Chapter 361 The mastermind is she, not you

Seeing this, Sun Hua no longer had any doubts, but instead held up his hands and explained to Yuan Shouwei:
"It's my responsibility. Please forgive me, National Master."

Yuan Shouwei smiled to express his understanding, pointed to the huge gap, and said apologetically:
"As for the destruction of official roads, it has also caused a lot of inconvenience to everyone."

"Please also ask General Sun to bury the official road first."

"In other places, I will also go to the Ministry of Industry to explain and discuss compensation issues."

Sun Hua heard this and waved his hands repeatedly:

"Leave the little things to me, no need to trouble the Imperial Master."

After saying that, he began to greet the soldiers in the cemetery and asked them to fill in the official road first to avoid any accidents.

Seeing this, Wu Fu quickly gave Sun Hua a few gold coins to express his gratitude.

Xue Rengui and Qixin Heli saw that the matter had been settled, so they said goodbye and left.

Cao Ziyi and the others were also silent and followed Yuan Shouwei and his party for two or three miles before saying goodbye and leaving.

Before leaving, Cao Ziyi said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Cao Ziyi thanked Yuan Tianshi for saving his life."

"I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, I will definitely repay you, so I say goodbye."

Yuan Shouwei also smiled and said goodbye to them.

After watching them walk away, Wu Fu frowned and said:

"What are the origins of these people? Why did that big black guy spit on my grave?"

Yuan Shouwei said:

"Looking at the way they look, they must have a grudge against your father. Let's find someone to investigate the origins of this group of people first."

"But these people are not bad people. It can be seen from their words and deeds."

"They should not be the same group as those who murdered you."

Wu Fu nodded and said:

"You're right. It's not a good time to have too many grudges. Let's investigate first."

Yuan Shouwei continued to escort the Wu family to Chang'an City.

But now Yang's attitude towards him has changed greatly. In the past, he was just close to him, but now after seeing Yuan Shouwei's strength, he has a little more trust.

The way other people looked at Yuan Shouwei also changed a lot. They used to be afraid, but now they are shocked and frightened.

Yuan Shouwei didn't take it seriously and sent them all back to Wu Mansion before returning to Beiming Mountain.

When lighting the lamp in the evening, Yuan Shouwei, who was comprehending the sixth level of martial arts in the back mountain, suddenly saw Liu Dashan coming, carrying a tied-up man in his hand.

Yuan Shouwei was taken aback, looked at Liu Dashan and asked:
"Da Shan, why are you here at this time?"

"Who is this that you are carrying in your hand?"

Liu Dashan threw the man in his hand on the ground fiercely and said:
"Alang, this man's name is Li Ying, and he is a servant of Changping County Duke Zhang Liang. Cao Ziyi and the others were ordered by him to kill Wu Fu and his family."

After saying that, he took out a piece of paper and handed it to Yuan Shouwei. Yuan Shouwei read the content. It was just a few simple, no-brainer sentences, which meant that someone was deceived by Li Ying and planned to harm the samurai protector's family. .The scam was later discovered.

Yuan Shouwei naturally understood what was going on.

It turns out that Cao Ziyi really wants to kill Wu Fu and his family today.

Fortunately, I went with him today, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei suddenly felt like he was in trouble and picked up Li Ying.

Pulling off all the ropes on his body, the black cloth on his eyes, and the rags in his mouth, he looked at him and said:
"Li Ying, tell me, why did you want to murder Wu Fu?" Li Ying was still a little confused at this moment, looking at Yuan Shouwei in front of him in a daze.

He had a spy near Jiang Xiangling, but he was far away and didn't hear what they were saying.

But the battle between Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi, as well as the final appearance of the Tang army and the Wu family leaving unscathed, were all clearly seen.

Knowing something was wrong, he quickly told Li Ying.

Li Ying understood that the matter had been exposed, so he took out his prepared luggage and prepared to leave Chang'an. Unexpectedly, he was knocked unconscious just after leaving the courtyard. When he woke up, he saw an angry Yuan Shouwei in front of him.

When he heard Yuan Shouwei's question, he thought about what happened again. He knew that he was on the verge of death, so he might as well fight to the end.

He also snorted coldly and said:
"Hmph, that Zhang Shenji and I are life and death brothers."

"Wu Fu harmed him, so naturally I want to avenge him."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei sneered and said:
"One of your servants is friends with Zhang Liang's son. Why do I not believe it?"

"Then let me ask you, who is the woman who went to Fuying Temple to find Kongan? Who introduced you to Zhu Xiuren?"

"Now that you've been arrested, do you think these things are not easy to investigate?"

"If you don't say anything, believe it or not, I will kill you right now?"

When Liu Dashan next to him saw this, he quickly stepped forward to stop Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Alang, calm down. He is the only clue now. Don't be impulsive."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also realized that he was a little reckless. He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and began to think carefully.

First of all, the person who tied up Li Ying and threw him into Liu Dashan's house was not an outsider, it must have been Cao Ziyi and his group.

Going forward further, when Wu Yuanqing came to Chang'an, he must have received a notification from someone, and he came to Chang'an suddenly.

Could this person be Li Ying?

It's unlikely, because Li Ying's identity is destined not to have such great energy?
And that Zhu Xiuren, how did Li Ying find this evil way?How did you invite him?
It is certainly not realistic to rely on him alone.

Continuing to push forward, Fuying Temple Kongan, that mysterious woman.

Is there a possibility that Li Ying is taking the blame for someone else?

Or is it to take the blame for that mysterious woman?
Yuan Shouwei thought about all this carefully, and his thoughts gradually became clear. Li Ying was not the culprit, and there must be someone else behind the scenes.

Could it be Zhang Liang?
It seems unlikely, because Zhang Liang is a selfish person. Compared with an illegitimate son and his wealth, the latter is obviously more important.

Who could it be?
Yuan Shouwei looked at Li Ying in front of him, who was concentrating with his eyes closed, and he slowly had an idea in his mind.

He first used his clairvoyance to check Li Ying's body, and sure enough, there was a golden talisman at his heart with a cluster of flames painted on it.

After seeing this, he felt reassured and secretly laughed at Li Ying, "It's a shame that you have to protect others, I'm afraid they have already regarded you as an abandoned son."

After thinking of this, he sat down in front of Li Ying and said straight to the point:
"Li Ying, there is a woman behind you. She is the mastermind, not you."

"Do you think you can protect her if you don't say anything and resist everything?"

"But let me tell you, your whereabouts cannot be concealed. With whom you went to Fuying Temple, and with whom you went to find Zhu Xiuren, you will know these things once you find out."

After saying this, he saw that although Li Ying did not speak, his dry face was gently pulled, and he knew that what he said was effective.

Then he continued:

"To put it another way, you have to take the blame for others, but do they really care about your loyalty?"

"How did Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren die? You should know very well, right?"

After he finished saying this, he saw that although Li Ying had his eyes closed, the eyes under his eyelids were obviously moving around, obviously making guesses.

(End of this chapter)

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