Chapter 343 Magic trick?

Early the next morning, Zhongqing hurried over. After seeing Yuan Shouwei, he immediately said:

"Yuan Shouwei, there was a leak in the prison of the Criminal Department yesterday."

"More than ten prisoners were burned to death, including Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren."

After hearing what Yuan Shouwei said, he immediately frowned, looked at Zhongqing and said:
"How could it be such a coincidence?"

Zhongqing also frowned and said:

"Yeah, I think it's a coincidence too."

"I asked someone about it, and they said that the prison of the Ministry of Punishment was in disrepair. It had been compromised once before, and this is the second time."

Yuan Shouwei immediately stood up and said:

"Let's go to the Ministry of Justice and ask Li Shangshu for details."

While they were talking, the two of them had already left the house and headed to the Criminal Department.

Li Daozong was unable to go to court because of water leakage in his prison.

The meeting had just finished handling emergency matters when someone reported that Yuan Shouwei and Zhongqing were here.

I was secretly complaining:

"The real master is here, and he is here to investigate."

Reluctantly, I went to the door to greet him in person.

After the two parties met, Yuan Shouwei asked what was going on, and Li Daozong also sighed and said:
"To be honest with the Imperial Master, the prison of the Ministry of Punishment is not bad. It is not bad that it has been in disrepair, but it is really not to the point of being leaked. This is just what is said to the outside world."

"In fact, it was Zhu Xiuren and Wu Yuanqing's bodies that suddenly spontaneously ignited and died, which led to the fire."

"A few survivors saw them spontaneously combust with their own eyes."

Spontaneous combustion?

Or did they both spontaneously combust together?
Yuan Shouwei smelled a hint of conspiracy and said in a deep voice:
"Li Shangshu, don't you think this is too coincidental?"

Li Daozong was cursing in his heart at this time:

This bullshit Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is really not a human being. Why do these messy things always happen? After this matter is settled, I will go to His Majesty to resign from this position.

After listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, he also said embarrassingly:

"The Imperial Master is right. There must be something wrong here. I even think someone is killing people and silencing them."

"I am still worried about how to explain this matter to His Majesty?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also said:
"Why don't we go to the scene to investigate and then find witnesses to ask about the situation?"

After hearing this, Li Daozong nodded repeatedly and took the two of them to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

The prison of the Ministry of Punishment is also a separate courtyard, consisting of a walled watchtower, an outer prison, an inner prison, a punishment room, a prison cell, a prison temple, a male prison and a female prison.

Yuan Shouwei and Zhongqing looked up and saw that other places were still intact and basically unaffected.

Only the men's cell in the northeast corner was a burnt ruin, completely unrecognizable. At first glance, it was completely black, with broken wood and black walls vaguely visible.

Li Daozong looked at the scene, sighed and said:
"Nothing can be seen at the scene, and the current male prisoners have also been temporarily sent to the women's cell."

Yuan Shouwei observed again and found that there was indeed no clue, so he said:

"Please Li Shangshu, please call the jailer and witness prisoners who were on duty yesterday, and I will inquire."

Li Daozong also did as he was told.

The two jailers came first.

They said that at midnight last night, they were in the cell outside the prison when they suddenly heard a faint noise in the cell.At first, they didn't pay attention. They thought it was the prisoner who was deliberately making trouble, so they got up to check.

But as soon as they arrived at the door, they heard a prisoner yelling desperately:

"Help, help, we're in trouble, we're in trouble."

Then they saw thick smoke pouring out from the cell door, and the two of them panicked. One went to report it to the prison head, and the other went inside to check.

There was already thick smoke billowing inside the prison, and fire was everywhere.

He had no choice but to brave the fire and enter, and began to open the cell doors one by one, releasing the prisoners and letting them gather in the courtyard.

There was no fear of them running away, because there were many jailers in the courtyard, and it was a high-walled courtyard.

When Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren were imprisoned, they saw that the people in the two cells had been burned to the point of making no sound, and only one prisoner was moaning softly.

At this time, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't care about anything else but to save the man.

After the two jailers finished talking about the matter, the surviving prisoner also arrived. There was no major health problem, but he kept coughing, and the phlegm he spit out was accompanied by black ash.

When Yuan Shouwei asked him about yesterday's situation, his face suddenly twitched, his face looked frightened, and his eyes showed infinite fear.

Seeing this, Zhongqing who was at the side pasted a well-known Qingxin talisman, and uttered the Qingxin mantra in his mouth. After a while, the prisoner regained his senses and began to speak.

The prisoner in his cell was Zhu Xiuren. Because he was a newcomer, according to the old rules, the prisoners in the cell must give him a kick.

Who knew that Zhu Xiuren could actually punch and kick them, knocking them all to the ground.

Everyone saw that he was a ruthless man, so no one dared to provoke him anymore. They all hid far away and gave him their place by the window in the cell.

At night, everyone fell into a drowsy sleep, and suddenly Nading Xiude got up, rummaged around in the cell, and muttered and cursed:
"I'm so thirsty."

He made a lot of noise and woke up everyone else, but no one dared to make a sound and just let him do whatever he wanted.

He found some sewage near the cell, drank it all, and went to sleep in the corner again.

The prisoner could only vaguely see that his face was frighteningly red, as if he was about to bleed.

After a while, Zhu Xiuren got up again and shouted angrily:
"Thirsty, I'm thirsty. Jailer, get me some water."

After saying that, he walked from the corner to the fence of the cell, but as soon as he reached the middle of the cell, his hair suddenly caught fire, and then his whole body was on fire, like a human torch.

Zhu Xiuren immediately screamed loudly, beat the flames desperately, ran around in the cell, and hugged everyone, trying to extinguish the flames.

But the fire did not go out, but instead set the cell on fire, and other prisoners in the cell were also on fire.

Only he hid in the corner and escaped.

After Zhu Xiuren screamed for a while, he fell to the ground without making a sound, but the fire was already burning.

Not far from this cell, there were also flames and screams.

Later, the jailer rushed in and saved his life.

Is magic causing trouble?

This thought came to Yuan Shouwei's mind, and he couldn't help but look at Zhongqing, wanting to confirm this information with his eyes.

But they just saw Zhongqing's face full of shock, staring intently, listening to the prisoner's description with concentration, and completely ignoring the look he gave him.

Yuan Shouwei sighed helplessly, missing Yuan Tiangang extremely in his heart.

He turned his attention to Li Daozong and said:

"Li Shangshu, can you let me see the bodies of Wu and Zhu?"

Li Daozong also nodded and asked the jailer to take them to a corner of the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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