Chapter 359 Destroy Heaven and Earth
Looking at Cao Ziyi's spear again, the tip of the spear trembled slightly, and tiger roars were heard continuously. As the sound became louder and louder, six tigers appeared on the tip of his spear, charging directly at Yuan Shouwei. Come.

Yuan Shouwei felt that he was in a daze again. When he regained consciousness, the six tigers had already rushed in front of him with their teeth and claws open, and they were ready to feed him.

Hu Xiao was so difficult to deal with, and he almost lost to this man with just one move. Yuan Shouwei launched his Lingbo Wei Steps and barely dodged the attack.

The subordinates did not dare to neglect, and directly used the second form of Xuanyuan Sword: Han Ming turns into a dragon.

An evil dragon, carrying the rain and fog in the sky, directly covered the bodies of the six fierce tigers. Accompanied by a roar of dragons and tigers, the two sides almost fought to a draw.

This move of mine is absolutely crushing among people at the same level, but this time I barely managed to beat him to a tie. It seems that this person must be a strong person at the sixth level of the martial arts realm.Playing against such a master will improve yourself a lot.

As the thought flashed across his mind, Yuan Shouwei was also in high spirits. He kept thrusting the long sword in his hand into the official road.

Xuanyuan Sword's first move: "Hidden Dragon Moving Mountains" was used. Dozens of auras underground turned into giant dragons and rushed towards Cao Ziyi.

Cao Ziyi knew that the move was powerful, so he picked up Song Yong and threw him away from a distance. However, he did not dodge and used the "Tiger on Both Sides" move while waving his spear.

He just saw a tiger suddenly appear in front of him, and suddenly pressed its front paws to the ground, pinning all the earth dragons to the ground.

Then he swung his body, and the tiger's tail turned into a long whip, which hit Yuan Shouwei hard.

Yuan Shouwei never expected that Cao Ziyi's moves would be so wonderful, and he was caught off guard and was whipped by the tiger's tail on his right arm.

There was only a "click" sound, and a burst of severe pain came. His right arm was directly broken. His whole body was beaten like a top and spun several times, and the Xuanyuan Sword also fell to the ground with a "snap".

Song Yong from a distance couldn't help but feel happy when he saw it, he clapped his hands repeatedly and said:
"Well done, boss."

"Yes, that's it, just like he whipped me just now, whip him."

When Liu Dashan saw that Yuan Shouwei had suffered a loss, his eyes turned red, and he rushed forward without caring about his own safety.

But he was grabbed by Wu Fu on the side. He looked at the extremely embarrassed Yuan Shouwei with a stern face and said:

"Yuan Shouwei has a way to deal with the mountain."

While speaking, he had already thrown the Xuanyuan Sword Box to Yuan Shouwei, waving a flag and shouting:
"Yuan Shouwei, beat him to death."

While Yuan Shouwei was flying in the air, he suddenly looked into the sky with realization in his heart.

Just look at the Tianji Diagram suddenly appearing in the sky.

The secret of heaven leads to the stars;
The Big Dipper moves;
Countless stars turned into a long rainbow bridge, and most of them entered Yuan Shouwei's body. The remaining stars directly held Yuan Shouwei floating in the air.

Although Cao Ziyi couldn't see the starlight all over the sky, he clearly felt the changes in the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth. He looked up into the sky in astonishment, and as his gaze slowly turned, he finally fixed his gaze on Yuan Shouwei.

Because Yuan Shouwei made a breakthrough at this time and went directly to the sixth stage of Wujing (Golden Tiger).

Yuan Shouwei was in mid-air, like a banished immortal, and he only heard a low voice from his mouth:
"Sword come."

Just look at the sword body and the sword box connected together, turning into yin and yang energy, quickly entangled with each other, and turned into a finger and returned to Yuan Shouwei's hand.

Yuan Shouwei groaned again:
"Broken River."

He pointed at Cao Ziyi lightly.

Cao Ziyi suddenly felt that all the hairs on his body stood on end, and every cell in his body was shouting desperately:

"Run quickly, if you don't run, I will die with you."

But even so, he still stood there as straight as a javelin, shouting:

"The tiger talisman adds to the body."

As the gun body shook, it first transformed into ten thousand tigers.

The fierce tigers gathered in the air, directly turned into a tiger talisman, and moved towards Duanjiang to suppress it.

Silently, the two collided together. In the strong confrontation, they suddenly disappeared, leaving only a light spot like a morning star in the mid-air.Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei felt alarmed and shouted to the people behind him:
"Quick, everyone, come to me."

Before the words fell to the ground, an afterimage was already drawn in the air and rushed towards Wu Yan. At the same time, the "Dragon Field" was activated, directly enveloping everyone in the Wu family.

Cao Ziyi obviously sensed the danger, so he "let the tiger return to the mountain" and turned into a thick earth wall, blocking him and Song Yong.

At the same time, the light spot began to grow rapidly and fall.

It directly turned into a huge arrow shining with aurora in the air, and suddenly landed on the official road, directly piercing a gap of five to six feet wide.

With the remaining strength still remaining, it penetrated straight south, and it wasn't until it sprinted a hundred feet that the arrow disappeared.

At this time, what was left in front of everyone was a huge chasm that was about five or six feet wide, more than ten feet deep, and one hundred feet long running all the way south.

Everyone watched all this, dumbfounded, including Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi.

This power cannot be overstated if it is said to destroy the world.

Song Yong looked at what was happening in front of him, opened his mouth wide, and murmured to himself:
"Oh my God, what did I just see."

"Boss, you and that young man are simply not human beings."

"Luckily I didn't give him a hard fight."

Wu Fu over there also murmured to himself:
"Mr. Lang, I was wrong. I shouldn't have been so willful and let you fight that man."

"We almost ended up together."

Liu Dashan on the side looked enthusiastic and murmured:

" this the power of the sixth level of martial arts?"

Then he turned to look at Yuan Shouwei and asked enthusiastically:

"Alang, is this the power of the sixth level of martial arts?"

Yuan Shouwei had gone through the initial shock at this time, dusted off the dust that didn't exist on his body, and said lightly:
"The sixth level of martial arts is not that powerful."

"This should be the result of a strong collision between me and the person opposite."

"I call it 'the moment of youth'."

At this time, there was a huge gap of hundreds of feet on the official road. Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi were on both sides of the gap.

Seeing that the terrible thing had disappeared, Yuan Shou took the lead in dispelling the Longyu.

He looked at Wu Fu beside him and asked softly:
"Zhao'er, do you still want to continue?"

Wu Fu did not reply immediately, but first turned to look at his family members who were still pale behind him, shook his head and said:
"Lang Jun, let them go."

"If the quarrel continues, something big will happen."

Yuan Shouwei also followed her gaze and looked at everyone, nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll go tell them."

After finishing speaking, Tiyun used his strength and stood in the sky above the chasm. Looking towards the opposite side of the earth wall, Cao Ziyi, who was looking around and observing, said loudly:

"I've been fighting for a long time, but I still don't know what to call this gentleman?"

"Now it's a tie between us. This matter is over. You can go."

(End of this chapter)

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