chang'an City.

His term in the Western Regions had expired. After assisting Guo Xiaoke in handling the follow-up matters, he returned to the capital with many of his followers.Different from Wu Yuanqing's downfall, he returned home in a decent manner, taking with him one to two hundred personal guards and family members.There were already family members and many friends from the court outside the city gate, waiting here to welcome his return.

The two sides exchanged pleasantries again, and brought him into Chang'an City in a lively manner.

Qiao Shiwang first went back to the Ministry of War to deliver business, and Zhang Liang personally picked him up, greeted him, and handed over official duties.

After two days of busy work, Qiao Shiwang finally took time out and rushed to Beiming Mountain to meet Yuan Shouwei.

Although I had heard from several friends in the DPRK and China about Yuan Shouwei's situation, I waited until they arrived at the foot of Beiming Mountain.He was also a little surprised when he saw with his own eyes the aura-filled hills, the busy farmers in the mountains, and the crops growing gratifyingly.

Walking and looking all the way, we have reached the top of the mountain before we know it.

There were still a few people on the mountain doing divination at this time, and Qiao Shiwang was standing aside waiting at a distance. After Yuan Shouwei finished his work, he walked over to greet him with a smile and said:
"Qiao Shiwang came to pay homage to the Imperial Master."

Yuan Shouwei had been busy and didn't pay attention to the crowd coming up. When he saw it was Qiao Shiwang, he hurriedly got up to return the courtesy and invited Qiao Shiwang to the main hall in the backyard to talk.

After the two were seated respectively, and everyone described their current situation, Yuan Shouwei asked about the current situation in the Western Regions.

Qiao Shiwang also said:

"Thanks to the Imperial Master, especially the final battle in Yining, the situation in the Western Region has been temporarily stabilized."

It turned out that after Yuan Shouwei left, Gaochang, Qiuci, and Yining formed an iron triangle, which shocked the entire Western Region.

Sheng Xin also firmly occupied Suiye City and strangled the Western Turks by the throat.

The Western Turks did not dare to speak out about the attack on Yining City, and suffered the loss of being dumb.

After introducing the situation, Qiao Shiwang smiled again and asked the servants to bring a big burden, opened it and said:

"There's also the matter of Baidianhua. The first batch of Baidianhua in Yining City has matured."

"When General Guo and I were worrying about how to process it, His Royal Highness sent someone to send a popping machine, saying that it was developed by the National Teacher. We tried it, and the effect was very good."

"This batch of floral clothes has been made. I specially brought one to the Imperial Master. Please take a look, Imperial Master."

While talking, he had already taken out his clothes.

Yuan Shouwei took it with both hands and watched it carefully.

This is a black linen top, with cotton batting stuffed in pieces and then sewn with needle and thread. The style is slightly bloated.

He took it and put it on, feeling a familiar softness and hugging feeling.He didn't know if it was because of his heart, but he felt very warm wearing this clothes.

He turned around and pressed the cotton inside. Feeling very satisfied, he asked:
"Captain Qiao, this cotton coat is very nice. After putting it on, I immediately felt warm."

"Any more? I want to give one to each of Tianshi, Wu Fu and Zhongqing."

Master Qiao smiled and said:

"There are three of them. Because they are in the city, I have already sent them to them."

"And just now, what did the Imperial Master call this dress?"

Yuan Shouwei sent them all over, so he didn't ask any more questions, and then answered:

"Oh, that's it."

"The name Baidiehua is a bit convoluted. I thought its fruit was white and slender, resembling silk floss, so I took it upon myself to call it cotton."

(End of this chapter)

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