Chapter 347 We Can't Provoke Her
After hearing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help hesitating, and asked hesitantly:

"Li Ying, is it really a coincidence?"

Li Ying sighed and said:

"Madam, whether it's a coincidence or not, we can only treat him as a coincidence."

"Besides, this is a good thing for us. Once they die, we don't have to worry about being exposed."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li remained silent, her mind filled with images of herself and Wu Yuanqing being in love.

It's a pity that this happiness is short-lived after all, and there will be no more.

It's just that at this time, I can never bring up the matter of revenge for him.

One is that the relationship is short-lived; the other is that it is easy to expose oneself.

Thinking of this, she sighed helplessly and said to Li Ying:
"You're right, let's leave it as it is."

Just when she wanted to give up and let Wu Fu go.

Two days later,
A piece of news from the servant once again ignited the anger in her heart.

Now His Majesty is awarding Wu Fu another reward for her outstanding performance in the Western Regions.

From Princess Yonghe of the fifth rank, the title was changed to Princess Yongle of the third rank.

The reward was also increased from the original 300 households to 600 households.

After learning the news, Li completely exploded.

While she was dressing up, she dropped her most beloved jade rouge box to the ground with a loud bang, causing pieces to break all over the floor.

Then he yelled:
"Why did this bitch get such a high reward? His outstanding performance in the Western Region was clearly a reward for stepping on the corpses of my two husbands."

"No, I must not let this bitch go. I must kill her to avenge my husbands."

Having said this, he angrily called Li Ying and asked him to find a way to revenge himself.

After hearing this, Li Ying couldn't help but be a little confused. Didn't he say he wouldn't take revenge?
It's been just two days, why do I think of this again?

He shook his head and said that he had no choice. No matter how Li tried to coerce him, he just shook his head.

Li had no choice but to let him go angrily.

Then he wandered back and forth in the room like a trapped animal, cursing Wu Fu incessantly, and decided to find a way to retaliate against her, but after thinking for a long time, he had no idea, so he had no choice but to give up.

In the evening, she got the news that Zhang Liang was back. She calculated the time and when Zhang Liang was about to rest, she put on makeup and knocked on Zhang Liang's door.

When Zhang Liang in the room saw it was her, he couldn't help being surprised and said:

"Ma'am, why are you?"

Mrs. Li put on a smile and said:

"I'm here to sleep with you today."

After hearing this, Zhang Liang couldn't help but feel a little shocked. He looked at the charming Li with heavy makeup, and felt excited. He took a step forward, took Li's hand and said:

"Since Madam is like this, I will give it a try."

After saying that, he carried Mrs. Li to the bed with great interest. Mrs. Li also gave a sweet smile and cooperated with Zhang Liang.

After a full hour, Zhang Liang looked at Mr. Li with a face of shame and said:

"Forget it, madam. I'll find some secret recipes to try later."

Li also gave up somewhat helplessly.

He looked at Mrs. Li lying in his arms and said with pity:
"I'm sorry, ma'am. I've made you feel wronged by following me."

Li Shi pretended to be pitiful and said:

"As long as Alang is happy."

The two talked about their own affairs again, and Zhang Liang took the initiative to ask:
"Ma'am, you follow my heart like this today, do you want to find me for something?"

After hearing Zhang Liang's initiative, Mrs. Li said happily in her heart:

"Alang, I heard that Wu Fu was rewarded by His Majesty again?" After hearing this, Zhang Liang couldn't help but feel wary, and said perfunctorily:

"Well, I sealed it a little more."

"It's said to be a reward for her performance in the Western Region, but it has nothing to do with us."

"Ma'am, don't think too much."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but snorted, sat up directly, and said angrily:
"Alang, do you really think that I am a woman who doesn't understand anything?"

"Half a year has passed since the campaign in the Western Region. Why do you think of awarding it now? Why didn't anyone else award it and only rewarded her alone?"

"Her merits were not the result of her campaign in the Western Regions, but the merits she made by stepping on the corpses of Shen Ji and Wu Yuanqing. Do you really not want to get rid of this bad breath?"

Seeing her like this, Zhang Liang quickly persuaded her softly:
"No, no. Madam is overthinking."

"I asked someone specifically to ask, and they said that since Tang Dynasty, Wu Fu was the second female princess to fight on the battlefield after Princess Pingyang Zhao, so she got this reward."

"It's just that the reward was awarded a little later. I also waited for Captain Qiao to come back. The time is not much different."

Mrs. Li knew Zhang Liang was telling lies, so she snorted coldly and said:

"I understand what Alang means. Now that Wu Fu is favored by His Majesty, we cannot provoke her."

"But the reward she got for stepping on our people, can you swallow this breath?"

Zhang Liang looked at this aggressive woman and remembered that she almost got him involved, and thought to himself:

These trivial things are nothing compared to the big things I want to do.

But he couldn't tell Li Shiming these things, so he could only yawn and say:

"Why are you stepping on our people? Madam, you are overthinking."

"It's getting late. Let's go to bed early. I have to go to court tomorrow."

Seeing his perfunctory behavior, Mrs. Li suppressed the anger in her heart and said:

"How about this, Alang."

"Tell me about Wu Fu and those enemies, and I'll find someone to figure it out myself."

After hearing this, Zhang Liang stood up suddenly, looked at her angrily and said:
"Which enemies? Why are you looking for someone?"

"I'm telling you, stop thinking about those messy things."

"You don't want to enjoy the great glory and wealth, so you have to find something unpleasant, right?"

Seeing Zhang Liang getting angry, Mrs. Li was instinctively frightened, but when she thought about how the man in front of her was a loser, she also suffered a lot of torture and grievance after marrying him.

He couldn't help but get angry, and started a big fight with Zhang Liang.

But Zhang Liang was also a bastard this time - he was so determined that he had no intention of helping Li.

Seeing Li's behavior and rolling around was really too much, and she felt disgusted in her heart, so she asked several maids to take her away by force.

Before leaving, a confidant was specially arranged to watch over Ms. Li day and night. She could only be kept in her own yard and was strictly prohibited from going out.

No matter how much Li Shi cries, he is determined not to care.

After struggling all night with no results, Mrs. Li sat on the bed with her hair disheveled and secretly said, "If you don't give me any advice, I will figure it out myself."

Thinking of this, she called Li Ying over again, crying and begging Li Ying to give her an idea.

Li Ying was not prepared to agree at first, but after seeing Li begging him with tears, he finally relented and said:
"Madam, actually I thought about this last night."

"Wu Fu is a little girl after all. Although she has a sharp personality, she really hasn't offended a few people."

"If you really want revenge, the best way is to start from her father, Samurai Mamoru."

Li said with some confusion:
"Start with the samurai protector?"

"The samurai guard is dead, who will care about him?"

(End of this chapter)

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