Chapter 346 This time it’s a coincidence

Mrs. Li immediately calmed down after she stopped talking, thinking that she might also go to jail because of this matter.

Then she remembered that when she went to see Zhang Shen, the cell was dirty and smelly, with cockroaches and rats crawling all over the floor. She couldn't help but shudder, grabbed Li Ying's arm, and said with a pale face:

"Li Ying, what do you think we should do?"

"I can't go to jail. I'd rather die than go to jail."

"How about I go to Li Daozong to find a solution?"

Li Ying sighed and said:

"This matter has already involved the royal family, and it was Empress Changsun who issued the decree."

"It's definitely not possible to go to Li Daozong. He's an old fool. Going to him is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. He is eager to send you to prison to give him a chance to make meritorious deeds."

Mrs. Li became even more panicked when she heard this, and said pitifully:

"Then who to look for? What to do?"

"Even if Wu Yuanqing doesn't confess me, Zhu Xiuren will definitely tell me."

Li Ying looked at Mr. Li helplessly and said:

"You still have to find the master. After all, Zhu Xiuren is the one who found you. We are grasshoppers on the same rope."

"If you are involved, the master will not be able to get away with it. He must know this in his heart."

"It's just that your attitude towards the master should be better. Don't raise your hands to hit or open your mouth to curse."

After thinking about it, Li felt that Zhang Liang was the only one she could rely on now, so she nodded aggrievedly and said:
"Okay, I'll give him a good talk and let him come up with a solution."

When we arrived at the front hall, we learned that Zhang Liang was still on duty at the Ministry of War.

Li was about to go to the Ministry of War to search, but was stopped by Li Ying, who told her to wait at home and not rush at this moment.

He went to the Ministry of War to find Zhang Liang.

Half an hour later, Li Ying came back and told Ms. Li that Zhang Liang was handling official business and would come back to see her when he was done.

Mrs. Li had no choice but to nod in agreement, and then walked around in the yard like an ant in a hot pot.

It was almost getting dark, and Zhang Liang also finished handling his official duties and headed home.

He knew in his heart that Li was looking for him because of Wu Fu's attempt to lure the dragon for the second time. When he returned to his mansion, he was not in a hurry to see Li, but went to see that person first.

After hearing what happened, the man said:
"Then clean up these two tonight, so as not to implicate you and me."

"It's just that Mrs. Li is indeed in some trouble. Because of some personal grudges, our important events will be delayed."

"Wait a minute and tell her clearly so that she will give up her desire for revenge."

Zhang Liang thought of Li's fierce appearance and asked with some palpitations:
"Then what if she continues to make trouble for me, or finds someone else to take revenge?"

After hearing this, the man said slightly sarcastically:

"Is it true that the dignified Minister of the Ministry of War can't deal with a sequel?"

"How about leaving it to me? I'll let her die of illness tonight."

After hearing this, Zhang Liang waved his hands in a panic and said:

"That's not the case. I'll handle it, I'll handle it."

"She begged me to find someone, but I didn't give her any help."

"Besides, I asked people to keep an eye on her and prevent her from going out to cause trouble again."

The man snorted coldly and said nothing more. Zhang Liang also left the room and returned to the main hall.

At this moment, Mrs. Li was already waiting in the main hall. After seeing Zhang Liang, she would habitually scold him. But suddenly she remembered Li Ying's words and immediately changed her face to a smile and said softly:
"Alang, are you back? Why are you back so late today?"

"Are you tired? Do you want me to prepare some food for you?"

Zhang Liang couldn't help but be stunned by Li's attitude. Looking at her like this, he said inexplicably:
"Madam, what's wrong with you?" "Could it be that you have a fever and are confused?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Li could not help but secretly curse Zhang Liang for not understanding the charm. She no longer wanted to pretend, and returned to her normal appearance, but her tone was much gentler:

"What did Alang say? I was just a little panicked because of Wu Yuanqing's incident, and I was afraid that he would implicate me."

"So I want to ask Alang to help me find a solution."

Naturally, Zhang Liang had no way to explain it clearly to her, so he had to change his way and said:

"So this is it. Madam, this matter involves you and me. I am dealing with this matter today."

"I have asked people to contact Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren, and asked them to bear the blame first, saying that it was their own fault. I will then try to rescue them."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li said with some doubts:

"Alang, if you comfort Wu Yuanqing like this, he should believe it."

"But Zhu Xiuren is a money-grubbing villain. I'm afraid he will turn you and me into trouble soon."

Zhang Liang smiled slightly and said confidently:
"No. I have asked someone to make it clear to him. If he confesses me, based on my relationship with His Majesty, he will lose his official position at most, but he will not die. But he will be dead."

"If he doesn't turn me in, I can try to rescue him and give him a way to survive."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li no longer had any doubts, she patted her chest repeatedly and said:

"That's fine, that's fine."

Thinking of her relationship with Wu Yuanqing, she was also a little reluctant to give up Wu Yuanqing, so she continued:

"Alang, Wu Yuanqing was implicated because he helped me. You must remember to rescue him when the time comes."

Zhang Liang nodded and said:
"Of course, we have to save him. But after the rescue, you must remember not to interact with him again, so as not to expose us."

After hearing this, Ms. Li couldn't help but feel happy. The picture of her and Wu Yuanqing's love could not help but come to mind, and she said in her heart:

Once my Wu Langjun is rescued, it will no longer be your decision.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang gave Zhang Liang a rare smile and said:
"I knew Alang had a way."

"Then I'll leave this to Alang."

Zhang Liang looked at her smiling face and thought of her debauchery on the bed. His heart felt hot. But thinking of his own body, he sighed helplessly and told Mrs. Li:
"That's the end of the matter. I want to let go of Shenji's affairs."

"You stay at home during this period and don't run around, lest people find out about you."

Mrs. Li felt that this was for her own good, so she nodded in agreement and returned to the backyard.

Silent all night.

The next day, at dawn, the news about the prison leakage of the Ministry of Punishments had begun to spread in Chang'an City.

After Li Ying heard about it, he was also shocked and quickly found his acquaintances in the Criminal Department to inquire.

After hearing that both Wu and Zhu were burned to death, they felt something was wrong.

But when he thought that no matter what, if these two people died, his wife would no longer be implicated, so he happily went back to announce the good news to Mr. Li.

But when Li heard the news, his whole body turned to stone again, and he murmured to himself:
"Zhang Liang, this old guy, he promised well yesterday, saying he would rescue Mr. Wu Lang."

"It turns out that his way of rescuing him was to burn him to death and kill him to silence him."

"You old man, you even want to lie to me. I'm not done with you."

After finishing speaking, he angrily wanted to go to Zhang Liang to settle the score, but was pulled back by Li Ying again:
"Madam, you must not do this."

"I heard people say that this prison of the Ministry of Punishment has been out of service for a long time. It has been through water once before, and this is the second time. Maybe this time it is a coincidence."

"And not only the two of them were burned to death, there were also more than ten prisoners."

(End of this chapter)

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