Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 348: You can save your life at critical moments

Chapter 348: You can save your life at critical moments

Li Ying said with a gloomy face:
"Madam, think about it. That warrior guard followed Gaozu on the battlefield, and how many people died under his hands."

"For something like this, even after someone dies, the hatred will still remain."

"In addition, the Wu family is now orphaned and widowed, and there is no man to head the family. It is definitely not a family that wants to take revenge on them."

After hearing this, Ms. Li's eyes couldn't help but light up. She thought this was a good idea, but in the blink of an eye, she remembered something again and said like a deflated rubber ball:

"There are no men in the Wu family, but there is Yuan Shouwei. This dead Taoist priest is entangled with Wu Fu."

"I feel like these two failures were the only reason for the failure. Maybe it was him who was behind it."

After hearing this, Li Ying also fell into silence, and once again spoke to persuade:

"Madam, if we really can't find anyone, let's forget about it."

"It's really easy to involve us all."

Mrs. Li was a little hesitant. She waited for Li Ying to go down and pondered over it in the room.

Unintentionally, he saw the whip marks on his neck in the mirror, and recalled Zhang Shenji and Wu Yuanqing's ingratiation to him in every possible way, as well as Wu Fu's pride in his success.

A burst of evil fire of jealousy rushed to his forehead again, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"No, no matter what, I can't take advantage of this bitch. I must retaliate against her. I must retaliate against her severely. It's best if their whole family dies."

Thinking of this, she sat there and thought hard. As time passed, it really reminded her of a past event.

She remembered that one time when Zhang Liang drank too much, he mentioned to her about Dou Jiande in the fourth year of Wude.

In the fourth year of Wude, after Li Shimin defeated Dou Jiande, Dou Jiande had a chance to escape, but he escaped to Niukouzhu and was ambushed and captured alive by the warrior guards.

In July of the same year, Dou Jiande was beheaded in Chang'an.

However, one of his sons, Dou Ziyi, was serving orders outside. He relied on his martial arts skills to escape pursuit and fled to Changying Town, Taikang County.

Later, he was exposed for building a tomb for Dou Jiande, so he was forced to flee to the Yellow River and proclaim himself king. He took his mother's surname Cao instead.

Currently, he is engaged in shipping business near Bianliang and has some business dealings with the Zhang family.

After thinking about this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but become excited.

What a good candidate. He has a grudge against the Wu family, is highly skilled in martial arts, and is not afraid of Yuan Shouwei.

After thinking of this, she immediately found Li Ying again and told him the situation with great joy.

After Li Ying heard this, he was not excited, but thought about it and said:

"I heard Zhang Yi, the shopkeeper in Bianliang, talk about cooperating with a Cao's firm. Their business is quite large. I think this is what Madam is talking about."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li urged:

"Yes, yes, this is the one."

"Li Ying, go there now, contact them, and ask them to go to Beijing and kill Wu Fu's family."

"How much money do they want, just ask."

After hearing this, Li Yingze smiled bitterly and said:

"Ma'am, this is not that easy."

"Let's not talk about whether they are willing to come for revenge. Let's talk about the nature of this matter. This is colluding with the traitors to murder the princess. If they are discovered, it will really be a serious crime of turning around."

"Even the master won't be able to protect us by then."

After hearing this, Ms. Li realized the seriousness of the matter. After thinking about it for a while, she said with luck:
"Then it'll be fine as long as it's not discovered."

"Just let them finish killing people and leave immediately."

Li Ying snorted coldly from his nose, then just remained silent and said no more words.

Li also felt that her words were a bit wishful thinking. What Li Ying said made sense. Even if this matter was even [-]% dangerous, once it was exposed, she would really be doomed.After thinking of this, she felt sad again, and she sat there and cried bitterly.

Seeing Ms. Li crying with snot and tears, Li Ying couldn't bear it.

He recalled that when he was a child, his parents died, his family property was taken over by his family members, he lived on the streets in hunger and cold, and when he was about to die, he suddenly heard a little girl speaking:

"Yeah, look, this kid is so pitiful, shall we save him?"

At this time, he raised his head so hungry that he saw a biscuit being handed to him. Without caring about anything else, he took it and ate it hungrily.

He ate so fast that he almost choked to death. At this moment, the little girl's voice sounded again:
"Come, drink some water."

"Eat slowly, no one will grab it for you, there is still more."

He took the water bag and drank heavily. At this time, he finally had the strength to look up and saw a seven or eight-year-old girl who was as beautiful as Guanyin Bodhisattva looking at him with concern on her face.

This little lady was Mrs. Li, who not only gave him a way of living, but also accepted him as a personal servant.

Later, when he grew up, he helped him harm his family members and avenged him.

This also made him determined to follow the Li family to the death.

After thinking about these past events, and then looking at Mrs. Li who was sobbing in front of him, the little girl who looked like Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Then he said to himself:

"It's time to give back."

Then he gritted his teeth and said to Mrs. Li:

"Madam, if you remove my attachment, we are no longer a master and servant; please leave this matter to me."

"It's best if there is no accident. The accident is my fault alone and has nothing to do with you."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li immediately stopped crying, looked at Li Ying with surprise, shook her head and said:

"No, no. You are one of the few relatives I have in this world."

"Nothing can happen to you. If something happens to you, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

But Li Ying had already made up his mind. He didn't reply to Li's words. He turned around and left the room. In a short time, he got his slave purchase certificate.

It turned out that although Mrs. Li was mean to others, she treated him well.He had already given Li Ying's ticket to buy slaves, saying that if he wanted to, he could leave his humble status at any time.

Li Ying handed one of the sheets to Mr. Li and said calmly:

"Madam, put this away. It can save your life in a critical moment."

"I'll go get ready and set off in the next two days. Just wait for my news at home."

After saying that, without waiting for Li's consent, he had already stepped out of the room.

Only Mrs. Li was left, sitting there blankly, her tears falling continuously and also wetting the slave purchase certificate in her hand.

One day later, Li Ying, who was well prepared, quietly set out on the road alone.

Ten days later, he had arrived at the Yellow River Water Transport Terminal outside Bianliang City.

Just look at the small market town that has been formed around this pier, with all kinds of stores offering food and clothing, and it seems to be of a high quality.

There were even more people on the pier, bustling with people, and people were constantly getting up and down between the pier and the ship.

Above the water, at a glance, there are endless ships of various sizes.

On the top mast of the ship are the names of various companies.

He checked carefully, and in a short time he found the Zhang family's and Cao family's ships on more than a dozen large ships. After confirming that they were correct.

He stepped in front of a Zhang family ship moored at the dock, and greeted a busy servant:
"Mr. Sir, may I ask which boat Mr. Zhang Yi is on?"

(End of this chapter)

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