Chapter 364 Put on Death Row

Seeing her like this, Zhang Liang became a little timid. He threw away the horizontal knife in his hand, kicked Ms. Li to the ground, and ordered to the audience with a look of disgust:

"Come here, drag Madam down for me and keep a close eye on her."

"She is not allowed to contact anyone without my order."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly walked to the backyard and came to the small courtyard to discuss with the man.

When the man heard that Li asked Cao Ziyi to kill Wu Fu's family, he couldn't help being shocked and said angrily:
"This idiot really has no brains at all."

"If she continues like this, she will drag you to death. Sooner or later, our affairs will be discovered."

"This person can't stay here no matter what."

After Zhang Liang heard this, he hesitated for a moment and then said murderously:

"Okay, I'm going to kill her now."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

The man in the shadow had already passed the initial shock, sighed, and said in a way:

"Wait a moment, tell me what happened first."

"The top priority now is to keep you safe. You can kill that woman anytime."

Only then did Zhang Liang stop, and told the man what Mrs. Li had told him.

After the man pondered for a moment, he spoke again:

"If you think about it carefully, you were not involved in anything other than providing her with a Taoist priest in the murder of Wu Fu."

"Li Ying disappeared for two reasons: one was that he fled out of fear of crime after failing to kill Wu Fu's family; the other was that he had been arrested."

"But no matter which way Li is exposed, it is a matter of time, because even if there is no evidence, if we follow the clues of Li Ying, we will find Li sooner or later."

"You can let someone control Mrs. Li now and go to the palace to plead guilty. Remember, as long as you can save your own life, just delay it for as long as this time. After all, our plan has already begun."

Zhang Liang asked with some anxiety:
"Is it possible? That bitch and I are members of the same family. She committed a capital crime, and I will definitely not be able to recover."

The man smiled slightly and said:

"When you get to the palace, you can completely admit your guilt. Just say that the son of the person who died does not want revenge."

"This is human nature. When I sentence you to a crime, I will naturally give you a lighter sentence."

Zhang Liang was overjoyed to hear this and said repeatedly:
"That's the way it is, that's the way it is."

"I'll go now."

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, looked at the man and asked:

"What should I do about Li Ying? Just ignore him? I'm afraid he'll bite everywhere."

The man said with a confident look:
"Even if he is caught by the government, at most he will be involved with the Li family."

"On the contrary, it strengthens the evidence that you were not involved."

"Besides, Mr. Cheng has already implanted a talisman in his body. You can kill him anytime you want. Everything is still under our control."

After Zhang Liang heard this, he no longer had any doubts, turned around and left the house, and hurried to the palace.

At this time, in the palace, Li Shimin had already finished reading Li Ying's confession.

He suppressed his anger and asked Li Ying, who was kneeling on the ground, to describe the situation again. He couldn't hold back his anger anymore, and slammed it on the desk with a 'bang', shouting:
"Wan Cong, lead the Yu Lin Army to Zhang Liang's house and capture him for me."

Wan Cong, who was waiting on the side, also responded and hurried out of the hall.

But just after a cup of tea, he walked in again with a strange expression and said to Li Shimin:

"Your Majesty, Duke Changping is already waiting outside the palace, saying he is here to apologize to Your Majesty."

Li Shimin couldn't help but think of the last time Zhang Liang begged him, snorted coldly from his nose and said:
"He is quick to see an opportunity. Ask him to get in here. This time the witnesses and physical evidence are here. What else can he say?"

While he was talking, Zhang Liang hurried in with small steps. When he saw Yuan Shouwei and Li Ying in the hall,
My heart thumped at first, Yuan Shouwei had really captured Li Ying.

After a second thought, I was secretly grateful. Fortunately, I came to see His Majesty in time, and there was still room for maneuver.

Thinking of this, he also fell to his knees and said loudly to Li Shimin:

"The guilty minister Zhang Liang pays homage to His Majesty." "The guilty minister just heard today that the Li family, a humble concubine, colluded with the rebels to kill Duke Ying's family."

"My lax control almost led to a disaster. I beg your Majesty to hold me accountable."

Li Shimin snorted coldly and said:

"Did you just hear it today?"

"Then where is Mrs. Li now? How did you deal with her?"

Zhang Liang quickly replied:
"I really just heard about it today."

"Mr. Li came to me today and mentioned the disappearance of my servant Li Ying. Only then did I know what was going on. It was like a thunderbolt, so I quickly asked someone to imprison Ms. Li and keep me under strict supervision."

"Then I quickly came to the palace to apologize to His Majesty."

Li Shimin then asked:

"How dare you say you don't know about the matter of seducing the dragon demon Zhu Xiuren?"

After Zhang Liang heard this, he was silent for a while, and then suddenly burst into tears:
"Your Majesty, my son is dead. After all, he is my own flesh and blood."

"I'm a coward. I don't dare to take revenge after I die. I can only do some tricks behind my back."

"I know my crime and am willing to accept any punishment."

As soon as he said this, everyone in the hall felt that this was indeed human nature. Whose son died and did not want to seek revenge from his enemies.

On the contrary, he didn't even dare to fart, which was not normal behavior.

Li Shimin's expression also changed slightly, and he asked again:
"Do you know about Kong An's frame-up of Wu Fu?"

Zhang Liang immediately stopped denying it and said:
"I don't know."

Li Shimin looked at Li Ying and said:

"Li Ying, tell me, does Zhang Liang know about this?"

"I am here to make the decision for you today. If everything you say is true, I will give you a way to survive."

"If you dare to speak half a lie, you will surely die."

Li Ying was already panicking in the hall, and Zhang Liang's arrival put even more pressure on him. He said tremblingly:
"My master, no, Mr. Zhang really doesn't know."

Li Shimin continued to ask:
"Did Zhang Liang know about colluding with the rebels?"

When he asked this question, Zhang Liang couldn't help but become frightened. He was really afraid that Li Ying would frame him. Just as he was about to open his mouth to defend himself, Li Shimin pointed at his nose and said:

"Zhang Liang, if you dare to say a word now, I will put you on death row right now."

Then he looked at Li Ying and shouted:

"Tell it, tell it like it is."

Li Ying was trembling, sweating profusely and said:

"According to Li, she heard Mr. Zhang tell her about the rebel Cao Ziyi after he was drunk."

"Everything else was ordered by Mrs. Li."

"Everything the villain said is true. If there is any lie, your Majesty, please punish me now."

After Li Shimin heard this, his expression became much more relaxed.

He and Yuan Shouwei focused on different angles. Yuan Shouwei focused on Wu Fu's life and death, while he focused on the rebels.

Now that the matter had been completely clarified, Li Shimin immediately ordered:

"Wan Cong, convey my will."

"Kong'an framed the Princess of Tang Dynasty and it has been found out. Although she is dead, her crime cannot be escaped. Her body was cleared out of Fuying Temple and exposed in the wilderness."

"Fuying Temple was not strict with the monks and ordered them to close the temple for three months to reflect on their mistakes."

Wan Cong recorded them all.

(End of this chapter)

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