Chapter 340 Things like pigs and dogs
After going to court, he immediately contacted Zhou Xinghuai and asked people to bring Qiao Shiwang, Yuan Tiangang, Zhongqing, Ye Luo and many sergeants to the Ministry of Punishment one by one for careful investigation.

Ye Luo also knew about the grudge between Wu Yuanqing and Wu Fu at this time, and knew that he was being used by Wu Yuanqing.

In the Criminal Department, he also cursed Wu Yuanqing, saying that he drank too much and said drunken words.

The sergeants themselves didn't quite understand what Wu Fu said, and they were grateful for Wu Fu's kindness, so they all denied it.

When the most important person Zhongqing was asked, Zhongqing even cried out that he was wronged. He patted his chest and said that he was willing to use his own life to guarantee that Princess Wu Fu used magic.

Two days later, in the court hall.

Li Daozong went out to play and said:
"Your Majesty, regarding the hidden dragon in Princess Wu Fu's body, Wei Chen has verified it one by one with relevant personnel."

"This matter is indeed a misinformation. The Qianlong matter has nothing to do with the princess."

But who knew that Zhou Xinghuai jumped out again and said:

"Your Majesty, although many witnesses are willing to cooperate, I still have one ironclad proof."

"It will definitely prove that Wu Fu is a hidden dragon."

Li Shimin frowned and said with some displeasure:

"My dear, please tell me in detail."

Zhou Xing looked at the people in the hall confidently and talked eloquently:
"Just find a capable person to lead the dragon to Wu Fu again."

"And such a person, Wu Yuanqing, Wu Fu's eldest brother, has already been found."

After hearing this, Li Shimin became interested and asked:
"Where is Wu Yuanqing now?"

Zhou Xinghuai said:

"Waiting outside the palace now."

Li Shimin waved his hand to the eunuch beside him and said:

"Call Wu Yuanqing in."

After a short time, Wu Yuanqing walked in, gave Li Shimin a bow and said:
"The guilty minister Wu Yuanqing has met His Majesty."

Li Shimin said expressionlessly:

"Wu Yuanqing, you really have a way to bring out the hidden dragon in Wu Fu."

Wu Yuanqing kowtowed repeatedly and said:

"On that day, the guilty minister was imprisoned and left the capital, but he was subjected to all kinds of humiliation."

"But for the sake of the country and the country of the Tang Dynasty, I am determined to find out the evidence that Wu Fu is Qianlong."

"So I was looking around for capable people and strangers, looking for a way to lure the dragon, and finally I found such a strange person. He can lure the hidden dragon out of Wu Fu's body."

Li Shimin asked in a deep voice:
"Where is that strange man now?"

Wu Yuanqing kowtowed again like a beetle:

"He is in my house now. I can call him to the temple right now."

Li Chengqian on the side couldn't help but become a little anxious, and directly reprimanded:

"Bold Wu Yuanqing, do you understand the rules?"

"Where did you find this person? Has your identity been confirmed? Do you dare to go to the main hall to get him?"

"Is this a place where anyone can come?"

These words awakened Li Shimin. This kind of thing is really not suitable in the main hall or above the court.

He then thought of the achievements Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu had made to the Tang Dynasty, and he already had some calculations in his mind.

Then he opened his mouth and said:
"That makes sense. Chengqian, your mother-in-law handled this matter last time."

"And Wu Fu's identity is a princess after all, so it's appropriate to leave this matter to her."

"You will help her deal with it this time, and it must be fair and just."

After hearing this, Zhou Xinghuai became anxious. Everyone knew that Wu Fu was deeply loved by Empress Changsun. Wu Fu was made a princess because of this matter last time.

If Queen Changsun was partial this time, then all the hard work she had put in would have been wasted.

Thinking of this, he also said:
"I am the censor, and this matter arose because of me. Please allow me to participate in this matter."

"Li Shangshu knows a lot about this case, and it is best to participate together."

After listening to this, Li Daozong couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart:
"You are like an old pig and a dog." "I was just able to stay out of the situation, and you dragged me in again."

"You hurt me like this. Could it be that I threw your child into the well?"

Li Shimin understood what Zhou Xinghuai meant, so he nodded and agreed.

All matters have been discussed.

Li Chengqian returned to Qingning Palace to report the matter to his eldest grandson.

After hearing this, the eldest grandson felt depressed for a while.
"This Wu Yuanqing is really hateful, his ghost is lingering."

"It would be unlucky for Wu Fu to provoke such a ungrateful brother."

Li Chengqian also scolded her a few times and asked:
"Auntie, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

After hearing this, the eldest grandson smiled and said:
"What you mean is very clear. Right and wrong is up to my mother-in-law."

"Cheng Qian, go find Yuan Shouwei and tell him what happened first. He must be involved in this matter."

"Also, you ask him when is the appropriate time to handle this matter."

Only then did Li Chengqian understand the meaning, and he excitedly went to Beiming Mountain to find Yuan Shouwei in person.

After listening to Li Chengqian's words, Yuan Shouwei understood his eldest grandson's kindness and said to Li Chengqian with a smile:

"Your Highness, I am already ready."

"Go back and tell Her Majesty the Queen that I am available at any time."

After Li Chengqian heard this, he still said a little uneasily:

"Of course I know what you are capable of."

“But it’s always good to have more time to prepare.”

"I'm in charge of this matter, you have to prepare and prepare. After three days, we will deal with this matter in the East Palace."

Naturally, Yuan Shouwei would not let down Li Chengqian's kindness and agreed with a smile.

Three days later, at Sishi, the East Palace.

Queen Changsun, Li Chengqian, Li Daozong, and Zhou Xinghuai arrived first. They were the presiding officials.

Not long after, Yuan Shouwei, Wu Yan, and Yang Shi also arrived, and they were regarded as defendants.

Originally, Wu Fu was afraid that Yang would be worried and didn't want her to come.

But Yang was not willing to stay at home alone anyway.Said: If you die, my mother-in-law will die with you.

Then he shamed Yuan Shouwei and asked him if he should go?
Yuan Shouwei raised the white flag within minutes and replied with a flattering look on his face, "Even if Wu Fu doesn't go, you, the old man, have to go too."

After waiting for less than a cup of tea, Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren also arrived. They were the plaintiffs.

It was really jealous when the enemy met.

After Yang saw Wu Yuanqing, she could no longer suppress the anger in her heart and cursed directly:

"You ungrateful businessman, how did our mothers offend you? You must put us to death."

"Don't you want those family properties? I tell you, I won't let you get what you want even if I die."

"Even if I donate all my money to temples and Taoist temples, I won't make things cheaper for you."

Over there, Wu Yuanqing was struck by what she said, but he smiled sinisterly, raised his hands to the sky, looked at them and said:

"You crazy bitch is spouting shit."

"I, Wu Yuanqing, am doing this for the great Tang Dynasty, not for my own selfish desires."

After Yuan Shouwei heard his rude words, he suddenly stepped forward, using Lingbo's slight steps, like a ghost, when he reached Wu Yuanqing's side, he faced a big bidou.

Wu Yuanqing was caught off guard and was slapped. Half of his face immediately became swollen. He glared at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"How dare you hit me in front of the queen and prince? Do you really think there is no law in the Tang Dynasty?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled slightly and said:

"Things like pigs and dogs, just beat them."

"Come over and bite me if you dare."

Wu Yuanqing was furious, but he did not dare to step forward, so he could only look at the presiding judges for help.

(End of this chapter)

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