Chapter 356 You are just a bear
As they thought about it, they looked nervously to the west. They only saw the dust flying two or three miles away to the west, and a person was riding towards them, but they didn't notice the shadow of their eyes at all.

Seeing this, Zhou Quan immediately whispered to Song Yong:
"Erlang, something has probably happened. Our spy may have been tricked by someone."

"Why don't we retreat first?"

Song Yong was a little reluctant. After all, he had been preparing for so long, and seeing success right in front of him, it was a pity to give up at this time.

After thinking of this, he said to Zhou Quan:

"Third brother, take your brothers to the horse and wait for me. If the momentum goes wrong, you can retreat first."

"I'll see who's coming first. Even if things are exposed, I'll definitely be able to protect myself and leave."

Zhou Quan knew Song Yong's strength and whispered:
"Be careful yourself."

Then he had to take people away.

But suddenly I heard Song Yong's surprised voice again:
"Damn it, that's the boss."

"I asked why the eyeliner didn't report the news."

"Third brother, the boss is here, and the boss is coming to take revenge himself."

After Zhou Quan heard this, he couldn't believe his ears and quickly looked sideways.

Just look at the man who has arrived not far from Tushan. The man with the white face, sword eyebrows and starry eyes is his boss Cao Ziyi.

He couldn't help but feel surprised and happy, and murmured to himself:

"The boss is really here. It's great. We finally have a backbone."

While he was talking, he saw that Cao Ziyi had already reached the foot of the mountain, raised his head and shouted:
"Second and third, are you there?"

Song Yong no longer cared about pretending, raised his hand and threw aside the thatch on his head, stood up and shouted:
"Boss, we are here."

Looking at Cao Ziyi, he jumped up from his horse and jumped directly to the mountain.

He glanced at the people in front of him, and then he let out a sigh of relief. Everyone was there.

Then he looked at Zhou Quan and asked:

"Third brother, haven't you killed the samurai guard's family yet?"

Zhou Quan nodded, pointed to the location of the cemetery and said:
"not yet."

"You're here just in time, boss. They just finished sacrificing the old samurai guard dog, and he should be here soon."

Cao Ziyi followed the direction of his finger and glanced at the cemetery in the distance. He paused for a while, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a while, he turned around and said to Song Yong and Zhou Quan:
"I appreciate the kindness of my brothers. I won't take revenge for now."

After hearing this, Song Yong was suddenly confused and stammered:
"What's the matter, boss?"

"You mean we have to kidnap all the women guarded by the samurai?"

Zhou Quan was also a little confused and looked at Cao Ziyi doubtfully.

Cao Ziyi looked at the brothers in front of him and said with complicated emotions:
"Of course I want to take revenge, but if we kill Samurai Mamoru's family now, we will definitely be hunted down by the government."

"Brothers will have no choice but to follow me and flee the world."

"This is my personal matter and I can't involve anyone else."

After hearing this, Song Yong suddenly became unhappy. He turned to look at his helpless men and asked loudly:

"Tell yourselves, are you willing to avenge the boss, or are you willing to follow the boss to the end of the world?"

Everyone chattered and said yes, yes.

Zhou Quan also advised from the side:
"Boss, we are a group of desperadoes, wandering on the water."

"What difference does it make whether we kill the warrior or not to protect the family?" Cao Ziyi looked at these good brothers in front of him, his eyes were a little wet, he cupped his hands to everyone and said:

"Thank you brothers for remembering my grudge. But for now, we are relatively stable. The government has almost forgotten us, so we can make a living on the Yellow River."

"But once we kill Samurai Mamoru and his family, the government will definitely go all out to arrest us. By then we won't even have a place to stay."

"Revenge must be avenged, but we must wait until we find a safe place to stay. When Datang cannot catch us, we will take action before it is too late. This way, no one's life will be in danger."

After hearing what Cao Ziyi said, Zhou Quan was the first to react. He nodded and said:

"Then I agree with your opinion, boss. Anyway, there is no rush at this moment."

The others also felt that the boss was always thinking of them, and they all nodded in agreement.

Only Song Yong said unwillingly:

"Boss, we have been preparing for so long and then we just give up?"

"Why am I a little bit reconciled."

Cao Ziyi said with a smile:

"You cannot be willing to be used as a gun by others."

"Besides, you're here in Chang'an, you've drank the wine, and you've played Hu Ji, so why wouldn't you be willing to accept it?"

After everyone heard Cao Ziyi's words, they burst into laughter.

Since the boss said it, then listen to the boss. Everyone relaxed now and walked down the mountain one after another.

Only Song Yong was a little unwilling. After he slowly got on the horse, he suddenly rolled his eyes and said:
"Oh, boss, third child, please walk slowly first, I have a stomachache."

"I'll chase you after I poop."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to reply, he walked towards the nearby bushes.

Cao Ziyi didn't think much about it. He laughed and cursed, "The lazy donkey has a lot of shit and pee," so he led the others slowly forward.

Song Yong, who had rolled into the grass, listened to the sound of people's hoofbeats gradually moving away. He poked his head around to confirm that they were all gone before he walked out calmly.

Get on your horse and go straight to the general's mausoleum.

In a short time, he had reached the position of the wall. After confirming the position of the warrior guarding the tomb, he jumped from his horse and climbed directly over the wall.

After entering the cemetery, I carefully observed it. After seeing that no one was there, I looked around at the graves, and soon touched the grave of Samurai Mamoru.

At this time, in front of the tomb, there was no longer the excitement just now. Only a few willow branches were still stuck on the tomb. In front of the tomb were thick paper ashes and various sacrifices.

After Song Yong confirmed that there was no one around him, he immediately turned to the warrior's grave and cursed in a low voice:
"You're a dead soldier slave like a pig or a dog. If you have the guts, come out and fight to the death for Grandpa and me."

"What's your ability to ambush our elder brother's father? If you have the ability to fight with swords and guns, you are just a bear."

"My uncle is in a good mood today and has spared your family. Otherwise, he would have killed your whole family with one knife, just like killing a chicken."


After scolding for a cup of tea, he had enough, and spat fiercely at the tombstone guarded by the warriors, and then left the cemetery in a hesitant manner.

Still climbed over the wall, got on his horse and headed towards the official road.

When we got to the road, we saw a group of people not far ahead. The carriage was marked by the Wu family.

He originally wanted to ride his horse and pass by quickly, but then he thought about it and the boss said he would come back sooner or later to take revenge.

Then I might as well pass by them slowly, take a look at the widow and her daughters who are protecting the family, and write them down first so that I can take revenge later.

(End of this chapter)

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