Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 335 Committed the crime of deceiving the emperor

Chapter 335 Committed the crime of deceiving the emperor
Ye Luo obviously didn't know the relationship between them, he grinned and said loudly with pride:

"Didn't Miss Wu Fu tell you about her attack on the Gaochang Palace in the Western Regions?"

"Yes, you are all big shots and you don't care about such small things."

"Then let me tell you about Miss Wu Fu who took us that day."

After hearing this, Wu Yuanqing seemed to have grasped something.He waved his hands and said:

"This is not the place to talk. Tell your brothers to stop."

"Go and talk to me."

After hearing this, Ye Luo quickly stopped the others, pulled them to Wu Yuanqing, and solemnly introduced:
"Brothers, this is Miss Wu Yan's elder brother. He sent me when I was a soldier."

These people were all those who had followed Wu Fu in his attack on the Imperial Palace in the Western Regions, and they deeply admired Wu Fu's performance and character.

When he heard that Wu Yuanqing was Wu Fu's elder brother, he bowed politely and his drunkenness subsided a lot.

When the Madam Wang saw this, she was also startled and said in her heart:

"Is this the shop that Wu Dalang sent people to destroy?"

"But these days he has made a lot of money. I don't think there is any way to offend him?"

Thinking of this, he walked forward tremblingly and asked hesitantly:
"Dalang, are these all your people?"

Wu Yuanqing looked at Wang's frightened look, and suddenly his vanity was greatly satisfied, and he said with a smile:

"They were all my brothers in the past. We just met by chance today."

"Don't worry, since I'm here, they will definitely stop making trouble."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at the messy main hall, and said with a grimace:
"Da Lang, just look at the main hall that was smashed and the guests were scared away. Several of my doctors were also injured. This is a huge loss."

"Oh, how can I, a helpless little girl, live like this?"

She was already crying as she spoke, and her acting skills were top-notch.

After hearing this, Ye Luo immediately became very angry. He raised his foot and wanted to kick her. Then he remembered that she knew Wu Yuanqing, so he stopped and said angrily:
"You are a shameless old guy who opened a black shop and defrauded us of our money. How dare you have the nerve to complain?"

Seeing his fierce look, Mrs. Wang was so frightened that she hid behind Wu Yuanqing and said sadly:
"Dalang, you have to make the decision for me."

Seeing this, Wu Yuanqing stood between the two of them and said with great pride:

"Okay, both of you are responsible for this."

"The smashed things will be charged to my account, and you can make amends to the brothers. Let this matter be over."

When Mrs. Wang heard that the money had been found, her face immediately changed and she said with a smile:

"Oh, how can this be done? How can this be done?"

"Then let me ask someone to figure out how much it costs?"

Wu Yuanqing took out a gold ingot weighing five taels from his bosom, stuffed it to Mrs. Wang, and said with a wretched smile:

"Counting this one, these five taels of gold must be enough. It's a bargain for you, an old guy."

"Go, call me a few more of those beautiful little ladies, and ask them to go to my place. Tell them that they will be rewarded if they serve me and my brothers well."

"Come on, brothers, go to my house. We won't come back until we get drunk."

After hearing this, everyone also praised Wu Dalang for his magnanimity. Like Miss Wu Fu, they went to Wu Yuanqing's courtyard talking and laughing.

During the time of speaking, another group of beautiful ladies walked in, and the main hall was filled with laughter, swallows and warblers again.

After a lively drinking session, Wu Yuan Qingxiang asked Ye Luo unintentionally,
"Ye Luo, I have never seen the feats my sister Wu Fu did." "You are here today to tell me why she attacked the Gaochang Palace and wish everyone a happy birthday."

Ye Luo also became interested when he heard it, and started talking with foaming at the mouth, and there were people beside him who kept adding to it.

When Ye Luo mentioned that there was a golden dragon appearing behind Wu Fu, Wu Yuanqing's heart beat wildly. He picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it in one gulp, pretending to be surprised and asked:
"What happened to the golden dragon?"

"Could it be that the magic is not working?"

Everyone also explained for a while, and there were different opinions, some said it was a spell, and some said it was a spell.

Ye Luo also waited for everyone to finish talking, drank a drink triumphantly, and then cleared his throat and said:
"None of you know as well as I do, because I was standing behind Miss Wu Fu at that time."

"At that time, Taoist Master Zhongqing asked her what was going on?"

"Miss Wu Fu said it was a dragon-attracting talisman that Yuan Guoshi drew for her to save her life. No one but her could use it. That's why we captured the palace without any injuries."

Everyone suddenly understood after hearing this, and they all raised their glasses to thank Wu Fu.

As Wu Yuanqing raised his glass, he was ecstatic in his heart. There was indeed a dragon on Wu Fu, but he might need a specific technique to bring it out.

If this is the case, Wu Yan will surely die this time, and even Yuan Shouwei has committed the crime of deceiving the emperor.

If I succeed this time, I will definitely be reinstated and maybe even promoted.

And the Yang family property must all belong to me.

Haha, God is really helping me. I will go to Mrs. Li tomorrow morning to discuss this matter and ask her to find a warlock with profound Taoist skills to draw out Wu Fu's hidden dragon.

After understanding the key, he also looked up to the sky and laughed, and got drunk with Ning tincture that night.

The next day, a servant called Wu Yuanqing to get up. Wu Yuanqing became furious. After scolding the servant, he continued to sleep.

After waiting for three days, I woke up again. I only felt a headache. It was obviously because I drank too much yesterday.

He couldn't help but groan, and he was inking on the bed for a long time. Remembering that he still had business to do today, he reluctantly turned over and got out of bed.

After getting up and washing up, he strolled to the gate of Zhang Liang's mansion by himself.

Let the servants tell Li Ying that there is an old man surnamed Wu visiting, waiting for him at the Hu's restaurant in Xinghuafang, and then leave first.

After Li Ying got the news in the back house, he felt happy and knew that Wu Yuanqing had arrived.

He also hurriedly came to Li's courtyard and told her the good news.

Mr. Li is currently lying in the room feeling unhappy.

She followed Li Ying's advice and had been living in seclusion for the past few days, to the point where she almost fell ill.

Suddenly, he saw Li Ying coming over with a face full of joy, saying that Wu Yuanqing had arrived. He couldn't help but get happy, and he stood up to meet Wu Yuanqing.

Her move stunned Li Ying, and he said in confusion:

"Madam, are you going to see Wu Yuanqing in person?"

Mrs. Li nodded, and found a reason for herself to go out:

"I've heard that the eldest son of the Wu family is handsome before, but I haven't seen him before. I just happened to take a look this time."

This sentence made Li Ying feel dumbfounded. This was a discussion about a serious matter that would harm others, not a meeting with the leader.

He tried to persuade her repeatedly, but Li refused to listen and insisted on going. He had no choice but to follow Li to the appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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