Chapter 362 The ants are still greedy for life
After seeing this situation, Yuan Shouwei became more and more aware, and slowly said:

"Since that person can make them self-immolate, he can also make you self-immolate."

"You have such a charm in your body now."

"And only I can help you remove the spell from your body."

As soon as he said this, Li Ying, who had been pretending to be dead, suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"How do you know that my body has a self-igniting charm?"

Since you opened your mouth, this matter will be easy to handle. Now Yuan Shouwei was not in a hurry. He said slowly:

"When I was in the Western Regions, I accidentally learned the Buddhist celestial eye."

"It's not very sophisticated, but it's still a small problem when it comes to seeing through the human body."

"Not only did I see a talisman in your body, but I also saw old injuries and blood accumulation in your lungs. This blood accumulation was caused when you were a child. Whenever the weather is cold, you should cough from time to time. For a while, it’s not life-threatening, but it’s difficult to treat.”

After hearing this, Li Ying was shocked in his heart.

He wasn't sure if there was a charm inside him.

But there was blood accumulation in the lungs, but I had seen more than one doctor, and Yuan Shouwei said exactly the same thing.

The reason for this is that when he was a child, he was severely beaten by his tribe when fighting for family property, which caused this hidden disease.

He had already half believed it in his heart, and he was secretly angry:
You're such a good Li, I risked my life to avenge you, but you actually want to harm me in turn.If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust.

They are all smart people, and there is no need to go around in circles.

Li Ying said directly:

"Then how can you help me remove the talisman from my body?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at him coldly and said:
"It can be taken out with a vajra, but it won't be until tomorrow."

After hearing this, Li Ying couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and said:

"I suddenly disappeared. Aren't you afraid that I will be framed tonight and burn myself to death?"

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but sneered and said:

"It's you who should be afraid, not me."

"Now that I know it's you, even if you die, I can still follow the clues to investigate."

"More you are just more witnesses."

After Li Ying thought for a moment, he knew that Yuan Shouwei was telling the truth, and couldn't help but said anxiously:
"Master Dao, as long as you save me, I will not only tell you everything, but also be willing to testify."

By this time, he had been completely manipulated.

Yuan Shouwei also smiled with satisfaction in his heart and took him directly back to the back house.

After tying him up again, he immediately cast a forbidden spell, covering the entire room.

Just when the forbidden curse was spread under Li Ying, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Then he said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Taoist Master, don't worry. If you ask me to leave at this time, I won't leave."

Yuan Shouwei was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned around and left.

As for Cao Ziyi and the others, they were already heading towards Shangzhou on horseback.

On the way, Song Yong asked with some confusion:

"Boss, why did you kidnap Li Ying and hand him over to Yuan Shouwei?"

"If this happens, won't we be exposed?"

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi glanced at Song Yong with relief and said:
"Not bad, Erlang. You already know how to use your brain."

Then he glanced at the people surrounding him and said:

"Actually, from the time you took over this job, the ending has already been doomed."

"We hand Li Ying over to Yuan Shouwei, and he will confess us, and we will be traced by the government."

"Similarly. Even if we leave directly, it is only a matter of time before Yuan Shouwei finds out where Li Ying is, and we will still be traced by the government."

Hearing Cao Ziyi's tongue-twister words, Song Yong's IQ who had just been online quickly went offline, and then asked in a little confusion:

"Since we will all be traced by the government, why tie up Li Ying? Isn't it unnecessary to take off his pants and fart?"

Several people around him also looked at Cao Ziyi with doubtful expressions.Cao Ziyi smiled and said:


"Yuan Shouwei saved us today, and we must repay his kindness."

"Giving Li Ying to Yuan Shouwei is a way of repaying today's kindness."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that Song Yong gave Cao Ziyi a thumbs up in admiration and said:

"My brother is still smarter."

On the other hand, Zhou Quan looked apologetically and said:

"Brother, it's all my fault."

"I shouldn't have taken this up for you."

"Now even the family properties in Bianliang City can't be saved."

Song Yong also understood what Zhou Quan meant at this time, and said with a guilty look on his face:

"Sanlang, I don't blame you for this, it's all my opinion."

"Well, those family properties in Bianliang don't matter. It's just a pity that we have worked hard for so many years."

Cao Ziyi said emotionally:

"Nonsense, how can it be your fault? You are trying to avenge me. I thank my brothers for not having time."

"Besides, money is an external possession. If we lose it, we can earn it again."

"Let's go back to Bianliang first, let the brothers pack their things and leave. The big ship sails away, and the small ship is scuttled. Don't leave any clues to the Tang army."

Everyone was secretly moved when they saw Cao Ziyi like this, knowing that he was with the right brother.

Song Yong also walked up to Cao Ziyi and asked:

"Boss, where are we going?"

Cao Ziyi laughed loudly and said:

"With our brothers' ability, we can't reach anywhere in the world."

"We can go and see Dengzhou and Liaodong."

The next day, Beiming Mountain.

Liu Dashan took the vajra back from Wu Fu a long time ago.

Yuan Shouwei came to Li Ying's room with him, only to see him lying on the bed with a tired and listless face, obviously he had not slept all night.

When he saw Yuan Shouwei coming in, he immediately jumped up and wanted to greet them.

But when he reached the edge of the forbidden curse, he stopped again and explained in a loud voice:

"Taoist Priest, ants are still greedy for life. This is also my instinct."

Yuan Shouwei gave him a cold look, asked him to take off his shirt, sat there cross-legged, turned the vajra to the five-legged position, and began to recite scriptures.

As the scriptures were recited, Li Ying felt that his whole body was enveloped in a white light, and his whole body felt as if he was bathing in the warm winter sun, making him lazy and unwilling to move.

The chaotic thoughts in my mind also began to be expelled.

The hidden disease in his lungs was like an extra little hand gently caressing him. Unknowingly, the congestion had dissipated in his body.

And at the position of his heart, there was a golden spell that began to slowly appear on the surface of his skin.

With Yuan Shouwei's chanting, the spell gradually became clearer, and finally got out of Li Ying's body and attached to his chest.

Li Ying looked down at the talisman and finally believed Yuan Shouwei's words.

Also knelt down in front of Yuan Shouwei with a 'plop' and said:

"Thank you, Taoist Priest, for your help. The person behind my instructions is Mr. Li, that Zhang Liang's Xu Xian."

Then he told Yuan Shouwei everything.

(End of this chapter)

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