Chapter 338 I made another fortune

When Zhu Xiuren saw this, he also stepped to the door. When he saw a carriage and a horse, he already had some concerns in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, a talisman flew out of his hand, automatically without wind, and fluttered onto the horse pulling the carriage.

As he chanted the incantation, the horse neighed, with tears in its eyes and foaming at the mouth, and then fell to the ground, unconscious.

Seeing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but feel angry, and said with a cold look in her eyes:
"What did you do to my horse? It didn't provoke you?"

Zhu Xiuren ignored her at all, but took up the chicken blood jade pendant in his hand with great interest and put it in front of his eyes. After taking a look at the horse, he nodded with satisfaction, then waved to Wu Yuanqing, motioning for him to come over.

Wu Yuanqing came to him in confusion, looked through the chicken blood jade pendant, and couldn't help but be startled.

Just look at the horse that fell on the ground, and now there is an illusory figure of the horse, looking left and right in confusion, and its hooves are in the air, floating in the air.

Seeing his surprised expression, Zhu Xiuren was obviously very satisfied. He chuckled and said:

"see it?"

Wu Yuanqing nodded hurriedly,
"I saw it, I saw it. Did the Taoist Master bring out the soul of the horse?"

Zhu Xiuren nodded slightly, touched the jade pendant in his hand, and said proudly:

"Yes. Normally, you may need to have your eyes opened before you can see."

"Now that I have the jade pendant, it saves me a lot of effort."

"This jade pendant of yours cannot gather spiritual energy, but it can channel spirits. It can be considered a simple magic weapon."

"Madam, come here, let me show you your vision too."

Although Ms. Li over there didn't see it, she knew what was going on from their conversation.

He turned pale and shook his head repeatedly, not daring to look.

He also refused to let Zhu Xiuren pay for his horse.

Several people returned to the house. Li was teased by the Taoist priest twice in a row. She no longer dared to speak and just sat there with a straight face.

Wu Yuanqing was overjoyed, knowing that this Taoist priest did have real abilities, but was just a little greedy for money.

This is nothing to him, as long as he can get things done.

Thinking of this, there was another burst of flattery, which made Zhu Xiuren happy and said repeatedly:

"Wu Dalang is indeed a hero with a keen eye."

"Looking at you, I've decided to help you with this. Come to me at any time after you make your plans."

After Wu Yuanqing heard this, he felt calm in his heart. He placed two gold ingots on the low table with a smile, turned around and took Li to leave.

When she arrived at the door, Ms. Li was still feeling depressed. When she saw the horse lying on the ground and the driver at a loss, she lightly stamped her foot at Wu Yuanqing and said angrily:
"Tell me that the Taoist priest is targeting me."

"Okay now, how can we go back without a carriage?"

Wu Yuanqing took his time, caressing her ears and whispered softly.

After hearing what she said, Mrs. Li couldn't help but turn from anger to joy, and she gave Wu Yuanqing a charming look and said:
"Mr. Lang is really smart. I'll just follow you."

After saying that, he ordered the driver to remove the harness, abandoned the horse, and put the harness on Wu Yuanqing's horse.

After tidying up, Mrs. Li swayed onto the carriage, and then said to Wu Yuanqing behind her:

"Mr. Lang, since you don't have a horse, please accommodate yourself for the time being and get on the carriage with me."

Wu Yuanqing just looked at Li's twisting and graceful figure from behind, and already felt very angry. After hearing this, he also hurriedly climbed onto the carriage.

After getting on the car, I heard Mrs. Li gasping in the car:

"Lang Jun, take it easy."

The coachman and Li Ying pretended not to have heard anything and rode back to Chang'an City.

When the two of them walked away, the courtyard door of Zhu Xiuren's house opened again with a creak.

He looked at the horse lying on the ground with a bright face and recited a spell. After a while, the horse opened its eyes first.

Then there was a neighing, and then he stood up unsteadily, but he looked a little listless.

The horse is alive and the soul is back.When Zhu Xiuren saw this, he also ordered loudly:
"Disciple, take this horse to the Western Market tomorrow."

"Looking at how handsome this horse looks and the outfit it's wearing, it will definitely fetch a good price."

"Hey, I made another fortune."

As for Mrs. Li, she gasped and said:

"Mr. Lang, ask the coachman to return to Chang'an quickly. Let's find a place."

Wu Yuanqing said:
"Why do you want to go back to Chang'an? I have an idea."

After saying that, he lay down next to Mr. Li's ear and whispered softly.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li immediately felt itchy in her heart, her jade face turned crimson, and she looked at Wu Yuanqing with a shy face and said:
"Sir, if you do this, you won't make people think that I am too lowly, right?"

Wu Yuanqing heard the elegant meaning of Xian and continued to coax:
"What are you talking about, madam? There is only amorous feelings between the bed, how can there be such despicable words?"

"Spring is full of joy and everything is recovering. You and I must not let down the wonderful spring scenery."

The pun made Li even more passionate. She bit her lips tightly and hummed from the end of her nose:

"Duyi Langjun."

While she was talking, she had already bare her upper body, opened the curtain of the car, and told the driver to find a remote place to stop, which was convenient for her.

The coachman responded, found a remote place to stop, tied up the carriage, and walked away from Li Ying.

The car curtain opened again, revealing Wu Yuanqing's evil eyes. He looked around, let out a chuckle, and lowered the car curtain.


A quarter of an hour later, the clouds dissipated and the rain dispersed.

With a rustling sound of dressing, Wu Yuanqing jumped out of the car.

When he landed, his legs and feet were weak and he almost knelt on the ground.

"You are taking a rest for a while. We will return to Chang'an City later and find a place to discuss the next plan."

Li's surprised voice sounded in the car:
"What are we still discussing? Haven't we already found everyone?"

Wu Yuanqing shook his head, looked at the carriage with a doting look on his face and said:

"My dear, I just found someone to lure the dragon. Don't we still need to discuss how to lure the dragon?"

"I think your slave Li Ying is a smart man. You can ask him to give you some advice."

Mrs. Li sighed lazily in the car and said:
"Why don't you go back to the city to discuss it? People talk a lot. Just discuss it here."

"Lang Jun, go and call Li Ying, and tell him that I'm looking for him."

Wu Yuanqing thought about it and felt that what Li said was reasonable, so he walked to the official road and called Li Ying over.

Mrs. Li had already put on her clothes and got out of the carriage, with a blush on her face after the spring rain.

She looked at Li Ying and asked him to give him an idea.

Li Ying obviously had a plan in mind, so he said:
"Madam, the flood season is coming soon. I heard that dykes have begun to burst in Bianzhou this year."

"We can take advantage of this matter, first by spreading rumors, and say 'Dragon flourishes in the Western Regions, and the dragon returns to Chang'an'."

"Then let Wu Dalang find an acquaintance and deliver a memorial to His Majesty, saying that it was the birth of Qianlong that caused instability in the world, and Wu Fu is the Qianlong."

When he finished explaining his plan, Mrs. Li nodded repeatedly, turned to look at Wu Yuanqing, and said softly:

"Lang Jun, what do you think of Li Ying's idea?"

Wu Yuanqing also thought this was a good idea, so he nodded and agreed.

They also acted separately. Li Yingzi went to find someone to spread rumors, and Wu Yuanqing had also visited Zhou Xinghuai, a censor who had been a warrior before his death, to try to establish relations in advance.

Two days later, the rumor of 'Dragon flourished in the Western Regions and returned to Chang'an' was already flooding the streets of Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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