Chapter 365 Endless War

Li Shimin went on to say:

"Order the Criminal Department to immediately apprehend Cao Ziyi and the rebels. They must see their bodies alive and their bodies dead."

"The Li family colluded with demon monks, demon Taoists, and rebels to kill Yingguo Gong's family members in advance, so he can order the Ministry of Punishment not to arrest Li family in Dali Temple and put him on death row. After the secret is revealed, he will be executed on a selected day."

"All Li's family were consigned to lowly status and were exiled for three thousand miles."

"My servant Li Ying took the initiative to surrender to the police. He was spared the death penalty and was exiled for three thousand miles."

After saying all this, he looked at Zhang Liang who was crying with a complicated expression, and said cruelly:
"Zhang Liang allowed his wife to commit crimes and was lax in discipline. Starting today, he will be removed from all official positions, deprived of all titles, and demoted to a commoner."

"He can be taken to Dali Temple Minister Liu Dewei for strict investigation. After it is found out whether he has colluded with the rebels, he will be executed according to Tang law."

"The above decree shall be submitted to the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China for their implementation as soon as possible."

Wan Cong hurriedly finished writing the decree, handed it to Li Shimin, waited for him to read and sign, then turned and left.

When Li Yingwen heard that he had survived, he couldn't help but feel energetic and kowtowed repeatedly to thank him.

After Zhang Liang heard his verdict, he also breathed a sigh of relief. He and Cao Ziyi did not collude, but he was not afraid of investigation.

From the current point of view, as long as one can save one's life, there is still a chance to turn around.

Kowtow again and again to thank you.

After Yuan Shouwei heard the result, he nodded slightly.

The culprit, Li Shi, was sentenced to death, and the Minister of the Ministry of War was demoted to a commoner. This is the best result that can be obtained.

It's just that I feel a little sorry for Cao Ziyi. Although there was a reason for the incident, it still caused him to suffer a lot. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely compensate him.

Thinking of this, he also thanked the Chief Executive:
"Yuan Shou thanks His Majesty for punishing the culprit and bringing justice to the Wu family."

At this time, apart from the Qianniu Guards on duty, only Li Shimin and Yuan Shouwei were left in the palace.

After listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, Li Shimin also said with a somewhat tired look:

"Thank you for what I did. I just did what I should do. Fortunately, you protected Wu Fu's family. If something happened to their family, how could I be worthy of Duke Ying, who is under the influence of Jiuquan."

"I just awarded Zhao'er a reward a few days ago. It's not appropriate to reward him again now."

"There is a house in Yankangfang. I asked Guanyin's maidservant to go to Mrs. Ying Guogong and give them the house. It is also an expression of my apology."

Yuan Shouwei bowed his head again to express his gratitude.

Seeing that Li Shimin was not in good spirits, and after comforting him, he left the palace with Liu Dashan who was waiting outside the palace.

He asked Liu Dashan to inform Zhongqing, and he himself went to Yuan Tiangang and asked everyone to meet at Wu Yan's house, and he wanted to tell everyone about it.

In the main hall of Wufu Xiaoyuan, Yuan Shouwei saw that everyone had arrived, and then he told everyone the whole cause and effect of the incident.

After Yuan Shouwei finished speaking, Wu Fu's pink face turned purple with anger, and he said angrily:
"It turns out this bitch is behind this."

"That Zhang Shenji was killed by me, but she didn't harm the wrong person."

"Hmph, fortunately she is in prison now and can live a little longer. If she falls into my hands, I will definitely make her life worse than death."

Zhongqing on the side also said angrily:

"Hmph, I should have known that this woman was a promiscuous woman, and many of her cuckolded Zhang Liang."

"I didn't expect this bitch to be so evil-hearted."

"That's why I didn't catch her. Otherwise, I would have stabbed her several times to avenge the princess."

Yuan Tiangang also let out a sigh of relief and said:

"Anyway, the culprit has been found. Starting with Zhang Yang, Zhang Shenji, and Li; now Zhang Liang has been demoted to a civilian and put in prison."

"It's finally okay. Otherwise, being on guard all day is not an option after all."

Upon hearing this, Zhongqing realized that this was the time to show his wisdom and hurriedly said:
"As far as I know, in addition to Zhang Liang's fake son, he also has a legitimate son named Zhang Shenwei."

"He won't secretly find someone to take revenge on Wu Fu, right?"

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang smiled and said: "I have met Zhang Shenwei several times. He is just a cowardly scholar. Even if he wants to take revenge, he does not have the ability."

"I believe he is thinking of ways to rescue Zhang Liang right now."

After the three of them listened, they felt relieved.

After everyone chatted for a while, Yuan Tiangang and Zhongqing said goodbye and left.

Yuan Shouwei stayed with Wu Fu for a while, and also wanted to say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, Wu Fu stopped him and gave Xuanyuan Sword to him, saying that she didn't need it now and should give it to Yuan Shouwei. After all, he had more uses.

Yuan Shouwei thought about it too. He had just been promoted recently, so he just needed to get acquainted with Xuanyuan swordsmanship, so he took it back and returned to Beiming Mountain before the Jingjie drums were beaten.

On this day, Beiming Mountain welcomed a special guest.

Yuan Shouwei, who was contemplating the sixth level of martial arts in the main hall, saw Lao Li coming to report that his old friend Hou Junji had come to express his gratitude to Yuan Guoshi.

Hou Junji?
Is this your body recovering?
Post-war psychiatric syndrome?
What a person, no, a thing of research value.

Yuan Shouwei hurriedly asked Lao Li to welcome the people in.

It was Hou Junji and his wife who came.

After the two of them entered the main hall, Yuan Shouwei looked at Hou Junji up and down with gleaming eyes. Hou Junji was so embarrassed that he coughed lightly and said with a smile on his face:
"Hou Junji was treated by the imperial master, and now his consciousness has recovered. I am here to express my gratitude."

Mrs. Hou next to her was also a Subai, and said in her mouth:

"I am here with my husband to thank the Imperial Master."

Yuan Shouwei finally came to his senses, and quickly invited the two of them to sit down, saying politely:
"General Hou, that's fine. Just say it. There's no need to go there in person."

Hou Junji sat upright and said seriously:

"Hou Junji is an old man now. The imperial master can just call me father-in-law. I will never dare to be called a general."

"Furthermore, the Imperial Master has given me a great favor, and Hou Junji must come to express his gratitude in person."

"Now that I think about what I did in the past, it's really embarrassing."

Yuan Shouwei spoke to console him:

"It's all in the past, don't mention it again."

"I still want to thank His Majesty for your generosity. He knew that you suffered from post-war psychological syndrome on the battlefield, and he has been asking people to treat you."

Hou Junji said with emotion:

"Yes, His Majesty is so magnanimous and magnanimous. He really has the spirit of an emperor through the ages."

"Now that I think about it, I was just blinded by lard."

Seeing this, Mrs. Hou on the side also scolded lightly:

"The Imperial Master told you not to mention those past events again. Why do you keep mentioning them?"

Yuan Shouwei was afraid of irritating him again, so he smiled and said:

"Yes, Mrs. Hou is right."

"Mr. Hou, please tell me what happened to you in your dream, and give me a reference."

"In the future, if we meet such soldiers again, it will be better to treat them in a targeted manner."

After hearing this, Hou Junji looked forward, his eyes far and deep and said:

"War, endless war."

"In my dream, I was conquering Gaochang and Tuyuhun every day, and I had flashbacks and reappearances."

"I was in anxiety and fear all the time. I was so angry and overwhelmed that I had to kill repeatedly to temporarily get rid of the anxiety and fear."

(End of this chapter)

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