Chapter 339 The more muddy the water, the better

On this day, when Zhong Qing was having dinner with some friends in a restaurant, he couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the discussion at the next table about "Xinglong in the Western Regions, and the return of the dragon to Chang'an".

He had heard Yuan Shouwei talk about the previous case of seducing the dragon;
When he was in Gaochang Palace, he also saw Wu Fu's golden dragon with his own eyes;
Coupled with the fact that Wu Fu was framed last time, he felt that this was obviously targeting Wu Fu again.

After thinking of this, he didn't care about eating anymore, turned around and hurried to Wu Mansion.

Yuan Shouwei happened to be there. After hearing Zhongqing's words, Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu immediately judged that this was a plot to kill themselves.

However, at this time, Wu Fu was no longer the ignorant little girl before. After hearing this, she snorted coldly and immediately used her ultimate move:

"Yuan Shouwei, clean up all the remaining dragon energy in my body."

"The person behind it will definitely have to go to court in the end. If he can't be attracted by then, it will be a serious crime of deceiving the emperor."

After Yuan Shouwei listened to Zhongqing's words, he was thinking about countermeasures. When he listened to Wu Fu's words, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"It's not necessary. The remaining dragon energy in your body can be used to save your life at the critical moment of life and death."

"I think this time is an opportunity to put an end to this matter."

"I have a rough plan now, tell me, let's discuss it together."

After he finished speaking, Wu Fu and Zhongqing nodded frequently. Just when they were about to express their opinions, Yuan Tiangang also walked in in a hurry. It turned out that he was also here because of Wu Fu's matter.

The four of them discussed together and waited to complete all the details.

Zhongqing also smiled treacherously:
"Hey, this time we must let the bad guys die unjustly, and the good guys live for 1000 or 1 years."

After hearing this, the other three people could not help but be relatively speechless.

On the second day after their discussion, Zhou Xinghuai came out of the court and said:

"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

"He is the person behind the saying 'Dragon flourishes in the Western Regions and the dragon returns to Chang'an'."

It turns out that when the rumors first started, someone had already reported it to Li Shimin.

It happened that there were many signs of the dyke breaking in Bianzhou. Coupled with this rumor, he couldn't help but make him murmur in his heart. He had already arranged Qianniu Guards to find out who the Qianlong was.

When he heard this, he was shocked and said to Zhou Xinghuai:

"Aiqing, hurry up and play, who is the person behind that?"

Zhou Xinghuai looked around and saw that his colleagues looked at him with envy. He felt even more proud and said:
"Your Majesty, I have found out that the Qianlong is Wu Fu, the second wife of Duke Ying's warrior family."

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar in the court, and everyone was talking about it for a while.

"Why is it that lady from the Wu family again? Wasn't it certain that she was wronged in the case of seducing the dragon last year?"

"That's right, there were a lot of things involved in that matter. Even Junlian County Duke Wu Junxian was involved and was forced to resign. What's going on, old scores are being brought out again?"

"Is Zhou Xinghuai crazy about wanting to be famous this time? He even wants to take out the cold rice after a year."

Just when everyone was discussing, Zhang Liang knew that Mrs. Li had already made a move, so he laughed in his heart and said: The more chaotic the better.

Yuan Tiangang also had an idea in mind, looked at Li Chengqian's gaze, nodded and smiled, indicating that nothing happened.

After hearing this, Li Shimin, who was behind Long Case, frowned and said:

"Is there any evidence for Aiqing's statement? You must know that Empress Changsun personally participated in the case of attracting the dragon last year?"

The meaning of his words is very obvious. I know that you censors have the right to comment on the situation, but you don't want to make blind noises for me.

You must know that it was my wife who handled this matter last year. If you say this now, you have also implicated my wife in it.

Zhou Xinghuai naturally understood what Li Shimin meant and spoke again:
"Of course I know what happened last year."

"But the main reason is that monk Nakhon An is incompetent, which led to everyone being deceived." "And now I have definite evidence that Wu Fu turned into a dragon. There were at least hundreds of witnesses at the scene."

After hearing this, Li Shimin became really interested and said:

"What evidence is there? Tell me the truth one by one."

Zhou Xinghuai had never been so popular before. He was in a state of excitement and said with a flushed face:

"This evidence also starts with 'Dragon flourishes in the Western Regions, and the dragon returns to Chang'an'."

"Speaking of which, this matter has a lot to do with Captain Qiao."

After saying that, he told Wu Fu's attack on the Goryeo Palace and led out the golden dragon, and repeatedly stated that the five hundred soldiers and Zhongqing in the prince's palace had witnessed it with their own eyes.

As soon as this was said, the first person to be confused was Qiao Shiwang, who was forced to lie down and was shot.

He thought about the records after the battle, and walked out of the class without being humble or arrogant, and said:
"Let me tell you, Your Majesty, it is indeed true that Wu Fu led the dragon to slay the demon."

"But those are the Kung Fu and Shu techniques taught by Yuan Guoshi to Wu Fu. They have nothing to do with the Golden Dragon and cannot be done authentically."

Hearing Yuan Shouwei's name, Li Shimin immediately understood what was going on and said:

"Master Yuan's Taoism is superb and his martial arts level is extremely high."

"His Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms are also widely circulated among the military. Every time he uses them, there is the sound of dragon roaring, and those with strong skills can even bring out the shadow of a dragon."

"Zhou Aiqing may have misunderstood."

After hearing this, Zhou Xinghuai became impatient, looked at Qiao Shiwang and said:
"Captain Qiao, I know you are a person who values ​​love and righteousness."

"But don't abandon public service for personal reasons."

"Wu Fu did a great service to the Tang Dynasty by eliminating the rats and demons in Gaochang. But you can't hide the hidden dragon for her."

Qiao Shiwang was furious. He glanced at Zhou Xinghuai coldly and said:

"I, Qiao Shiwang, am the heart of the Tang Dynasty. I can tell you from the sun and the moon. If there was a hidden dragon in Wu Fu, I would have reported it long ago. I can still wait until today to let you show off your rhetoric here."

"Besides, Yuan Tianshi was also there that day. Your Majesty will know after asking."

When he said the last sentence, he already disdained Zhou Xinghuai and reported it to Li Shimin.

When Yuan Tiangang saw that everyone was looking at him, he knew that it was time for him to appear on the stage, so he also announced:
"Your Majesty, I have been accompanying Wu Fu during the trip to Gaochang. There were many fierce battles along the way, but I have never seen Wu Fu lead a dragon to slay a demon."

"On the contrary, Yuan Guoshi has used magic and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms several times."

"As for the attack on Gaochang Palace, I did not participate with Wu Fu, so I don't know much about what happened."

At the same time, I secretly laughed in my heart, the more mixed the water, the better.

After hearing this, Qiao Shiwang was a little confused. What did Tianshi mean by being so ambiguous?
Over there, Zhou Xinghuai became more and more proud, and borrowed Yuan Tiangang's words and said:

"Your Majesty, although Yuan Tianshi is not present, the five hundred soldiers who followed Wu Fu to attack the Gaochang Palace are present."

"And as far as I know, many of them followed Captain Qiao back to Beijing this time."

"There is also Zhongqing from His Highness the Crown Prince's residence. He is the one who attacked the Gaochang Palace with Wu Fu. The right and wrong can be known once you call and ask."

Li Shimin did not expect to involve so many people. He knew that this matter could not be resolved in the court today. After thinking for a while, he said:
"Li Daozong."

"Go and investigate this matter thoroughly, and ask the relevant personnel that Zhou Xinghuai said one by one, and implement the situation."

"Remember, they are all heroes who opened up and expanded our territory for the Tang Dynasty. We should not use torture to break the hearts of the soldiers."

Li Daozong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, went out to respond.

(End of this chapter)

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