Chapter 352 This meal is too painful
Song Yong had only heard from Li Ying that this poem was written by His Majesty, so he was a little curious and took a second look.

After listening to what the doctor said, he also nodded his head reservedly:

"Well, good poems, good poems. Remember to serve us a few more pots of wine later."

It made everyone behind him snicker.

Seeing how many of them there were and how rich they were, the doctor took them directly to the backyard.

After arriving in the backyard, Song Yong and the others knew what a special cave was. They only saw that it was a large house covering an area of ​​dozens of acres.

The courtyard is surrounded by flowers, plants, trees, rockeries, flowing water, and courtyard railings, which is fresh and elegant. Surrounding the courtyard are various large and small independent courtyards.

The doctor took them directly to the main hall of one of the houses to sit down. First, he brought each of them a bowl of glutinous rice wine and said:
"You guys haven't had dinner yet, have you?"

"Only when you taste this fermented wine on an empty stomach can you feel its beauty."

Everyone looked at the bowl of wine in front of them. Against the backdrop of the white porcelain bowl, it was slightly yellow in color and clear and translucent. When they lifted their noses gently, they could smell the refreshing aroma of wine coming from the bowl.

These people are not bad at drinking. After Dr. Wen heard what he said, he picked up the wine bowl on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

The wine is slightly sweet, soft and mellow in the mouth, and when it reaches the stomach, it feels gentle and lingering, as warm as a lover gently rubbing his stomach.

After Song Yong finished drinking, he applauded repeatedly and said:
"Doctor, give us ten jars of this fermented wine."

"No, this Liji is the same as the Cuitao."

The doctor knew from the looks of this group of people that they were all people who could drink. He smiled and agreed, and then said:

"I don't know what your husband's tastes are. I will tell you the names of the dishes. If you like it, I will arrange it for you."

After saying this, he started to tell the names of the dishes.

After dozens of dishes were named, everyone was immediately dizzy. Song Yong waved his hand to stop him:

"Don't go to so much trouble, just bring us all your signature dishes."

The doctor nodded again and again, turned around and went down to prepare.

Because Linjiu Liquor lives up to its reputation, everyone is also full of yearning for this "Wei Family Cuisine".

Not long ago, the first signature dish, 'Hebei vinegar and celery', was served on everyone's table.

Song Yong smelled the pungent smell of vinegar, looked at the fresh celery brewed in a large white porcelain cup in front of him, took a bite, frowned and said to everyone:
"Except for the strong vinegar smell, this dish is quite fresh. Come on, you all have a try."

After everyone finished eating, they all frowned and shook their heads. It was so sour, it felt like drinking a jar of vinegar.

Seeing this, Song Yong quickly comforted him and said:

"Don't worry, everyone, this is an appetizer."

"Besides, didn't you listen to what Li Ying said? Eating here is to eat healthily."

While speaking, the second dish was already served, which was called 'okra soup'.

The complete sunflower leaves in the bowl are round and round like pig ears, with green leaf stems. They feel slimy and refreshing in the mouth.

Everyone ate some vegetables and drank a sip of soup, and nodded one after another:
"Although this dish is lighter, it is still better than the first dish. At least it is edible and not so sour."

While I was talking, the third dish was already on the table, and it was still fresh vegetables prepared with vinegar: scallions.

Everyone looked at this dish and felt helpless to complain. They had been shopping in the market all morning, and whether they were eating vegetables or drinking clear soup, they were already hungry.

Now I really don’t need to appetize, I just need to drink a lot of wine and eat meat.

Song Yong's eyes were also green, and he hurriedly stopped the doctor who was serving the food and said:
"Doctor, we are all hungry. Stop giving us these vegetables and give us something to keep us full." The doctor couldn't help but said in surprise:
"Aren't you gentlemen dissatisfied with these dishes?"

"Every guest who comes here must order these dishes, and no one fails to praise them after eating."

"There are a few more dishes below. I'm about to serve them to you."

When Song Yong heard this, his face turned green, and he quickly stopped him and said:

"Doctor, serve those who are full first, and those dishes will be served later."

The doctor nodded in agreement with a smile.

In the blink of an eye, two more dishes were brought to the table, one was steamed rice cake and the other was cold spinach.

These two dishes are currently rare in Chang'an, and they are also really good dishes.

Ginseng was transported thousands of miles from the south and is similar to modern baby cabbage.

Spinach is actually spinach, but it was just introduced from Tianzhu at this time, when things were rare and valuable.

But this was very painful for Song Yong. While he was cursing Li Ying in his heart, he picked up a piece of spinach with a forced smile and said:
"Come, brothers, for health's sake."

Seeing this, Zhou Quan got up and found the doctor and told him directly:
"My uncle is a rough man. He just sits there and pretends to be elegant."

"You don't need to serve us any signature dishes, just choose good wine and good meat."

When the doctor heard this, he couldn't help but feel disappointed and said:

"It's not easy to meet a gentleman who looks rough on the outside but is delicate on the inside. I thought he was really a scholar."

After that, according to the careful arrangements, a lot of rice, wine, and meat were served.

Although the food is exquisite and the portion is relatively small, compared with several signature dishes, it is already a world of difference.

Moreover, this environment makes everyone feel somewhat restrained.After finishing the meal and walking out of the restaurant, Song Yong took a long breath and said:
"Damn it, I finally finished it. It was so painful to eat. It's not pleasant, it's not pleasant."

"Brothers, let's go and find a wine shop. Let's have another drink."

"Don't go to high-end places. You must never go to high-end places again."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but burst into laughter again.

Everyone walked drunkenly for a while, and when they saw a wine shop with a small curtain in front of them, and a big word "wine" hanging on the door, they swarmed in.

After sitting down in the lobby, Song Yong slapped the food table and shouted:
"Doctor, what kind of wine are there in the store?"

Then I saw a Dr. Liquor walking over. He looked at the group of people up and down. Seeing that they were all dressed as foreigners, he asked:
"Mr. Lang, look at what kind of wine you need. The store has liquor and sake."

Song Yong looked familiar, narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"What kind of wine do you have here? Tell me the name of the wine."

When the doctor heard this, he immediately blurted out a list of wine names:

"Lang Jun, the shops include Yingzhou Fushui, Wucheng Ruoxia, Xingyang Tuyao Chun, Fuping Shi Dongchun, Jiannan Shaochun, Hedong Ganhe Grape."

“If you like fine wines from Jingshi, our store also has Xishiqiang, Xinfeng wine, and Xia Tooling’s Lang Guan Qing and A Po Qing.”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel a headache again. They didn't expect that such an inconspicuous shop could have so much wine.

(End of this chapter)

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