Chapter 351 Eat the loss of no culture

After Song Yong heard this, he also understood that this was a good opportunity, and he had already made up his mind to go back and convince Lao San.

He returned home and told Zhou Quan the situation after he came back.

Zhou Quan was a little undecided for a while. Calculating the days, if they set off for Chang'an now, they would still have plenty of time to kill Wu Fu's family.

But if you wait for the boss's reply and the results of the investigation after returning from Chang'an, you will definitely miss this opportunity.

And next year, without Li Ying as an internal agent, no one knows what will happen.

Song Yong looked at the hesitant Zhou Quan, picked up the wine on the table, took a sip and said:
"Third brother, do you remember that the boss often sheds tears while looking in the direction of his hometown?"

After hearing this, Zhou Quan fell silent at first, then picked up the wine on the low table. When the glass was dry, he said in a muffled voice:

"How could I not remember? I didn't know what happened at first."

"It was only after you told me that I understood what was going on."

Song Yong picked up the wine from Zhuo Shang again, raised a glass to him from a distance and said:
"Then do you still remember that after the boss got the news of Samurai Protector's death last year, he got drunk and cried that he could not kill Samurai Protector to avenge his father?"

Zhou Quan first drained the glass of wine, then poured another glass of wine. He held it tightly in his hand and said through gritted teeth:

"Why don't you remember? I still remember that you were conspiring with me to kill the samurai protector and his family to avenge the boss."

After finishing speaking, he stared at the wall in a daze, and after a while he said:
"Erlang, how about this?"

"We will set off now. When we arrive in Chang'an, we will first inquire about the truth of the Wu family and the truth of what Li Ying said."

"If the opportunity is good, we will take action. If the opportunity is not good, we will come back."

After hearing this, Song Yongmeng slapped his thigh and said:

"Yes, this is my good brother."

"You thought this matter carefully, so you just did it."

"Let's go, sooner rather than later. Let's go find Li Ying now."

Zhou Quan also raised his neck suddenly and drained the wine in his glass, then said:

"Okay, listen to brother."

"Let's go to Chang'an City and kill them all."

After discussing it, Zhou Quan started preparations at home and arranged manpower.

Song Yong went to the inn to answer Li Ying and asked him to prepare for the departure early tomorrow morning.

The next day, a group of more than [-] people built two large boats and headed for Chang'an.

The lowest strength of these 20 people is also at the second level of martial arts, and they are all brothers in life and death.

Twenty good horses were prepared on the other boat, and they tried not to buy or rent horses, so as not to leave any clues after the incident was completed.

The ship sailed upstream and reached Shangzhou in seven or eight days.

After everyone rested for a day, they rode towards Chang'an again.

On this day, we finally arrived at the boundary of Chang'an City.

Li Ying did not take them to Chang'an, but prepared a three-entry house for them in Lantian County early.

After Li Ying settled them down first, he then directly bought two cars of food, clothing and accommodation and delivered them to them.

After preparing these things, Li Ying took out another 100 coins, handed them to the two of them, and said to them:
"Two gentlemen, please stay here temporarily."

"We still have a few days. During this time, you can go to Chang'an City to have some fun."

"It's just that I can't accompany you anymore, please forgive me."

This also happened to follow the wishes of Song Yong and Zhou Quan, who both said haha: "Don't worry about it, sir. We will go around and have fun by ourselves in these three to five days. You don't need to worry about us."

Li Ying then said goodbye and left.

Song Yong and his party also rested for a day.

Early the next morning, we arrived at Chang'an City, ready to have a good time.

Even though they traveled all over the city, after entering the city gate, they were still shocked when they saw the 150-meter-wide Suzaku Street. Zhou Quan widened his squinty eyes and murmured to himself. Said:
"I have to be a good boy. They say Chang'an Street is prosperous. I just heard about it before. This time I really saw it with my own eyes. How wide is this road? At least ten carriages can walk side by side, right?"

The others were not much better than him. Looking at the wide road, the bustling crowds, and the young ladies in bright clothes and angry horses, they all felt that their eyesight was not strong enough, and they all commented:

"When I first went to our pier, I thought it should be the best place in the world, but compared with Chang'an, our pier is simply too simple."

"It's not that bad. I have been to Bianliang. At that time, I thought it would be great if I was born there. Now I have changed my mind. It is better to be born in Chang'an."

"Yes, yes, look at those little ladies all dressed up in fancy clothes, and some of them even exposed their breasts. Oops, I'm even dizzy."

Someone with good eyesight immediately stopped him and said:

"Look at how hopeless you all are."

"Look at our Erlang again. He is so calm. You can tell he has seen the world."

Everyone followed the sound and looked towards Song Yong, only to see him watching all this with a blank face, and suddenly blurted out, "Fuck".

"This road is so fucking wide."

Then another burst of 'fuck' came out of his mouth.

Obviously he suffered the loss of being uneducated.

Everyone burst into laughter again, and then followed the route Li Ying said and went to the East and West Second Market for a walk.

When they saw the bustling crowd, the dazzling array of merchandise, the posing Orchid, and the dark Kunlun slaves, everyone burst into exclamations from time to time.

On the other hand, Song Yong blurted out 'fuck' again and again, causing everyone to roar with laughter.

They were not short of money anyway, so they bought some delicious and rare items whenever they saw them. In a short time, everyone carried a lot of useless things.

Zhou Quan frowned and scolded:

"Why buy such a thing?"

"Can any of you tell me what is the use of buying these things?"

When everyone heard that this was true, they all laughed and gave the things to passers-by.

The lecherous one gave the stuff directly to Hu Ji, who was hawking at the door of the wine shop, and touched it, making a huge profit, which made Hu Ji jealous for a while.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and everyone was heading to the "Weijia Cuisine" in the West Market.

According to Li Ying, Weijia Cuisine is an old and authentic Hebei vinegar and celery shop. It was inscribed by the emperor himself, and almost everyone who comes to Chang'an will go there.

So they are also full of expectations for 'Wei Jiacai'.

They had just passed by 'Weijia Cuisine', which looked like an ordinary two-story restaurant from the outside.In the middle of the first and second floors hangs the three characters "Weijia Cuisine". The font is as elegant as the wind. It is said that it was written in Feibai style by His Majesty himself.

At this time, when I returned to the restaurant, I saw that there was already a constant flow of people. There were eight "doctors" standing outside the door, greeting the guests.

After seeing Song Yong and his party coming, a doctor immediately came forward with a smile and saluted, and then took them into the restaurant.

Facing the wall is a small wall with a poem wrapped in gauze:
"The linglu is better than the orchids, the green waves pass over the jade leaves, I can't wake up after being drunk for a thousand days, and the taste is unbeatable in ten years."

The doctor saw Song Yong staying in front of Xiao Qiang and introduced with a smile:
"This gentleman is a scholar at first glance. Is this your first time in Chang'an?"

"This poem was written by His Majesty himself after tasting the fermented wine sent by Duke Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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