Chapter 337 The art of attracting dragons
After Mrs. Li left, Zhang Liang finished his dinner and returned to the backyard to discuss with the man.

After listening to Zhang Liang's description, the man thought about it carefully and said:

"She can use Zhu Xiuren instead."

"Anyway, Zhu Xiuren has low abilities and is greedy for money. He is an abandoned child. He can be used as waste."

Zhang Liang said worriedly:
"I thought about Zhu Xiuren too, but I was thinking that if it fails, then Zhu Xiuren will definitely give us all for his own life."

The man chuckled and said nonchalantly:

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Cheng has already set up the fire-breathing spell in his body."

"If he fails by then, we will kill him and silence him. We will definitely not be involved here."

Zhang Liang was still a little worried and said:

"What about Wu Yuanqing? Although he doesn't know me, he knows the Li family."

"Don't be like Zhang Shenji. No matter how clean I am, I will be implicated."

The man smiled lightly and said in a low voice:
"Then let them die together. I'll tell Master to find an opportunity in the next two days to set up the spell for Wu Yuanqing."

Zhang Liang nodded and walked out of the room.

The next day, when Zhang Liang came back from court, Mrs. Li was already sitting in the main hall waiting for him early.

Zhang Liang knew her temper well, so he took out a page of the letter and said with a smile:

"Madam, I have found a candidate for you."

"This man's name is Zhu Xiuren. He is a very powerful stranger. Luring the dragon is a piece of cake for him. I have written this letter for you."

"He lives in Xiaoshi Village, Lantian County. You can just go find him."

Mrs. Li was overjoyed when she heard this. She stood up happily. After taking the letter and reading it over, she kissed Zhang Liang on the face and left happily.

After returning to the backyard, he immediately asked Li Ying to prepare the car.

After thinking about it, Wu Yuanqing must be called for this matter. This is definitely a good opportunity to have a tryst with him.

Then he asked his servants to inform Wu Yuanqing and meet outside Chang'an City.

But now since Wu Yuanqing met Li in the restaurant, when he returned to Pingkangfang and met these young ladies, he was already in the same mood.

He simply returned to his small house in a remote part of Chang'an City and stayed there temporarily.

After receiving the message from Mr. Li, he felt distraught again and immediately packed up and headed out of Chang'an City.

When they arrived outside the city, they met, one on horseback and the other in a car.

Li opened the curtain and kept chatting with Wu Yuanqing. Yanran was a newly married couple.

While talking, they had already reached the place. After Li Ying went to find out the address of Zhu Xiuren's home, he took the two of them to visit him.

This was an ordinary farmhouse. After knocking on the door, a servant came out and took them to the main hall to sit down.

After a while, a man in a long gown with three white eyes came out, it was Zhu Xiuren.

After the two parties greeted each other, Li took out the letter and handed it to him.

After Zhu Xiuren read it, he did not reply immediately. Instead, his eyes wandered back and forth between Li and Wu Yuanqing, and soon focused on a piece of chicken blood jade pendant on Wu Yuanqing's waist.

He sighed first, and then said to the two of them:

"Of course I have to obey Mr. Zhang's arrangements."

"It's just that I've been feeling cold in the past few days and I feel weak all over. This condition will definitely affect the effect of casting spells."

"Why don't you two just wait for a few days? When I fully recover, we will go immediately." After saying that, he stared at the chicken blood jade pendant again, with a trace of greed in his eyes.

Yang didn't understand what he meant. When she heard that he was declining, she couldn't help but feel anxious. She was about to speak to urge him, but was stopped by Wu Yuanqing.

He smiled and said to Zhu Xiuren:
"I'm sorry, Taoist Priest, but I came in a hurry today and didn't prepare any gifts."

"I have an ancestral chicken blood jade pendant here. It is said that it can gather spiritual energy, but it is a waste for me."

"Why don't you give it to the Taoist priest? Taoism is a sword given to martyrs, and a beauty paired with a hero."

While speaking, he had already taken off the jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Zhu Xiuren respectfully.

Seeing this, Zhu Xiuren took it with his eyes shining, and he declined continuously:
"How can it be that Dalang gave me such an expensive gift when we first met?"

When he finished speaking, he had already taken the jade pendant in his hand and started playing with it.

Seeing Wu Yuanqing being blackmailed by him, Mrs. Li suddenly became furious and said with a hint of irony:
"I just heard from my family, A-Lang, that the Daoist priest has great mana and amazing spells."

"I haven't even done anything yet, but I've already accepted the reward. I'm really superior to others."

Wu Yuanqing knew that he was looking for someone to do something, so he had to keep a lower profile, so he quickly winked at Ms. Li and told her not to talk nonsense.

Zhu Xiuren couldn't put it down for this jade pendant of excellent quality. Hearing Li's sarcasm, he said without raising his head:

"There is some truth in what Madam said."

"No reward for no merit, then I will let you open your eyes."

"The art of attracting dragons is just a trail to me."

While talking, I didn't see how he moved, and suddenly he heard a "squeak" sound from inside and outside the room.

Then I saw many snakes, insects, rats and ants suddenly pouring out from the cracks in the wall, the corner of the table, and the door, and they rushed towards Li and Wu Yuanqing.

When Li heard the cry first, she was already a little more frightened in her heart. After seeing so many snakes, insects, rats, and ants, her face turned pale.

When he saw them rushing toward him, he couldn't help but let out a scream and jumped directly on Wu Yuanqing's body, his delicate body still shaking.

Wu Yuanqing was so frightened now that he wanted to throw Li away and escape, but Li held him too close and couldn't escape.

I had no choice but to retreat and beg repeatedly:

"Daozhang, accept your supernatural powers, I know you are amazing."

Seeing that Mrs. Li was so frightened that she was trembling, Zhu Xiuren had already avenged the sarcasm just now.

It was also a sinister laugh of 'hehe', and as he moved his hands, the snakes, insects, rats and ants had receded like a tide.

Li got off Wu Yuanqing in shock. She felt humiliated and said angrily:

"You Taoist priest, I asked you to lure the dragon, but who asked you to lure these disgusting things?"

Zhu Xiuren smiled again, looked at Li Shi and said maliciously:
"Did Madam think it wasn't delicious enough just now? How about I bring them over again?"

After hearing this, Wu Yuanqing quickly took out two gold ingots weighing fifty taels from his arms, put them on the table, and said:

"There is no need for snakes, insects, rats and ants, no need."

"If it is convenient for the Taoist Master, it would be better if he could show his magical power and give us some confidence."

Obviously Wu Yuanqing's words were very helpful to Zhu Xiuren. He said with his nostrils turned upward:
"Forget it, today I will let you experience the magical power of the Taoist sect."

"Are you riding a horse?"

Wu Yuanqing didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, so he could only nod his head truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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