Chapter 336
When they arrived at the restaurant, it was not yet dinner time and there were not many guests. The doctor took them to a private room on the second floor.

When the door curtain was lifted and she saw Wu Yuanqing, Li's eyes couldn't help but light up.

This Wu Yuanqing is really good-looking, with a Chinese character face, cicada eyebrows, and a dignified appearance.

What surprised her the most was that Wu Yuanqing, who was sitting lazily at the moment, looked very lazy and feminine, very much like Zhang Shenji.

In other words, he blends masculinity and femininity, and is even more temperamental than Zhang Shenji.

At this time, Mrs. Li only felt the excitement of love. She rolled her eyes at Li Ying and said to her heart, "It's a good thing I didn't listen to you, otherwise I would have missed such a romantic person."

Over there, when Wu Yuanqing saw Li's appearance, his heart moved. She was such a charming woman, with a myriad of charms between her eyebrows.

Moreover, she has the feeling of being a lady, which is many times better than the young lady from Pingkangfang.

If you put this on the bed and love it, tsk tsk tsk.
I was in a daze for a while and forgot to say hello.

Li was the first to react. Looking at Wu Yuanqing's direct eyes, she gave him a wink, gently covered her mouth and nose with a fan, smiled sweetly, and said with a hint of tea:
"My concubine, Mrs. Li, has met the husband of the Wu family."

"Lang Jun, what's going on?"

Only then did Wu Yuanqing come to his senses, he withdrew his gaze from Li Shi, turned to look at her and stood up lewdly, and said:
"It's not about Madam's beauty, it made me forget for a while."

"Come, come, madam, please sit down."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li felt very relieved. She moved her steps lightly, swayed her hips lightly, sat down gracefully, and replied with a smile:

"Dalang is so impressed."

When Wu Yuanqing saw her sitting down, he also picked up his chopsticks diligently, added another chopstick to Mrs. Li, and said:
"Madam, the food in this restaurant is really good."

"This is called Phoenix Fetus, which is made from unlaid eggs from the hen's belly and eaten together with the fish."

"The implication is that Madam is just like the phoenix in the nine heavens, unparalleled in beauty."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but chuckle, picked up the chopsticks, opened her lips lightly, took a small bite and said:
"Da Lang is really good at talking. He is simply going to lift me up to the sky."

"Well, it tastes really good. I didn't expect Dalang to have research on food. Not only is he romantic in life, but he is also so versatile."

"Master, why don't you eat?"

Wu Yuanqing also laughed when he heard this, and stared at Li's Danfeng eyes without hesitation and said:

"The ancients said beauty is good for food, but I never believed it."

"It wasn't until I met Madam today that I realized that the ancients were honest and did not deceive me."

"I feel satisfied just looking at Madam. There is still only half of the food left."

Hearing this, Mrs. Li smiled sweetly again and reciprocated the favor by giving Wu Yuanqing a piece of food.

Li Ying couldn't stand it any longer. He coughed lightly and said:
"Madam, how about we get down to business first?"

After hearing this, the two people also reacted. They were so busy flirting that they almost forgot about the serious business and immediately sat upright.

Mrs. Li also changed her face, with a bit of misery on her face, a very pitiful look, and first told Wu Yuanqing about Zhang Shenji's murder.

After Wu Yuanqing heard this, he also slammed the table angrily and said:
"Isn't it just buying and selling a few children? What's the harm if they die? Several servants of this wealthy family in Chang'an City will die that day."

“According to the law, which is exile, sin shall not lead to death.”

"This Wu Fu is really hateful. He actually paid to kill people for his own selfish desires."

Mrs. Li suddenly felt like she had found a soulmate. She glanced at Wu Yuanqing gratefully and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. She poured Wu Yuanqing a glass of wine diligently, raised the glass in her hand and said:
"Thank you, Langjun, for speaking up. I wish I had met someone like Langjun earlier."

After saying that, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and two blushes immediately appeared on his cheeks.

Wu Yuanqing looked at it and his lust was about to move again. He drank a glass of wine boldly and said righteously:
“When the road is rough, it’s natural to draw a sword to help.”

"I just heard from Madam that you have found a monk named Kong Ji. What is his relationship with Kong An, the former servant of my family?" Mrs. Li also told Wu Yuanqing about her revenge on Kong Ji and Wu Fu.

After Wu Yuanqing heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and said disdainfully:

"Those two are useless."

"What about the Double-faced Buddha? In the end, isn't this just going to make Wu Fu cause trouble in the county government?"

"If you want me to say, it is still necessary to solve the problem fundamentally."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but her eyes lit up. She looked at Wu Yuanqing who was talking freely and thought to herself:
Unexpectedly, Wu Dalang's romantic life still had a rift in his heart.

Then she asked delicately:
"So, Lang Jun has already thought of a solution?"

Wu Yuanqing said confidently:

"Still lead the dragon!"

Then he revealed his plan.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li was overjoyed, patted her chest and said repeatedly:

"This is good, this is good, this solves the problem from the root."

"Does Dalang have such an expert under his command?"

These words immediately stopped Wu Yuanqing, and he was speechless for a while.

Mrs. Li couldn't bear to see him in trouble, so she quickly spoke to save him:

"I am reckless. This is a matter between our two families. How can I let Mr. Lang work hard alone?"

"I'll find a way to find an expert to lure the dragon."

After the official discussion was over, Li Ying gave Ms. Li a fierce wink, meaning that the matter was settled, let's go back.

But Li seemed to have not seen it, chatting animatedly with Wu Yuanqing and gossiping.

This conversation lasted for two hours. It was not until the guests at noon came and left that he and Wu Yuanqing left without saying goodbye.

Wu Yuanqing, who was so fascinated by Mrs. Li, suddenly remembered that there was one more serious matter that he had not said, and he quickly said:

"Madam, there is one more thing I need to explain to you in advance."

"The Yang family's property originally belonged to my Wu family. After the matter is settled, the property will still belong to me."

When Li heard that, in this way, Wu Yuanqing would not leave Chang'an and could stay with her forever, she immediately agreed happily.

Say goodbye and leave again.

After returning home, seeing that Zhang Liang hadn't come back yet, I couldn't help but feel anxious again.

Li Ying advised her at this time that after all, Alang had to handle the matter of finding someone, so she should be gentler in her attitude.

Li Shi barely suppressed his emotions.

When the sun had set, Zhang Liang returned to his mansion. Before he could change out of his official robe, Li hurried over and asked Zhang Liang to find someone for him.

Zhang Liang has also been watching Wu Fu's matter. He did not expect that the Li family could become so prosperous. Although he did not kill Wu Fu, it also greatly dispelled her arrogance.

Now that Mrs. Li asked him to find someone, he hesitated for a while. After thinking for a long time, he comforted Mrs. Li and said:

"It's really hard to find such a strange person. Madam, please let me think about the candidate carefully and I will get back to you tomorrow."

Li originally wanted to force it, but thinking of Li Ying's words, she reluctantly nodded and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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