Chapter 345
Liu Dashan said:
"I, Yeye, and my two brothers have already died in battle."

"I would rather join the army, but I still have to serve my mother-in-law and provide a heir for the Liu family, so I can only consider working as a errand."

Yuan Shouwei said:

"Dashan, with your current martial arts cultivation, you can actually find a good job wherever you go."

"Being a servant is a bit unfair to you. Why don't you become a Marquis of Wu first? Your personality is suitable for this."

Liu Dashan's eyes lit up and he said:

"The kind that patrols Chang'an City and maintains law and order in the city?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded in agreement. Liu Dashan thought it was good and nodded in agreement.

After the two discussed it, Yuan Shouwei took him directly to Li Chengqian's house.

Li Chengqian and Zhongqing happened to be there. After the two parties met, Yuan Shouwei told Li Chengqian Liu Dashan's thoughts.

When Li Chengqian heard that three of the four men of the Liu family had died in battle, he couldn't help but feel in awe. Looking at Liu Dashan's heroic appearance, he felt a little more happy in his heart and said:

"This is the cornerstone of my Tang Dynasty. Why don't you just stay in the East Palace and follow me?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled and shook his head:
"Dashan is different from Zhongqing. He can't do the work of serving people."

"It's better to practice as a Wuhou for a while. If he does well in the future, he will come back to the East Palace and not eat."

Zhongqing, who was on the sidelines, secretly slandered:

Why am I serving people? I rely on my ability to serve people, and I don’t care who I am serving.In the future I will be a minister who obeys the dragon.

Seeing Yuan Shouwei's resolute attitude, Li Chengqian didn't force it, and immediately wrote a note asking someone to take Liu Dashan to Wuhou's Mansion, asking him to take a Wuhou small shop with five people to exercise first.

After the matter was settled, Yuan Shouwei and Liu Dashan returned to Beiming Mountain.

After everyone on the mountain heard about this, they all approached Yuan Shouwei and wanted him to find a job.

Yuan Shouwei also smiled and agreed, according to everyone's wishes:
If anyone is willing to join the army, let him go to Xue Rengui.

If anyone is smart and willing to do business, let him go to Wu Mansion.

If anyone is willing to serve as an errand, let him go to Zhongqing and make unified arrangements.

After everyone was settled, he saw Liu Siya standing timidly at the door, so he waved to her and asked her to come over, saying:
"Si Ya, don't you also want to find something to do?"

Liu Siya nodded first, then shook his head, which immediately confused Yuan Shouwei, and said with a smile:

"Then tell me, brother, what do you want to do?"

Liu Siya bit her lip and said hesitantly:

"Alang, I want to practice Taoism with you, do you think it's okay?"

Yuan Shouwei was surprised by these words. He didn't expect that this little girl would like this. He asked with interest:

"Siya, don't be nervous. Can you tell me why you want to learn Taoism from me?"

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei did not refuse, Siya's expression became more relaxed and she quickly said:

"Alang, if it weren't for you, my elder brother would definitely be dead."

"Even if someone else rescues him, if he can't recall his soul, he will become a fool."

"I want to protect him and my mother for the rest of my life, so I want to practice Taoism with you."

What a simple and sincere idea.

Yuan Shouwei recognized her from the bottom of his heart, looked at her, and said with a smile:

"Siya's idea is really good."

"Then I agree to accept you as my disciple."

"However, I can only agree with it myself. You have to ask your mother-in-law and Dashan for their opinions. Only if they agree can I accept you."

Si Ya couldn't help but feel excited after hearing this, she nodded repeatedly and said:
"Okay, okay, I'm going to ask their opinions now." In a short time, all three of their family arrived.

Grandma Liu and Liu Dashan did not expect that Yuan Shouwei would be willing to accept Liu Siya as his disciple, so they both knelt down gratefully to express their gratitude.

This time Yuan Shouwei did not refuse, but accepted it calmly.

After Liu Dashan and his wife thanked him, they asked Liu Siya to quickly perform the apprenticeship ceremony and served Yuan Shouwei tea to express his gratitude.

After Yuan Shouwei finished drinking, he took Liu Siya to visit the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty first, and then went to the master's grave in the back mountain to report the matter, and then officially accepted Liu Siya.

When it was time to raise the name of the Dharma, Yuan Shouwei was in trouble.

When he accepts a disciple, he is also a big girl getting on the sedan chair - for the first time, the master does not have any genealogy, and there is no way to rank him by seniority.

Suddenly he thought of what Wu Fu told him about her name in the dream: Miaozhen.

He couldn't help but nodded and said:

"Si Ya, your dharma name will be Miaozhen from now on."

"It means complete, beautiful and true."

Siya repeatedly chanted the name and its meaning, and happily turned over and kowtowed again:
"Liu Miaozhen wrote that his name was given by his master."

After Yuan Shouwei told her some rules and regulations, he thought that since he had accepted a disciple, he still had to have this greeting gift.

Then he took out the jade flute, handed it to Liu Miaozhen and said:

"Miaozhen, this is the meeting gift given to you by the master, the jade flute sword. Please accept it."

"There is also a set of Jade Flute sword techniques, which I will also teach you."

"Starting from tomorrow, you will practice Taoism and recite scriptures in the morning and practice martial arts in the afternoon."

Liu Miaozhen also took it with both hands and thanked the master repeatedly.

Grandma Liu who was watching this scene was also wiping her tears while muttering:
"Old man, Erlang, and Sanlang, please feel free to go."

"Now Dalang has serious business, and Siya has found a good master."|
"Our family can only be as good as this, and you can rest assured."

I took my family of three to thank Yuan Shouwei again.

Yuan Shouwei considered that Beiming Mountain was too far away from Chang'an, so he asked Wu Fu to pay more attention to the house and buy one if there was one suitable for him.

Grandma Liu and Liu Miaozhen lived in the mountains, while the others moved to Chang'an City.

Let’s go back to Li’s side.

When she learned that Wu Yuanqing was going to lead the dragon in the East Palace, she was overjoyed.

Let me see how you, Wu Fu, can escape this time?
While secretly thanking God, he really treated himself well.

As soon as Zhang Shenji left, God was afraid that he would be lonely and cold, so he arranged for Wu Yuanqing for himself. Not only was he handsome, but he also liked to play sadistic games like himself. It was a match made in heaven.

After this is done, you must reward your new husband.

Just when she was thinking about good things, someone came to report:
There is no hidden dragon in Wu Fu's body at all, it's all magic.

Queen Changsun was so angry that she had already put Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren into the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and was preparing to set a date to await trial.

After hearing this, Mr. Li was struck like a bolt from the blue. He was stunned on the spot. It took him a long time to recover.

He said angrily:
"There must be Qianlong in Wu Yan's body. Yuan Qing told me that he saw it with his own eyes."

"Zhang Liang must have found this Taoist. That day I saw that he was a bit pretentious."

"No, I have to go to Zhang Liang to get an explanation."

After saying that, he was about to go to the front yard, but was stopped by Li Ying beside him, who said eagerly:
"Madam, the most urgent thing is not to question the master, but to consider whether Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren will confess you."

(End of this chapter)

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