Chapter 353 Someone wants to kill me
Song Yong rolled his eyes, threw two gold ingots weighing one or two on the table, and said:

"No need to pay, just put the best wine in your store on ten jars first."

"There are also various kinds of meat, choose the ones that taste good and give me a portion as well."

When the doctor saw that these people were rich, his attitude immediately improved a lot, and he smiled and said:
"Guest, wait a moment, the food and wine will be here soon."

After the food and wine were served, everyone tasted it. Although the taste was a little worse than the Liquor wine, it was many times better than the wine they drank in Bianliang in the past.

And there are big bowls and big plates of meat on the table, and I don't know how much better than Wei's food.

They were all drunk and had a hearty meal.

After having enough wine and food, the group of people were tired of visiting the East and West markets, so they all went to Fuying Temple to listen to the opera.

There were no specialized theaters in the Tang Dynasty, and even the custom of performing various folk arts performances in teahouses had not yet appeared.

If you want to watch operas and listen to music, the best place to go is a temple.

Take Fuying Temple as an example. It is located in a prosperous and wealthy place in Chang'an City. As the number of "secular lectures" in the temple increased, the abbot Cixiu simply bought a house outside the west side of the temple.It was connected to the temple and turned into a place for secular lectures.

In addition to daily lectures, it can also be rented to theater troupes.One is to increase income, and the other is to increase the popularity of the temple.

When Song Yong and his group arrived at the place, they only saw a tall stage. There were more than ten people performing acrobatic performances on it, and there were thousands of people watching the excitement below.

Everyone also squeezed in the crowd and found a good seat to enjoy it.

After the acrobatic performance, there were more performances including musical instruments, [-] plays, puppets, and two-person performances.
These things can only be seen in Bianliang during the holidays, and you can only see one or two at a time. It is difficult to see them all.

But they didn't expect that in Chang'an City, they could see it at any time, and they could see it all at once. Everyone couldn't help but watch it with great interest.

At this moment, a scream was suddenly heard from the crowd:
"Ouch, ouch, it hurts, it hurts, I'm so helpless, please let me go."

Song Yong followed the sound and saw that it was one of his subordinates, Wang Fugui. At this moment, he was holding a thin and withered man with one hand. The man was holding Wang Fugui's leather bag. This was a thief.

It turned out that the thief saw that they were foreigners and they all looked rich and powerful, so he took aim at them early on.

Seeing that they were fascinated by the show, they crowded around Wang Fugui and were about to take action.

But he knew that although Wang Fugui drank too much, he was a master of the third level of martial arts, and he still had basic vigilance. How could he succeed.

When the thief saw that the theft had failed, instead of begging for mercy and running away, he shouted loudly:

"Come on, help me, this foreigner is stealing money."

Song Yong and his gang are all standard gangsters. How could they take a thief seriously? After hearing him slander Wang Fugui, not only did they not go over to help, but they gathered around and watched the fun with interest.

Many people in the surrounding area recognized the thief and knew that he was shouting to catch the thief. They all shouted loudly and hid far away, unwilling to testify against him.

Look at Wang Fugui waiting for the thief to finish shouting, and then said with a smile:
"You said I robbed you?"

"Then I'll take it from you, so what's the harm?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he knocked the thief to the ground with one punch.

The thief didn't expect Zhang San to take action at his request. He immediately lay on the ground, howling in pain like a slaughtered pig:
"Brothers, come quickly. Someone wants to kill me."

Following his call, a few tall and thick men squeezed out from the crowd, and came towards Wang Fugui aggressively, cursing in their mouths:
"When did it become your turn for a foreigner to be so rampant in Chang'an City?"

"What's wrong with robbing you? It's a shame to rob you."

But they never expected that Wang Fugui would punch them one by one and knock them all to the ground.

Only then did they realize that they had encountered a hard stubble, knowing that they couldn't afford to offend them, they exchanged winks on the ground, and were about to give up when they suddenly heard someone shouting from outside the crowd:
"Who is making trouble here? Get out of the way."

As the words fell, several Wuhou walked in from the crowd who got out of the way, led by Zhang Dashan.

Seeing this, Tou'er immediately became energetic, thinking that both he and Marquis Wu were from Chang'an, so he had to help him no matter what.

He also screamed "ouch, ouch" and got up. The villain complained first:
"Mr. Zhang, this foreigner robbed me of my money." After saying that, he stood in front of Zhang Dashan, took out a handful of copper coins and stuffed them into Zhang Dashan's hand.

Zhang Dashan pushed it away casually, looking at the situation at the scene.

The thief was still clutching a leather bag tightly in his hand, but there was no place to hang the leather bag anywhere on his body.

Turning around to look at Wang Fugui's waist, the place where the leather bag was hung was empty.

Looking up at Wang Fugui with a smile on his face, Zhang Dashan's heart felt inexplicably tense.

Wang Fugui was smiling, but his eyes were cold, with a nonchalant look on his face, as if he was indifferent to life and death.

Zhang Dashan has seen this look more than once on the faces of the death row prisoners in the Liaocheng Prison.

He knew in his heart that this person must be a charlatan who licked blood with his knife, and he looked at Tou'er as if he were looking at a dead person.

He already understood the reason at this time, and he also attacked the thief and asked for the leather bag in his hand.

He opened his mouth and asked the thief:

"Since you said this leather bag is yours, then tell me what's in it?"

The thief suddenly became speechless.

Zhang Dashan cupped his hands at Wang Fugui and said:

"Mr. Sir, please tell me what's in the leather bag."

Seeing how Zhang Dashan handled it, Wang Fugui stopped teasing those market people and returned the favor to Zhang Dashan, saying:

"Lang Jun, I still have three ingots of one or two gold ingots and dozens of copper coins in there. I can't remember the exact number."

Zhang Dashan opened it and took a look. After confirming that it was correct, he threw the leather bag directly to Wang Fugui and said:

"That's right. Mr. Lang, please put your things away. Don't let anyone worry about you again."

After saying that, he was about to leave with those market children.

At this moment, a sound like a thunderbolt was heard:
"Lang Jun, go slowly."

This loud voice!

The merchants had guilty consciences and were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground.

Several Wuhou also instinctively pulled out the horizontal knives at their waists and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a strong black man over six feet tall striding in front of Zhang Dashan, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

Looking at the people around him, the man couldn't help but smile, and said in a low voice:

"Song Yong thanked Mr. Lang for enforcing the law impartially."

After speaking, he stuffed a gold ingot into Zhang Dashan's hand.

It turned out that when the thieves gave Zhang Dashan money, Song Yong saw it clearly, and originally thought that Zhang Dashan would protect the thieves and the others.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Dashan not only showed no favoritism, but also sorted out the matter in three strokes, five divisions, and two divisions.

I couldn't help but admired it in my heart, so I took some small money and gave it to Zhang Dashan as a thank you.

Ever since Zhang Dashan became the little boss of Wuhou Shop, Yuan Shouwei gave him a lot of money in order to make him happy.

Since it was his master who gave him the money, Zhang Dashan no longer refused. He took the money given by Yuan Shouwei and managed it up and down, making the relationship extremely harmonious.

Therefore, several Wuhou who followed him also admired him.

(End of this chapter)

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