Chapter 360

At this time, Cao Ziyi was at the end of his strength. Seeing that Yuan Shouwei was still full of energy, he couldn't help but secretly marveled:
Where did this person come from? His moves were so exquisite that he was tied with me just after he advanced.

And judging from his posture, he seemed to be at ease. If he hit me again, I really wouldn't be able to fight back.

Now after listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say goodbye.

Then I heard Song Yong say:
"How can it be that officials and family members like you can inquire about my boss's name?"

"It's over today. But it's not over yet. We'll still have to get back on track if we have the chance in the future."

The sound was so loud that it shook the whole country. As the saying goes, losers do not lose.

The angry Cao Ziyi kicked Song Yong hard and said angrily:

"If you can't speak, shut up."

Here he raised his hands to Yuan Shouwei in the air and said:

"Let Mr. Lang laugh, my name is Cao Ziyi."

"I haven't asked Mr. Lang's name yet."

Cao Ziyi?I have never heard of it. Yuan Shou bowed his hands to Cao Ziyi out of politeness and said:
"Long time, long time."

"My name is Yuan Shouwei."

After hearing Yuan Shouwei's name, Cao Ziyi was surprised and asked in confusion:
"But Yuan Shou, who rides on a phoenix to destroy locusts and saves the world's common people, is Yuan Tianshi?"

Yuan Shouwei was proud, but his face was calm, and he said lightly:

"it's me."

"A mere byway is not worth mentioning."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard another sound of horse hooves behind him. He turned around and saw more than 20 menacing men approaching not far behind him.

The leader was none other than Zhou Quan. He saw Cao Ziyi, Song Yong and the Wu family members confronting each other from a distance. The official road was in a mess. He couldn't help but feel anxious. He pulled out the weapon in his hand and shouted:
"Boss, but the situation has changed?"

His words couldn't help but cause another commotion in the Wu family who had just calmed down. How could such a person have an ambush?
When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart. He didn't expect that there were so many people on the other side. From this point of view, it would be difficult for me to protect everyone.

As soon as I thought of this, I heard Cao Ziyi over there shouting loudly:

"Sanlang, I misunderstood, that is the famous Yuan Shou who saved countless people as Yuan Tianshi."

"You all put away your weapons, dismount and greet Master Yuan Tianshi."

Zhou Quan was a little confused after listening to it. What exactly happened here?
Why is Yuan Tianshi and the Wu family together?
Didn’t the boss say that the Wu family will not be killed today?Why is this fight so lively?
But he had a steady temperament. After listening to Cao Ziyi's instructions, he immediately asked people to dismount, put their weapons aside, and showed Yuan Shouwei a courtesy from a distance.

Cao Ziyi saw them all coming over and knew that the battle between him and Yuan Shouwei was making too much noise.

Since Zhou Quan and the others were able to come, the officers and soldiers should arrive soon, so it would be better to leave quickly.

Just when he thought of this, he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves behind him. He turned around and saw that the Tang army guarding the cemetery had arrived.

When Song Yong saw this situation, he couldn't help being shocked and said in a low voice:

"It's broken, brother."

"Tang Jun is here, we have to leave quickly."

This was immediately heard clearly by everyone.

Cao Ziyi glared at Song Yong fiercely and said to himself: If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute.

Just as they were about to join Zhou Quan and the others, they heard the sound of arrows whizzing, and dozens of arrows were already falling in front of them.

Someone shouted in my ears:

"The thieves from there actually dare to cause trouble in Jiang Xiangling." "Hurry up and put down your weapons and capture them without mercy."

Cao Ziyi screamed in his heart, this time it was really bad.

Not to mention the strength of the general on the opposite side, Yuan Shouwei and the hundreds of Tang troops were able to wipe out Song Yong and the others right here.

I can fight my way out and escape, but how can I leave my brothers behind?

When he was crying secretly, he saw Yuan Shouwei had fallen from the sky, blocked the two of them, and said loudly:
"General Sun Hua, I am Yuan Shouwei. There is no thief. There may be some misunderstanding."

As his words fell to the ground, the galloping Tang Army suddenly stopped. When the smoke fell to the ground, Sun Hua in front of him said "Huh" and said to himself:
"National teacher? What's going on?"

"Oh my god, this gap, this... what's going on with this gap?"

He was about to dismount and ask about the situation when he heard the sound of rapid horse hooves on both sides of the official road.

As the smoke cleared, two more Tang troops appeared, each with at least a thousand troops.

The first two generals were Xue Rengui and Qixin Heli.

When Cao Ziyi saw this, his heart could not help but feel completely cold.

Let alone Song Yong and the others, they can't escape this time. Even if I fight to the death, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight my way out.

Song Yong next to him couldn't help but get excited when he saw this. He was about to lower his voice to speak, but suddenly Yuan Shouwei pointed at him and said:

"You shut up and don't talk."

"Leave it to me."

He looked at the surrounding environment, jumped directly onto the earth wall behind him, bowed to Xue Rengui and the others, and said:

"Everyone, generals, I was accompanying the family members of the state to offer sacrifices, and on the way back, I suddenly had an enlightenment."

"I was promoted from the fifth-level martial arts realm to the sixth-level, but I didn't expect that there would be a lot of noise and it would cause trouble for everyone."

"Please forgive me."

The three of them all felt the sudden gathering of spiritual power here and thought something big had happened, so they dared to come here in a hurry. Only after listening to Yuan Shouwei's explanation did they understand what was going on.

They all dismounted and arrived in front of the chasm. They first looked into the chasm and then looked south.

After confirming the distance, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Is this the strength of the sixth level of martial arts?
Xue Rengui thought to himself: Is the sixth level of martial arts so strong?Why can't I do it?The Imperial Master was obviously hiding something.But everyone keeps their own secrets, so I’ll just pretend to be stupid.

Qi Xin He Li thought to himself: I have always heard Xue Dalang say how powerful the national master is. This time I have really seen it. It is indeed not rubbish.

Sun Hua thought to himself: So this is the strength of the sixth level of martial arts. It seems that in the future, he should get closer to the national master.

After the three of them read it, Xue Rengui and Qixin Heli didn't say anything.

When Sun Hua looked at Song Yong and the others, he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart, and asked:
"National Master, it seems that this person was not in the team when he was offering sacrifices just now?"

Seeing him looking at him, Song Yong was about to explain, but Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi both scolded him:

"You, shut up."

Yuan Shouwei explained:

"These are all the good brothers I collected in Liaocheng. They came to join me along with Liu Dashan."

"We all came together, but they are outsiders after all, so I asked them to wait here at Ximen for a while."

After finishing speaking here, Wu Fu and Liu Dashan came over to prove it.

(End of this chapter)

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