Chapter 344: Soldier or errand?

There were only a dozen or so corpses in this corner, all covered with linen. The breeze blew through, and the black and charred corpses inside could be faintly seen.

The jailer came to the two corpses on one side and said:

"That's it. It's easy to identify. Others burned from the outside in, but they were the only ones who burned from the inside out."

After saying that, he opened the linen cloth.

As he opened it, first a faint smell of barbecue wafted out, and then he saw two bodies about half a meter long, curled up like babies.

To say it was a corpse would actually be more appropriate to say it was coke.

Yuan Shouwei asked the jailer to get a pair of leather gloves, hold his breath, and gently touch the body to confirm that it was not a fake death.

Then after checking it again, I didn't see any clues.

He used his clairvoyance to check, and he could only see that their internal organs were burnt black. He confirmed that the fire was ignited from within the body, but there was no way to tell whether they had been cast under a spell.

This made him feel a little depressed, now all the clues were broken.

I was still careless. In fact, I should have interrogated the two of them myself yesterday.

The clue that can be determined so far is that Zhu Xiuren is an abandoned disciple of the Five Dou Rice Sect, and is the same group of people who harmed Xue Rengui.

And the people behind the scenes still have no clues.

All they have to do now is to make Wu Fu and Xue Rengui be careful.

There are also some clues to look for:
Why did Wu Yuanqing suddenly go to Beijing to murder Wu Fu?
When did you enter the capital?
Did he come to Beijing on his own, or was someone else asking him to come to Beijing?
Why did Zhu Xiuren provide him with an errand? Was it just for money?

After thinking about this, he also told Li Daozong his questions.

After Li Daozong heard this, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart. This Yuan Shouwei was indeed a talent.

When I write a memorial to His Majesty later, I can just write down all these questions and explain that I am investigating them.

This way His Majesty won't be too harsh on me.

Thinking of this, his sadness disappeared and he sent Yuan Shou out of the Criminal Department for them with a smile on his face.

After going out, Zhongqing went to inform Xue Rengui, and Yuan Shouwei went straight back to Wu Mansion. After seeing Wu Fu, he told her all the things.

After Wu Yuan heard this, he immediately made a judgment. There must be someone behind Wu Yuanqing's instructions. The key point is to find out who he has contacted with since he entered Beijing.

This can't help but make Yuan Shouwei feel a little ashamed. Talent is something that I can't envy.

He told Wu Fu that he had told Li Daozong and asked the Ministry of Justice to investigate.

After hearing this, Wu Fu curled his lips and thought: Unless His Majesty gives the order, he will not contribute.

He decided to ask the veterans in the mansion to help investigate.

Yuan Shouwei looked at Wu Yan's expression, and suddenly he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, and he repeatedly said:
"Do you want to investigate this?"

Seeing Wu Fu nodding, he also solemnly ordered:

"You can check, but only others can check. You can't go out."

"In addition, during this period of time, I try to come every day to accompany you and search for clues."

Wu Fan couldn't help but burst into joy upon hearing this, and nodded in agreement.

While the two were talking, servant Li Shi came and said that Liu Dashan and his family had arrived.

It turned out that Yuan Shouwei counted the days the day before yesterday, and Liu Dashan should be coming soon, so he specifically told Li Shi that if he came, he should be notified as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei checked Wu Fu's protection again before returning to Beiming Mountain with Li Shi.

When I got to the mountain, I saw it was so lively.

Not only Liu Dashan's family of three came, but also the two black boys, the thick boy, and more than a dozen young people.

At this moment, everyone was being led by Lao Li to visit Yuan Shouwei's house, marveling at it while looking at it.

After seeing Yuan Shouwei, everyone stepped forward to salute.

Yuan Shouwei also smiled and returned the gifts one by one, then looked at Liu Dashan and couldn't help but said with surprise:

"Da Shan, your martial arts level has improved very quickly. Your energy and spirit are obviously different." Liu Dashan said with a naive smile:

"Alang, thanks to you, I am now at the third level of the martial arts realm. I can also use all the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but my spiritual power is a little behind."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also smiled and said:
"That's really good. You're making rapid progress because you have deep blessings and have nothing to do with me."

"Don't worry, I'll find you some heavenly materials and earthly treasures to enhance your spiritual power when you get back."

After Liu Dashan thanked him, he pointed at the two black young men, the thick young man, and the dozen or so young people behind him and said:

"Alang, you know these two, and they also came with me when they heard that I was coming to Chang'an. They wanted to come here to seek a future."

"Don't blame me for not telling you in advance."

After hearing this, everyone behind them also came forward to greet them and said:
"Liu Xiaohei and Liu Dazhuang have met Alang."

Yuan Shouwei looked at these energetic young people and said with a smile:
"How can you blame me? It's too late to be happy."

"I'll let Li Shi take you to visit Chang'an City in the next few days."

"After you read it, tell me what you want to do, and I will try my best to arrange it for you."

After finishing speaking, he walked to Grandma Liu who had been standing behind, and Liu Siya smiled and saluted in front of her and said:
"Yuan Shouwei has met grandma."

Panicked, Granny Liu hurriedly stopped Yuan Shouwei, saying:

"Master, you are a big shot, how can you pay tribute to me, an old woman?"

"There are a lot of things that have happened in Sanshan that have caused you trouble. I'm here to kowtow to you."

After saying that, he would kneel down, and Liu Siya would also kneel down.

Yuan Shouwei also quickly stopped the two of them and said:

"Grandma, you are out of touch."

"Sanshan is my brother, and those are what I should do."

"Si Ya, you have grown a lot taller."

Liu Dashan on the side also came over and said to Grandma Liu:
"Auntie, today is a happy day. Don't talk about the past."

Yuan Shouwei also nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, yes, today is a good day."

"Let's go, it's time for lunch. Everyone, please follow me to the main hall. I'll have someone prepare the meal."

"After dinner, grandma, you should have a good rest for the day. I will take you to visit Chang'an City tomorrow."

Everyone also entered the backyard talking and laughing.

The next day, after Yuan Shouwei received several divination guests, he took everyone to Chang'an City.

A group of young people let Li Shi take them around, while he took Liu Dashan's family of three to see this bustling metropolis.

All the way from Zhaoxingfang to Andingfang, when they passed through the West Market, they bought a lot of food and clothing for them.

In the afternoon, we took them to walk from Changlefang to Quchifang. We didn't leave Chang'an until the drums in Jingjie sounded.

After playing for two days, Liu Dashan came to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Alang, you have to make predictions for others every day, so I can't waste your time any longer."

"We've almost finished our tour of Chang'an City."

"Do you think I will follow you in the future or seek an errand?"

Yuan Shouwei thought for a while and said:

"There are few people and few things on this mountain. Why not go find a job first?"

"What do you want to do, be a soldier or a errand?"

(End of this chapter)

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