Chapter 357
Thinking of this, he slowly approached the Wu family's team and hung at the back to observe.

But he never did. At this moment, someone suddenly shouted from behind:

"Er Niang, grab the big black man behind you. He just spit on the tomb of Duke Ying and cursed at others."

Song Yong couldn't help being surprised. Wasn't there anyone there just now?
Why was it still discovered?
After all, it is indeed a bit embarrassing to curse and spit on someone's grave.He couldn't help but feel guilty, so he turned over and ran away.

I only saw a servant guarding the tomb far behind me, still stamping his feet and shouting:

"It's this big black man. We must not let him escape. I followed him secretly."

"If he hadn't cursed so loudly, I really wouldn't have noticed."

Song Yong was quite helpless when he heard this, and said to himself, I felt that my voice was already very low, but he still heard me.

He had just taken a few steps when he suddenly felt a breeze passing by him. Then he saw a young man standing in front of the horse and shouted angrily at him:


The sound wasn't very loud, but it was like a lightning strike in Song Yong's ears, which immediately made him feel a little dazed.

Looking at the horse under him, there was a faint cry of grief, its hooves gave way, and it knelt down on the ground.

Fortunately, he also reacted at this time and hurriedly turned over and dismounted, avoiding the embarrassment of the donkey rolling.

This man has a good voice, not loud, and full of intimidation. Song Yong muttered while secretly thinking about how to get out.

At this moment, he heard another burst of rapid footsteps behind him, and then stopped not far away from him, and couldn't help but secretly groan.

The person behind him had obviously gone through some battles and did not attack directly. He was preparing to block both sides and ask about the situation before taking action.

He couldn't help but look sideways and looked back. It was a good thing not to look. When he looked at it, his heart thumped again. Wasn't this the day he saw Wu Hou in the temple?Why is he here too?

Fortunately, that day, he still spoke up to him, but he was caught by him in this meeting, which is a bit sorry for him.

At this moment, Liu Dashan had already taken out the horizontal sword, looked at Song Yong's figure and profile, and said with some confusion:

"You thief, turn your face to me."

Song Yong knew he couldn't escape, so he turned around helplessly, smiled at Liu Dashan and said:

"Dalang, I didn't expect us to meet here again."

When Liu Dashan saw that it was definitely him, he couldn't help but get angry and said:

"It's really you. I even respected you as a man that day at Fuying Temple."

"Why did you do such a villainous thing today?"

After hearing this, Song Yong immediately shook his head like a rattle and pretended to be stupid:
"I didn't understand what Dalang meant."

"I was just passing by the cemetery on business, and I heard someone shouting "Hei Dahan" again. I thought you were going to rob me, so I was ready to leave."

But the servant who guarded the tomb also ran over panting and identified him again.

Yang, Wu Fu and others have also arrived at Liu Dashan's side. After listening to the servant's description, the whole family was very angry.

Wu Fanhan had a pink face, stared at Song Yong fiercely, and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Mr. Lang, break his legs and pull me down to my grave to apologize."

"Ask him again where he came from?"

Yang was also so angry that her face turned pale, and her plump breasts were rising and falling. After listening to Wu Fu's words, she felt a little heavy, so she continued:

"At least let him apologize."

Song Yong saw more and more people, and knew that if the entanglement continued, once the officers and soldiers were alerted, it would be really difficult to escape.

With a loud shout:
"I recognized the wrong grave, isn't that okay?"

"Get out of the way for me."

He was too embarrassed to rush away from Liu Dashan, so he turned around and rushed towards Yuan Shouwei behind him.When Yuan Shouwei saw him charging, he couldn't help but let out a soft "Eh". This man's strength was not low, and he was probably not much different from himself.

He didn't dare to neglect his hand, used softness to overcome strength, and used his hand to replace the sword. He used a Tai Chi sword technique to resolve Song Yong's impact and directly sent him back to where he was.

Over there, Mrs. Yang saw Song Yong's fierce look and heard that he had made a mistake. She didn't want to make the matter a big deal, so she ordered Yuan Shouwei:

"Yuan Shouwei, since he recognized the wrong grave, let him go."

Yuan Shouwei did not respond immediately. He glanced at Song Yong suspiciously, and then looked at Liu Dashan behind him.

Liu Dashan understood what he meant, and told Song Yong about knowing Song Yong in a few words.

Yuan Shouwei was confused, so he decided to deceive him. He still used the lion's roar skill and said angrily:
"Hmph, you big black man, I caught you today."

"Tell me, what is your relationship with Kongan of Fuying Temple?"

When Song Yong came into contact with Yuan Shouwei, he was secretly surprised:
Didn't Li Ying say that the Wu family has no masters?But the person in front of me has pretty good skills, but it's a pity that he doesn't have a very good mind and always asks irrelevant questions.

After listening to Yuan Shouwei's questioning, he couldn't help being puzzled for a while, and said in his mouth:
"What's Kong'an? What's Fuying Temple?"

"It's inexplicable. Are you mentally ill?"

At this time, Liu Dashan who was behind him also shook his head at Yuan Shouwei, which meant that this person was not the one who framed Wu Yan.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he did not intend to cause any trouble and said:

"Since it has nothing to do with Kongan, that's for the best."

"It's just that you can't let go of insulting Duke Ying. Come with me to Ying Guo's cemetery and apologize before letting you go."


If I apologize to my enemy, where will the boss's face go?

My brothers will definitely laugh at me too.

Where will I put my face then?

Kill the past?

It's also inappropriate. If the time comes to alert the enemy, it will ruin the boss's future revenge plan.

After Song Yong racked his brains and thought for a long time, a clever idea suddenly came to his mind.

Then he said carelessly:

"If you want me to apologize, fine. Then it depends on which of you can beat me."

"If any of you can beat me, I will not only apologize, but I will also kowtow three times to the warrior guard."

"If you can't beat me, hey, that would be embarrassing."

After he said this, everyone looked at him with strange expressions. They first looked at the young man behind him, and then turned to him.

Song Yong looked at the weird expressions of everyone, and couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart. Sure enough, whoever has the bigger fist is the right one.This obviously scares me.

Looking at Wu Fu opposite him, he said to the young man behind him:

"Lang Jun, I leave it to you."

"It's best to beat him until he kneels down and begs for mercy."

Wu Fu's status in Yuan Shouwei's heart was second only to Yang's. When he saw her speaking, he nodded and said:

"Okay, then I'll beat him until his parents can't even recognize him."

"Dashan, take everyone back."

(End of this chapter)

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