Chapter 341
The eldest grandson was currently chanting sutras with his head down, so naturally he didn't see him.

Li Chengqian was looking up to study the beams of the East Palace, thinking about changing to a new look, so he naturally ignored him.

Li Daozong made up his mind today. The whole process was the background wall, so he naturally pretended not to see it.

Only Zhou Xinghuai looked at his swollen cheeks with sympathy and gestured to him: the overall situation is the most important thing.

While the commotion was going on, witnesses related to Qiao Shiwang, Yuan Tiangang, Zhongqing, Ye Luo and other sergeants also arrived.

When Ye Luo and the other sergeants saw Wu Yuanqing, their eyes immediately turned red and they cursed directly:
"Wu Yuanqing, I didn't expect you to be such a despicable and shameless villain."

"You tried to trick us while we were drunk, and then falsely accused Miss Wu Fu."

"If this were in the Western Region, I would kill you, a capricious villain, right now."

There is absolutely nothing like what a witness should look like.

Wu Yuanqing looked at the manic looks of Ye Luo's gang, and recalled how crazy they were in Pingkangfang that day, knowing that these people were all desperadoes licking blood from their swords.

I felt timid at first and couldn't help but hide behind Zhu Xiuren.

Seeing that the fuss was over, the eldest grandson said:
"Isn't everyone here?"

"If that's the case, let's get started."

"Li Shangshu, I'm still not clear about some things this time, tell me and everyone else again."

Li Daozong looked at his nose, looked at his mouth, and asked his heart. He explained the matter as if he were reciting scriptures.

After listening to this, Changsun also nodded. After questioning all the witnesses, he opened his mouth and said to Wu Yuanqing:
"Wu Yuanqing, you have heard everyone's testimony. Obviously it is not very beneficial to you."

"But since you are doing it for the Tang Dynasty, I will let you give it a try."

"Ask Zhao'er to cooperate with you, you can let this Taoist priest perform it as much as you like."

When everyone in the room heard this, they all turned their attention to Wu Fu. Seeing her silence and expressionless look, they all felt a layer of worry in their hearts.

Seeing Wu Yuan like this, Wu Yuanqing gained more confidence. Thinking about being humiliated by everyone, he gritted his teeth and said:
"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen."

Then he turned to look at Zhu Xiuren and asked:
"Taoist Master, are you ready?"

Ever since Zhu Xiuren entered the palace with Wu Yuanqing, he felt a little more frightened when he saw the palace's carved beams, painted columns, splendid, heavily guarded and solemn appearance.

It was only then that he reluctantly recovered.

After hearing Wu Yuanqing's question, he took a deep breath, chanted a slogan in his mouth, nodded, and said politely:
"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen, if that's the case, then I'll start to show off my skills."

After finishing speaking, he took out a talisman from his arms. As he recited the spell, the talisman floated in front of Wu Fu and placed it directly on her forehead.

When Yang saw Wu Yan's expressionless face, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart. She was about to stop her, but Yuan Tiangang grabbed her sleeve.

She looked at Yuan Tiangang in a panic, only to see Yuan Tiangang give her a reassuring smile, and she felt a little more at ease.

In Wu Fu's mind, there was already a blue scripture, which was the 'Divine Foot Power'.

It turned out that Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu had already planned it when they heard the rumor that day.

Let Wu Fu learn the 'Shen Zu Tong', and then Yuan Shouwei enters Wu Fu's sea of ​​consciousness and suppresses her dragon energy.

Not to mention Zhu Xiuren, a Taoist priest, even if Daluo Jinxian came, he still couldn't draw out Wu Fu's dragon energy.

As Zhu Xiuren applied the talisman, Yuan Shouwei felt that the remaining dragon energy in Wu Fu's body began to show signs of recovery, and he began to move slowly.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he snorted softly from the end of his nose. The dragon's aura was suddenly like five thunders hitting his head. He lay there and did not dare to move again.

Zhu Xiuren had finished reciting the spell at this time, and suddenly found that there was no movement on Wu Fu's body, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

At this time, everyone watching was relieved. It seemed that Wu Yuanqing was slandering Wu Fu again this time.

There are idiots every year.But there are very few idiots like Wu Yuanqing who are obsessed with cheating girls.

Seeing this, Wu Yuanqing became a little anxious and whispered to Zhu Xiuren:
"Taoist Master, after everything is done, I will give you another 1000 taels of gold."

Man dies for wealth, and bird dies for food. After hearing this, Zhu Xiuren felt as if he had been given blood. He gritted his teeth, felt fierce in his heart, and threw out another talisman.

Wu Fu still made no move.

Zhu Xiuren used the dragon attracting talisman for the third time, but there was still no reaction.

Wu Yuanqing was anxious when he saw this, and whispered to Zhu Xiuren from the side:

"Taoist Master, summon her soul. You don't know how to do that, do you?"

"As long as she summons her soul, her Hidden Dragon should be able to escape."

Zhu Xiuren's forehead was already sweaty. He shook his head and said:
"I've called her, but it's no use. Her soul is as solid as a rock and can't be moved at all."

"What's going on here? Is there really no Qianlong in her body?"

Two more dragon-attracting talismans were thrown out. The posture was very nice, but the effect was complete.

At this time, Zhu Xiuren was helpless.

Looking at the eyes of everyone next to him, especially Yang's, his eyes were like spitting fire.

He felt a little more fear in his heart and said with force:

"This, this, that, when I went out today, I didn't look at the date."

"I just remembered that today is not suitable for offering sacrifices or evoking souls. Why don't we try again on another auspicious day?"

After hearing this, Li Chengqian could no longer sit still, stood up and said:

"You, a Taoist priest, are full of nonsense."

"At this time, I remembered that the auspicious day of the zodiac has arrived."

"Celestial Master, go and see what's going on with his talisman. If it works well, try to attract the dragon on me."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang walked over and took off a piece of Wu Fu's zombie-like face. After thinking about it carefully for a while, he said to Li Chengqian:

"It shouldn't be difficult, I can give it a try."

After saying that, he started to manipulate the talisman. As the talisman fell on Li Chengqian's face, everyone felt that there was suddenly an inexplicable pressure in the hall.

As Yuan Tiangang recited the incantation, a dragon roar sounded, and a golden dragon shadow about five or six feet long jumped out from behind Li Chengqian with its claws waving.

After looking at everyone with intelligent eyes, he passed through the obstacles in the hall and disappeared.

At this time, the pressure on everyone disappeared.

When everyone saw the real dragon appearing, their knees weakened and they fell to their knees, kowtowing to Li Chengqian repeatedly.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian also motioned for everyone to stand up, then looked at the stunned Zhu Xiuren and said:
"Master Taoist, what else do you have to say?"

Zhu Xiuren argued arrogantly:
"The Celestial Master's Taoist skills are exquisite. Maybe he uses magic techniques."

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had already closed the 'Shen Zu Tong'. After hearing Zhu Xiuren's words, he knew it was time to close the net, and he also angrily said:

"You are so bold that you dare to slander His Highness's real dragon as a magic technique."

"I will make you give up completely today."

"Let that rumor disappear once and for all."

(End of this chapter)

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