Chapter 355 Sacrifice
Speaking of Yuan Shouwei's side, during this period, apart from giving fortune-telling, he basically spent the rest of his time with Wu Fu.

For her safety, he had to do divination for her if there was anything to do, and he was unexpectedly rewarded with a copy of "River Defense Prophecy", but he didn't have time to read it for the time being.

All the divination results showed that Wu Fu was safe and sound, which reassured him a lot.

On this day, it was the death day of the samurai guard.

Yuan Shouwei also got up early and prepared to rush to meet Wu Fu and his family outside Chang'an City.

Unexpectedly, two groups of guests came in succession, which delayed a lot of time.

After finishing the calculation, Yuan Shouwei didn't even bother to eat breakfast, and hurried to Chang'an.

When they arrived outside the city gate, they saw dozens of people from the Wu family, carriages, and horses already waiting there.

Yang stood at the front of the team, looking towards the official road from time to time, obviously waiting a little impatiently.

Yuan Shouwei saw it from a distance and quickly took out the water bag and sprinkled some on his face. Panting, he rushed to Yang and explained:

"Madam, I came a little late. There are a few guests on the mountain who want fortune telling, and I can't drive them away."

Before Yang could speak, Wu Yan beside him had already spoken:

"It's okay, don't worry."

"People's predictions are usually about urgent matters. Here we can do it earlier or later."

After hearing this, Yang rolled his eyes again, stared at Wu Fu fiercely, and said angrily and happily:

"Why did I give birth to such a white-eyed wolf?"

"Hurry up and get married. If you don't marry again, I will be mad at you sooner or later."

Yuan Shouwei smiled coquettishly at the side, and pulled Wu Fu, who was still arguing, into the crowd.

I looked up and saw Zhang Dashan, and I couldn't help but be surprised:
"Dashan, why are you here?"

Dashan bowed his hands and said:

"I asked for leave today, and thinking that Miss Wu Fu has taken good care of me during this time, I came over to help."

It turned out that Yuan Shou asked Wu Fu to find a house for him, and there happened to be a three-bedroom house for sale next to Wu's house. Wu Fu bought it directly and let Liu Dashan and others live temporarily, and took care of them a lot on a daily basis.

So after Liu Dashan knew that Wu Yan's family was going to sacrifice today, he also took the initiative to come to help very early.

After Yuan Shouwei finished chatting with Liu Dashan, he first looked at Wu Fu beside him, then at the crowd who had already started setting off, and asked Wu Fu hesitantly:
"How about we find a place later and I can do some calculations for you?"

Wu Yan shook his head and said:

"How about forgetting it today and counting it every day, nothing bad will happen."

"Besides, you and Dashan are still following us today."

Yuan Shouwei thought about this and stopped mentioning it.

At this moment, he suddenly heard his stomach growling for a while, and then he remembered that he was in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

It suddenly occurred to me that the fastest trip from Chang'an to Jiang Xiang's Tomb would take one morning. After arriving, there would be sacrifices to be made, and it was not certain when we would be able to eat.

When he was worried, he suddenly saw Wu Fu walking over carrying a food box and said softly:
"Mr. Lang, I've prepared some food for you. You can cushion it first."

"There is a sacrifice today, so we can't prepare anything hot, but I do have hot water prepared here."

At this time, the team had already set off. Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu fell at the back of the team on horseback.

While riding on horseback, Yuan Shouwei opened the food box and saw pieces of cut rice cakes inside. He took one and started eating.

But Wu Fu stopped him and said with a smile: "You Taoists don't have this thing? You don't even know how to eat this thing."

"This is called barley porridge. It needs to be mixed with boiling water before drinking. You should eat the 'cold equipment' and 'eggs' first."

Yuan Shouwei knew that he was timid, so he laughed naively and opened the second layer of the food box, only to see handfuls of fried golden and crispy dry noodles.

He picked it up and took a bite, thinking that this thing is called "Han Ju", isn't it the dumpling of later generations.

After eating a few, I was finally not that hungry anymore, so I curiously opened the food box on the third floor to see what these 'Easter Eggs' were.

The first thing you see is colorful eggs with various beautiful patterns carved on them.

Then I suddenly realized that these are called Easter eggs, colorful eggs.

He ate a few more eggs, drank some barley porridge, burped with satisfaction, looked at Wu Fu beside him, and said with satisfaction:
"My son still knows that he feels sorry for me."

In this way, talking and laughing all the way, at noon, they finally arrived at the 'General's Tomb'.

When issuing identification certificates to the soldiers guarding the cemetery, Sun Hua also came over and gave everyone a greeting.

Afterwards, a group of people arrived in front of Samurai Mamoru's grave.

Then the servants began to take down various sacrificial items from the carriage.

After seeing these sacrificial items, Yuan Shouwei was stunned again. He had seen the wine, fruits, and paper money used in the sacrificial rituals.

But what do these thousands of paper figures with helmets and armor mean?
He didn't dare to ask, so he looked at him curiously.

Seeing that Yang's face was full of sorrow, he first directed the servants to offer the food and paper figurines brought in front of the tomb.

Then the three sisters Wu Fu were ordered to light these paper figures and paper money with their own hands.

Some servants had already broken off more than ten fresh branches and leaves from nearby willow trees and inserted them on the grave.

After these were done, Yang began to take Wu Fu and others to worship. As the firelight lingered, Yang couldn't help but said in a sad voice:
"Dalang, after you leave, everything in the family is fine, and the three children are also fine. You can rest assured that you are under the influence of Jiuquan."

"The day before yesterday, you gave me a dream, saying that you would follow the Great Ancestor to fight in the Netherworld, and I would also prepare thousands of troops and horses for you."

"See if it's enough. If not, let me know."

After saying this, there was another burst of sorrow.

Seeing their mother like this, the third sister Wu Fu also recalled all the affection her father had shown her recently, and for a moment she felt sad, and she burst into tears along with Yang.

After the paper figures and paper money were burned and the servants came over to persuade them, Yang slowly stopped crying.

He ordered people to share several kinds of food that had been prepared in advance for everyone to eat. After eating, he rested for a while and then left for the west gate, preparing to return to Chang'an.

At this time, Song Yong, Zhou Quan and his party had been ambushing behind Tushan for a long time.

According to reports from the informants who came back, Wu Fu and his party had finished the sacrifice and were preparing to return.

After Song Yong heard this, he also used a lower voice to arrange for everyone to prepare their weapons.

Everyone also drew their weapons and held their breath, waiting for the arrival of Wu Fu and the others.

Suddenly, the air began to be filled with suffocating tension.

At this time, suddenly there was a rapid sound of horse hooves in the distance to the west, and the sound was coming in the direction of Tushan.

After Song Yong and Zhou Quan heard this, they couldn't help but feel nervous.

what happened?There was obviously an informant over there, so why wasn't there a warning sound?

Could this be Li Ying trying to frame them?
(End of this chapter)

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