Chapter 354 A good place to ambush
Zhang Dashan was not short of money. Seeing Song Yong like this, he smiled and declined:
"Everyone looks like a foreigner at first sight. Chang'an City is a mixed bag, so you should be more careful."

"As for the money, forget it, this is our official business."

At this time, Zhou Quan and the others also gathered around, expressing their thanks one after another.

When the businessmen saw the ferocious looks of these people, they realized that they had hit a brick wall.

I was secretly glad in my heart. Fortunately, Zhang Dashan had sorted things out.

If they still insist on making trouble, at least a beating will be inevitable.

Zhang Dashan took them and left on his own.

And after Song Yong and the others made such a fuss, they no longer had the interest to watch the show, so they decided to go there to play?
Someone suggested going to Pingkangfang to see the young lady there.

It immediately made other people look down upon them. What's the big difference between the young lady from Pingkangfang and the young lady from Bianliang? They are the same when they take off their clothes. If you want to play, play something different.

At this time, someone suggested that we go to Xishi Orchid’s place to have a look.

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately agreed. They had never tasted the taste of Orchid. They also rushed to the West Market and stayed there that night.

A lively day has passed.

The next day, Song Yong and Zhou Quan discussed it, and after having fun, they had seen the excitement of Chang'an City, and now they had to get down to business.

Zhou Quan and several clever brothers began to inquire about Wu Fu and Li Ying in Chang'an City.

Song Yong took the others back to his residence in Lantian County.

After two or three days, Zhou Quan and others also came back one after another.

Zhou Quan said to Song Yong:
"What Li Ying said is basically right, but Zhang Shenji bought and sold more than a dozen children, at least dozens of children."

"And I heard that it was used by a demon to refine some ghost flags."

After hearing this, Song Yong spit on the ground and said with disgust:
"This Zhang Shenji is really nothing. If I see him, I will definitely kill him."

"We don't want to avenge him. We mainly want to avenge the boss."

Zhou Quan nodded and said:
"Yes, that's what I mean too."

"Then Li Ying, I also inquired about it. He is indeed a servant of Zhang Liang's family. He just redeemed himself not long ago. Counting the days, it happened to be the days before he went to Bianliang."

"As for how Zhang Shenji was kind to him, I really haven't found out."

Song Yong waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

"Don't worry about these small things. In the final analysis, we are actually a relationship that takes advantage of each other."

Zhou Quan also deeply agrees.

The days just slipped by day by day.

On this day, when Song Yong and Zhou Quan were practicing in the courtyard, they learned that Li Ying was coming.

The two of them knew it was a matter involving the Wu family and hurried to the main hall.

After everyone exchanged a few pleasantries, Li Ying got to the point directly:

"Two gentlemen, Samurai Mamoru's memorial day will be in three days."

"What I mean is that today we go to General Xiangling to see the scene. Where is the right place to set up an ambush?"

"What do you think?"

After listening, the two nodded in agreement, and the three of them rode towards Xiang Ling.

General Xiang's Tomb is located near Lishan Mountain, about 60 miles away from Chang'an City.

It is a place covering an area of ​​thousands of acres. It was specially built by the royal family for those heroes and generals who were far away from home.

Because people in the Tang Dynasty paid attention to burial, most people returned to their hometowns to rest in peace. Only a few people who had no time or the weather was relatively hot were buried here.

Most of the tombs are still burial mounds for the convenience of the descendants in Chang'an City to worship.

After the three of them arrived at the place, they rode around the general Xiang Ling to check.

I found that the thousand-acre cemetery has been completely surrounded. The walls are about two feet high and are made of layers of loess tamped down.

It's okay to block ordinary people, but for Song Yong and the others, it's undoubtedly like walking on plain ground.There are two gates in the east and west. According to the rules, one can go in from the east and go out from the west.

Because it is not the Qingming period, there are few people and it looks a bit desolate.

Every day, a team of Qianling Army patrols inside and outside the cemetery, the number should be about two hundred, the leader is called Sun Hua, and the strength of the fourth stage of Wujing.

More than twenty miles east of the cemetery is the military camp, where troops are currently training all day long.

From this point of view, it is obviously inappropriate to take action in the cemetery.

Although according to Song Yong's skills, they can guarantee that the two hundred Tang troops will be slaughtered very quickly.

But first, it was impossible to prevent the Tang army from sending distress signals to the military camp not far away.Once entangled by a large number of troops, it will be difficult for them to escape.

Second, their main task is to kill Wu Fu's family, not the Tang army, so there is no need to cause more trouble.

So they could only do it outside the cemetery. After some more investigation, the three of them finally locked their eyes on a small hillside five or six miles away from the west gate.

The slope of the hill is not big, it looks like an inverted bowl, with a radius of more than ten meters and a height of more than 20 meters. It is more than enough to ambush more than 20 of them.

The three of them abandoned their horses and walked to the hillside, looking carefully.

I found that this hillside is the only commanding height for several miles around. Standing here, the situation for several miles around is clear at a glance.

When you get down, you will see countless weeds and trees around you. Not far below is the official road, which is indeed a good place for an ambush.

After Song Yong tried it out, he nodded in satisfaction and said to Zhou Quan:
"Lao San, is this it?"

"I think this place will do."

Zhou Quan was also very satisfied with this place, but he did not express his opinion immediately like Song Yong. Instead, he looked at Li Ying and said:

"Then are there any masters in Wu Fu Mansion?"

After hearing this, Li Ying shook his head like a rattle and said:
"No, no. There are only ten or twenty veterans."

“And I’ll definitely have to leave half of it to look after the house that day.”

After Zhou Quan heard this, he felt a little relieved. It was the same as what he had inquired about.

Then he continued to ask:
"How do we retreat after we kill people?"

Li Ying was obviously well prepared and said solemnly:
"I have prepared more than 20 good horses."

"We will bring him here the day after tomorrow. After the matter is finished, you two will retreat to Shangzhou immediately."

"It should take one day to get there. Once you get on the boat, you will be safe."

After Zhou Quan listened, he looked at Song Yong noncommittally and said:
"Erlang, I will just observe the surrounding area in the past two days. After confirming that everything is correct, we will make a decision on this matter."

Song Yong knew Zhou Quan's intention and nodded in agreement.

Although Li Ying was a little anxious, he couldn't be the master of the two of them, so he nodded in agreement.

Two days later, Zhou Quan came back and said to Song Yong:
"Erlang, I've finished all the surrounding items in the past two days."

"The only hidden danger is the military camp twenty miles away. I heard that there are several powerful generals there, and their strength is not inferior to that of you and me."

"So when the time comes, after Wu Fu's family enters our ambush, we will send people to guard the front and back to ensure that no one escapes."

"After killing the people, we hid the bodies and things behind the mountain. It would take half a day at the earliest before we were discovered. By then, we had already escaped from Chang'an, and even if the army wanted to catch up, it would be too late."

After Song Yong listened, he nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Then let's do this, Third Brother."

"After we finish our work, we should leave quickly."

"Although the city of Chang'an is nice, I still feel like I don't have the comfort of being here in Bianliang."

Zhou Quan said empathetically:
"I feel the same way."

"Then I will ask someone to contact Li Ying now and ask him to prepare for us."

(End of this chapter)

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