Chapter 334 We were cheated by that doctor

After hearing this, Qiao Shiwang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he murmured to himself:
"Cotton, Cotton. It's a good name, catchy."

"I also think the name Baidianhua is a bit convoluted, so let's call it cotton from now on."

"I will report it to Your Majesty after I come down from the mountain."

Yuan Shouwei asked Qiao Shiwang's next plan, whether to stay in the capital or continue to serve abroad.

Qiao Shiwang smiled and said:

"This is not something I can plan for."

"Actually, I also want to stay in Chang'an. After all, most of my family and friends are here, and the city of Chang'an is prosperous. Who doesn't like that."

"It's just that now that the country is employing people, I have to be transferred out. Although there is no transfer order yet, it should be to Yizhou."

When Qiao Shiwang said this, Yuan Shouwei suddenly felt something in his heart. He remembered that the Five Pecks of Rice Sect was in Yizhou, and Zhang Xinghai also taught him the art of feigning death and the forbidden curse. This favor has never been repaid.

Then he opened his mouth and said:
"Captain, if you are going to Yizhou, if it is convenient, I would like to ask Wu Dou Rice to take care of you in private."

After saying that, he told him about his relationship with Zhang Xinghai.

Qiao Shiwang nodded happily and said:
"National teacher, don't worry."

"Since you have spoken, I will definitely take care of them when I arrive."

"If I have the chance, I will support them and let them develop more."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also solemnly thanked him.

The two chatted some gossip again, because Qiao Shiwang had just returned and there were still many things to deal with, so they didn't stay any longer, turned around and left.

Yuan Shouwei also sent him all the way outside the gate and watched the group leave.

When Qiao Shiwang returned to Chang'an and finished handling the official duties at hand, he looked at the group of personal guards behind him and said:
"This city of Chang'an is prosperous, many of you are here for the first time."

"I've almost finished handling my official duties. You can just go around and walk around. You don't have to follow me anymore."

After that, he told everyone the fun places in the city.

When it came to Pingkangfang and Hu Ji in Xishi, the group of people laughed and looked at each other with an expression that all men understood.

Seeing this, Master Qiao also smiled and said:

"After several battles in the Western Region, you have all made money."

"I don't recommend that you go to Hu Ji's place. After all, in the Western Region, we have seen a lot of young ladies like this."

"Speaking of Chang'an, of course we have to experience the best. You can go to Pingkangfang."

When all the soldiers heard this, they couldn't help but burst into cheers. They all went back to their homes to change their clothes, and then went to Pingkangfang in groups of three or five.

What a coincidence, they also chose the Wang family.

The doctor at the door could tell at a glance that these sturdy men were marching in unison, and he carefully waited on them and let them into the main hall, where they were served with good wine, fruits, and ladies.

But the price has doubled.

There was no way, it was their first time here, and they didn't have any acquaintance to guide them, so getting slaughtered was unavoidable.

A group of people were used to seeing the scenery of the desert and fighting on the battlefield. After suddenly falling into the gentle land, they were somewhat unaccustomed to it and couldn't let go.

Until there were more and more guests, courtesans and courtesans continued to perform, and the atmosphere became more and more lively, and they started to let go, drink heavily, and eat large pieces of meat.

While the wine shop was in full swing, I suddenly saw a man named Cheng Wei slam the table, his face flushed and he drunkenly said:

"Brothers, when I went out for convenience just now, I heard a few people talking about it, so I realized that we were tricked by that doctor."

"Damn it, they look at how much money we have, everything here is doubled."

"Including this little lady." After finishing speaking, he dragged the frightened little lady beside him, and said viciously:

"Say, is that so?"

"If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you."

On such occasions, it is common for people to drink, fight, and cause trouble.

But the lady, who came from a military background like them, had never seen such a ferocious look that threatened people's lives, so she nodded tremblingly.

This nod of hers completely poked a hornet's nest, and a group of people heard this and started shouting:
"Damn it, call out their old bustard and give us an apology."

"Damn it, Qian, let's go find the doctor and kill him."

"There's so much nonsense, just make a fuss here, smash up this black shop, and naturally people will come out."

When everyone heard this, they all shouted "Hello" and started banging the ball like "ping ping ping ping pong".

When the young ladies saw this, they were so frightened that they screamed and ran around.

Madam Wang had never seen such a posture before, and she started making trouble without even saying anything.

He quickly called a few of his guards to come over, but he didn't know that he was not alone at all. In just a few seconds, they were all knocked to the ground.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong, and he cried for his father and mother and said:

"Come here, help me, the dead soldiers are going to kill you!"

"Quick, report to the police."

At this moment, Wu Yuanqing came over.

In the past few days, he has also met some old friends here. When he sees Wu Yuanqing, he always avoids them and ignores his answers.

At the same time, I felt angry and wanted to see if I had any real friends, so I had to wander around the main hall every day.

Hearing the commotion inside, he became interested and watched with interest.

By chance, a soldier took something and threw it in front of his eyes. When he looked up and saw it was him, he couldn't help being surprised and blurted out:

"Da Lang of the Wu family, why are you here?"

Wu Yuanqing saw that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before. He put on a smile and asked hesitantly:

The man threw away the wine jar in his hand, stepped forward and saluted Wu Yuanqing and said:
"Dalang, I am Ye Luo, we are from the same hometown."

"You sent me as a gift when I was a soldier."

As soon as he said this, Wu Yuanqing remembered that he once went home to worship his ancestors, and the county sent a group of new soldiers.

He was entrusted by the county magistrate, and he encouraged everyone at the scene. This Ye Luo should be one of those soldiers.

He looked at the mess in front of him, and at Ye Luo's drunken appearance, and kindly reminded:

"Ye Luo, where did you join the army? Why did you come here to make trouble?"

"You should leave quickly before Marquis Wu comes."

Upon hearing this, Ye Luo waved his hands carelessly and said:

"It's okay. We are now the personal soldiers of Commander Qiao Wangqiao, and we have just returned from a victorious battle in the Western Region. We came here to have fun, but we unexpectedly ran into a shady shop."

Wu Yuanqing knew he couldn't reason with the drunkard, so he was about to find an excuse to leave. Suddenly he heard Ye Luo say again:
"Da Lang, this is a black shop. If you have nothing to do, please leave as soon as possible."

"Let me say hello to Miss Wu Fu."

After hearing this, Wu Yuanqing stopped in his tracks, and asked suspiciously:
"Do you know Wu Fu?"

(End of this chapter)

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