Chapter 363

Yuan Shouwei also understood everything instantly.

The reason was that Zhang Shenji hurt innocent children, and Wu Fu killed him with poison to avenge the children.

And because of the death of his face, Li wanted to kill Wu Yan to avenge him.

First, he seduced Kong An and used the double-faced Buddha to frame Wu Fu.

After the failure, Wu Yuanqing was asked to return to Chang'an to lead the dragon, and Zhu Xiuren was found by Zhang Liang for Li Shi.

After another failure, Li Ying felt grateful for Li's kindness to him, so he took the initiative to find Cao Ziyi, Dou Jiande's descendant, and asked them to kill Wu Fu's family.

And Cao Ziyi gave up revenge for some reason. It was just because of Song Yong's willfulness that he and Cao Ziyi had a big fight.

In order to repay his life-saving grace, Cao Ziyi kidnapped Li Ying and sent him here as a favor.

But there is still a question: This Zhu Xiuren is the senior fellow apprentice of Ding Xiude and Jiang Xiuhong. Do the three of them have any connection with Zhang Liang?
Where did these three people learn the Thousand Immortal Banners?Could it be related to that Counselor Sun from Liaocheng?

After thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei asked again:
"Li Ying, what Taoist skills does Zhu Xiuren know?"

After Li Ying finished speaking, he asked again:
"Have you ever seen him use the Thousand Immortal Banners?"

After that, he described the appearance of the Qianxian Banner.

After Li Ying recalled it carefully for a while, he shook his head firmly and said:
"No. At least I haven't seen him use anything like this."

Yuan Shouwei asked again:
"Zhang Liang was not involved in the several murders of Wu Fu?"

Li Ying answered truthfully:
"No. As far as I know, that Zhu Xiuren was introduced to Madam by him, but it was Madam's soft-heartedness that made him agree."

"Furthermore, after the failure to lure the dragon, the lady asked him for help again and again, but he did not agree."

Yuan Shouwei thought secretly:

So Zhang Liang did not participate in this matter, and according to everyone's understanding of Zhang Liang, he did not have the intelligence to strategize behind the scenes.

But could it be that the relationship between Zhu Xiuren and his three fellow apprentices was just a coincidence?This obviously doesn't make sense.

Although there is no evidence, we must take more precautions against this person in the future.

After thinking of this, he asked Zhang Dashan to bring a pen and paper, write down the several situations in which Li framed Wu Fu, and the situation in which Zhang Liang found Taoist priests to lure the dragon to Li, and asked Li Ying to sign and sign it.

After finishing this, he said to Zhang Dashan:

"Da Shan, let's go. Take Li Ying and let's go to Chang'an."

Zhang Dashan responded and asked casually:

"Alang, are you going to hand over Li Ying to Li Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment?"

Yuan Shouwei said a few words directly from between his teeth:

"No, see His Majesty and file a complaint."

Zhang Dashan couldn't help being surprised after hearing this and asked:

"Alang, there are rules for everything. Isn't it appropriate for you to go directly to His Majesty like this?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei sneered and said:

"If other people are involved, I will naturally follow the rules."

"But when it comes to Zhao'er, don't blame me for killing her, Mrs. Li."

"And His Majesty will understand why I complained directly to him."

After speaking, he faced Li Ying and gritted his teeth and said:
"I will take you to the palace to see His Majesty now. As long as you report truthfully, I will save your life."

"If you dare to be mean, I will make you a hundred times more miserable than burning yourself to death."

Li Ying had seen Yuan Shouwei's methods, so he nodded and agreed in fright.

The three of them descended from Beiming Mountain and rode horses all the way to the palace. Yuan Shouwei showed his fish charm and said he wanted to meet His Majesty.

According to Yuan Shouwei's identity, if he were alone, the guarding imperial army would have let him in.

But since he brought two other unrelated people with him, the Forbidden Army could not make the decision.

He asked him to wait in the side hall and hurried to the palace to report. It took half an hour before he came back to report. His Majesty asked Yuan Shouwei to go to Yanying Hall to see him.Under the leadership of the imperial guards, Yuan Shouwei went all the way to Yanying Hall. After waiting for the report from the Qianniu Guards on duty, Yuan Shouwei took the two of them into the hall.

Li Shimin was working on the paperwork. He raised his head when he heard footsteps, and when he saw Yuan Shouwei, he smiled and waved to him, asking him to come to him, and said:

"National Master, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have come to the palace to see me."

"Is there something important?"

It was the first time for Liu Dashan and Li Ying to see the emperor. They would follow behind Yuan Shouwei, and they had already fallen to their knees involuntarily, not daring to lift their heads.

Looking at Yuan Shouwei, he approached Li Shimin with a calm demeanor, bowed his head and said:
"Yuan Shouwei pays homage to His Majesty."

"To be honest with you, Your Majesty, I came to the palace this time to file a complaint."

Li Shimin couldn't help but become interested and asked:
"Who offended the Imperial Master? He actually forced you to come to me to complain?"

Yuan Shouwei bowed his head again and said:

"Yuan Shouwei sued Changping County Duke Zhang Liang and his wife Li."

"One, accuse her of seducing Monk Kong'an of Fuying Temple and using a double-faced Buddha to frame Wu Fu."

"Second, accuse her of colluding with Wu Yuanqing and using the Yinlong case to frame Wu Fu again."

"Three, accuse her of instigating her subordinates to collude with the rebels in an attempt to kill Wu Yan and his family."

"Fourth, accuse Zhang Liang of secretly arranging evil ways for Li to frame Wu Fu."

"We have all the witnesses and physical evidence."

After saying that, he held the testimony signed by Li Ying in front of him.

At the same time that Yuan Shouwei entered the palace, at Zhang Liang's home, Mrs. Li was hurriedly going to the main hall to ask Zhang Liang for help in finding Li Ying.

It turns out that she has been paying attention to this matter. When the Jingjie drum was playing yesterday, a servant reported to her that Wu Fu's family had returned from the sacrifice.

She knew the plan had failed, and quickly asked someone to go find Li Ying and ask about the situation.

But they found that the door of Li Ying's house was locked and the person was nowhere to be found.

Could it be that Li Ying absconded because he was afraid that the matter would be exposed?

After thinking of this, Li Shi was also scared. She was afraid that Li Ying would be caught and confessed to herself, so she hurried to Zhang Zhangliang and asked him to find a way to get Li Ying back first.

After arriving at the main hall, she saw Zhang Liang sitting there blankly, and said sadly:

"Alang, something bad has happened. Li Ying is missing."

After hearing this, Zhang Liang said nonchalantly:

"What are you talking about? Didn't you remove his possession? He definitely can't be by your side every day."

Li shook her head repeatedly and told Zhang Liang everything she and Li Ying had done.

When Zhang Liang heard that she asked Li Ying to contact Cao Ziyi, his expression had changed.

When he heard that they wanted Cao Ziyi to kill Wu Fu's family, Zhang Liang's body suddenly started shaking like chaff.

Without waiting for Mrs. Li to finish speaking, she kicked over the low table in front of her and yelled at Mrs. Li:
"You bitch, are you crazy? You dare to collude with the rebels."

"Do you know what this crime is? This is a serious crime of confiscating a house and committing treason."

"You want to die, why bother me?"

After saying that, he stood up, turned around and picked up a horizontal knife on the weapon rack, and said viciously:
"I'll kill you right now, you troublemaking bitch."

Mrs. Li had never seen Zhang Liang get so angry. Now he saw him charging at her with a horizontal knife, and he also sat on the ground and started throwing things.
"You are a dead soldier slave. I married you because you were brave and manly. Who knew you were such a good-looking guy that you have made me a widow for so many years."

"You're a coward. You didn't dare to take revenge after your son died. I'm a woman and I'm looking for someone to take revenge. Instead of helping me, you want to kill me."

"Okay, if you dare, kill me now. I don't want to live anymore anyway."

After saying that, he ran directly into Zhang Liang's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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