Chapter 349 Successful cooperation
The servant looked him up and down and asked:
"Who are you? What do you want from my Alang?"

Li Ying heard this and also bowed his hands and said:
"My name is Li Ying, I come from Chang'an."

"If you have something urgent to do with Mr. Zhang, just tell him my name."

The servant saw that although Li Ying was ugly, he spoke and acted very elegantly. After hearing this, he did not dare to neglect and hurried to the cabin to inform Zhang Yi.

After a short meeting, a thin middle-aged man wearing casual clothes walked out of it. He saw Li Ying at a glance and greeted with a surprised smile:
"Da Lang, is it really you?"

"I thought it was a servant playing a trick on me."

"Why did you come suddenly? You didn't even say hello. Come on, come on, get on the boat and talk."

Li Ying saluted again and then entered the cabin with him.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Li Ying said:
"To be honest, my husband, my wife is grateful for my hard work over the years and has already removed my attachment."

"I have some savings now. I heard that the flood season is coming soon in Bianliang. Many people are storing and transporting grain, trying to make a good price."

"I have some relatives in the south who have some surplus grain. I want to transport some to Bianliang and earn a little money."

After Zhang Yi heard that Li Ying had been removed, he couldn't help but feel envious and said:
"Da Lang, you have served my wife for so many years, so logically I should give you an explanation."

"Your freedom is really enviable."

After a pause, he said with some embarrassment:
"It's just about transporting food. I'm afraid our ships are not suitable for this."

"You also know that our Alang family has a big business, mainly selling things like ironware and refined salt."

"If we use these to traffic food, I'm afraid it's not cost-effective."

They were all servants of the Zhang family. Li Ying naturally knew what was going on inside. He also understood what Zhang Yi meant and said with a smile:

"Our family, Alang, is engaged in big business, so of course he will look down upon these petty profiteers, and I don't dare to use these ships rashly."

"So, I just want to trouble Dalang to find another one for me, and see who has a good reputation and strength on this pier, and I will use them."

After hearing this, Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said slightly apologetically:

"It's good that Da Lang knows my difficulties."

"There are a few powerful and reputable companies on this dock. Let me tell you about them one by one."

"You decide for yourself and see which one you choose."

After saying that, he began to introduce Li Ying one by one, including the Cao family.

Li Ying also remained calm. After listening to everything, he pretended to think for a while and then said:
"Whose background is behind this Cao family?"

Zhang Yi thought and said:

"It is said that he is a merchant near Chenzhou. I have never seen this person before."

"The person in charge here is a big man named Song Yong, who has amazing martial arts. When I first came here, I was ostracized by other families. I heard that he was beaten alive by him."

After hearing this, Li Ying felt happy. What he wanted this time was someone with high martial arts. He asked eagerly:
"Then when can I meet him?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but smile and said tactfully:

"Dalang, your business is not big, Song Yong probably won't show up."

"They are called Zhouquan when dealing with various families on a daily basis, and they are also smart people."

After listening to this, Li Ying thought to himself: I’ll wait until I get on the line.

He opened his mouth again and said:

"Da Lang knows this company very well. In that case, I will choose this company."

After hearing this, Zhang Yi nodded approvingly and said:

"In this Cao family business, children never give up."

"It's just that his prices are a little more expensive than others."

"Well, let me tell Zhou Quan first. If they are willing, I will talk to them about the price at that time. They will still give me my face." After hearing this, Li Ying thanked Zhang again and again. As expected, seeing that it was noon, I invited him to have a good meal and drink at the 'Gui Ke Ju Restaurant' by the pier.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yi went to Li Ying to contact Zhou Quan, and he responded shortly after. In the evening, Zhou Quan invited Zhou Quan to dinner, and the place was arranged to be a guest restaurant.

Li Ying was not in a hurry. He had a good chat with Zhang Yi and then walked around the town again.

After asking about the situation of the Cao family, I found that the situation was the same as what Zhang Yi said, and he should be the person he was looking for.

It's just that the person surnamed Cao behind the back should indeed not be here, which caught him off guard somewhat. It seems that he can only start with Song Yong and Zhou Quan.

After asking about all this, it was already time for dinner.

When Li Ying and Zhang Yi arrived at the restaurant, Zhou Quan was already waiting there.

This week, he is not tall, has a chubby face, and a natural smile. At first glance, he is a handsome person.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, the guests and hosts were seated separately, and when the wine was half full, Zhou Quan took the lead and said:

"Master Li, I wonder how much grain you plan to transport, how many ships you will use, and how big a ship you will need. Is it going to be transported here from that city in the south?"

Li Ying told him the excuse he had prepared.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Quan thought about it in his mind and said:
"I did the math. If this is the case, this trip will cost 550 yuan."

"Zhang Yidalang and I are good friends who have known each other for many years. He is also knowledgeable, and we can't hide anything from him."

"I'll give you the change, just 500 yuan. Do you think that's okay?"

Zhang Yi did some calculations and found that the price was close to that of other companies. However, the Cao family's boat was good, there were many people on board, and the water quality was good. This calculation really gave him face.

He also nodded, smiled and said:

"Thank you Mr. Zhou for your kindness."

Then he turned to look at Li Ying and said:
"Dalang, I think the price is okay."

"How about you think about it too?"

After hearing this, Li Ying shook his head and said:

"Don't think about it."

"Of course I can trust Zhang Lang. I also feel like old friends at first sight with Mr. Zhou family. Let's just settle this matter."

"I don't know the rules very well. I wonder how much deposit is required?"

Zhou Quan saw that Li Ying was unattractive in appearance, but he was very agile in speaking and doing things. He couldn't help but be impressed. He raised the wine glass in his hand and said:
"Li Langjun, I'm glad you and I feel like old friends at first sight."

"Come, let's drink this cup to the full and wish our cooperation a success."

After Li Ying finished drinking, Zhou Quan said politely:

"Li Langjun, this deposit is [-]% of the down payment. When do you think it's appropriate for me to go to your place to get the money?"

Li Ying burped and said:
"I'm staying in the guesthouse opposite."

"We'll go there after we finish eating."

After Zhou Quan heard this, he raised his wine glass again. The three of them exchanged cups and plates, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

After finishing eating and drinking, the three of them returned to the guest house together. Li Ying took out the copper coins he had prepared and handed them to Zhou Quan.

Zhou Quan asked his subordinates to click through it once, and after confirming that it was correct, he said goodbye and left.

Li Ying sent him to the door, and when he said goodbye, he whispered to Zhou Quan:

"Dalang, please go back and tell Mr. Song."

"I also have a big deal here. It's the business of the martial arts family in the capital. Do you think he is interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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